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RICH 2007 6 th International Workshop for Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste – Italy September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste.

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Presentation on theme: "RICH 2007 6 th International Workshop for Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste – Italy September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste."— Presentation transcript:

1 RICH 2007 6 th International Workshop for Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counters September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste – Italy September 15 th – 20 th 2007, Trieste – Italy KM3NeT Towards a km 3 volume neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea Christos Markou National Center for Scientific Research ‘Demokritos’ For the KM3NeT Collaboration

2 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy What is KM3NeT?  Future deep sea research facility  Next generation water Cherenkov neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean  Deep sea infrastructure for associated sciences: Oceanography, Marine Biology, Environmental Science, Geology and Geophysics

3 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy KM3NeT consortium  38 Institutes from 11 European Countries: Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece. Ireland, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Romania, Spain, UK

4 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy KM3NeT Scientific goals  High Energy neutrino observation Investigation of the nature of astrophysical objects Production mechanisms of High energy neutrinos (acceleration mechanisms, top-down scenarios, etc) (acceleration mechanisms, top-down scenarios, etc) Origin of cosmic rays  Indirect search for dark matter  Associated sciences

5 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Astroparticle physics with ν Telescopes Low-energy limit: short muon range small number of photons detected background light from K40 decays High-energy limit: neutrino flux decreases like E –n (n ≈ 2) large detection volume needed.

6 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Point Sources  Association of specific astrophysical objects to observed neutrino flux  Combination with other observations, energy spectrum and specific time stamp and structure, will provide clues and insight on specific physical processes in the sources.  Simultaneous observations of GRB’s will allow for lower thresholds, larger efficiency, lower backgrounds  Very good angular resolution of water Cherenkov telescopes (0.3 o for ν energy ~10 TeV, better than 0.1 o above 100 TeV)

7 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Possibilities… Galactic : Extra-galactic : Nebulae Supernova remnants Microquasars AGN’s GRB’s

8 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Neutrino flux predictions mean atm. flux (Volkova, 1980, Sov.J. Nucl.Phys., 31(6), 784 Kappes et al., ApJ 656:870, 2007 (astroph/0607286) Estimated neutrino flux – in reach for KM3NeT All calculations show that we need km 3 –scale detectors

9 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Neutrino Hunters

10 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Northern Hemisphere? Mkn 501 Mkn 421 CRAB SS433 Mkn 501 RX J1713.7-39 GX3 39-4 SS433 CRAB Galactic Centre VELA South Pole Mediterranean

11 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy …Definitely! We certainly need Northern telescope to cover the galactic plane!

12 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Why in the Mediterranean sea?  Complementary observations to ICECUBE  Observation of the Galactic center  Good water quality  Deep waters close to shore  Existing infrastructures  Favorable weather and sea conditions for sea operations   Significant expertise for sea water v telescopes already exists in European Countries

13 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy How to design a km 3 ν telescope? dilute scale up Existing telescopes “times 30” ? Too expensive Too complicated (production, maintenance) Not scalable (readout bandwidth, power,...) Large volume with same number of PMs? PM distance: given by absorption length in water (~60 m) and PM properties Efficiency loss for larger spacing R&D needed: Cost-effective solutions to reduce price/volume by factor ~2 Stability goal: maintenance-free detector Fast installation time for construction & deployment less than detector life time Improved components new design

14 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy KM3NeT timeline Feb 2006 Jan 2008Mid 2010 CDR TDR Design Study Preparatory Phase Production model for detection unit Financial plan Assembly model Construction Tenders Now Targeted Budget: 220 – 250 M€ (ESFRI Roadmap)

15 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy KM3NeT Design Report  DS is funded by EU FP6  Design of a detector with the following specs: specs:  Effective volume ≥ 1 km 3  Muon angular resolution ~ 0.1 o for ν’s above 10 TeV  Energy threshold ~ few 100s GeV (~100 GeV pointing)  Sensitivity to all neutrino flavors, CC/NC reactions  Field of view: close to 4π for high energies  Deliverables :  Conceptual Design Report (workshop in Amsterdam next month)  Technical Design Report (Spring 2009)

16 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Questions needing answers:  Architecture ? (strings vs. towers vs. new design)  Detector configuration? (cubic vs. ring vs. clustered vs...)  How to get the data to shore? (optical vs. electrical, electronics off-shore vs. on-shore)  Calibration?  Design of photo-detection units? (large vs. several small PMs, directionality, …)  Deployment? (dry vs. wet by ROV/AUV vs. wet from surface)  Site selection?

17 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Detector optimisation: Sensitivity and efficiencies calculated using different configurations Cuboidal, ring, clustered, etc, with various string configurations

18 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Effective area Effective area is calculated: A eff (E,θ,φ) = S N rec (E,θ,φ) / N tot A eff (E,θ,φ) = S N rec (E,θ,φ) / N tot ∫ A eff (E,θ,φ) F(E,θ,φ) dΩ ∫ A eff (E,θ,φ) F(E,θ,φ) dΩ ∫ F(E,θ,φ) dΩ S eff (E) =

19 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Neutrino effective area estimation Configuration 1 (1 km 3 ): 127 lines in hexagonal array 100m line spacing 25 stories, 15 m apart 3 Antares (10”) PMTs per storey Configuration 2 (1 km 3 ): 225 lines in a cubic grid 95m line spacing 36 stories, 16.5 m apart 21x3”PMTs per storey Antares site parameters Ref. ICRC0865, J. Carr et al Thesis S. Kuch, Erlangen

20 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Sensitivity to HESS sources Ref. ICRC0865, J. Carr et al Neutrino energies 1TeV – 1 PeV Muon event rates for 5 years of data taking Sources (~0.2 o in extent) on the galactic disk τ 1, τ 1 ΄ - full recostruction of events τ 2, τ 2 ΄ - simple selection (at least 6 OM hits)

21 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Optical modules: Exploring new ideas Segmentation of photo cathode of 10” PMT Smart tube X-HPD (R&D) multi PMTs in one glass sphere Ref. ICRC0489, P. Kooijman “Flykt” sphere

22 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Readout/data transmission   Three options studied:   a la Antares   Improved front-end chip   new FPGA/CPU   1-1 wire/fiber network   new front end chip   multi-functional FPGA system   1-1 photonics based network   front-end chip or pic   on-shore timestamp   on-shore multi-l laser   reflective optical modulator off shore   on-shore smart TDC Ref. ICRC. 0490, P. Kooijman et al

23 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Detector Unit  Rigid or flexible structure?  Both options are feasible, but have to assess:  Reliability  #(wet mateable) connectors  Production model  Distributed versus single assembly site  Transport to deployment site  Deployment model  Dependence on weather conditions  #(sub)sea operations: #OM per hour deployment

24 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy SeaTop calibration Three stations at 20 m distances with 16 m2 scintillators each   Calibration:   angular offset   efficiency   angular resolution   absolute position

25 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Site Selection  KM3NeT report input for discussion: Evaluation of existing water, oceanographic, biological and geological data from candidate sites Final choice will depend on issues like:  Depth  Distance from shore  Bioluminescence rate  Sedimentation  Biofouling  Sea currents  Earth quake profile  Access to on-shore high speed networks  ……  Socio-political/regional considerations

26 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Conclusions and Outlook  The ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR projects have proven the feasibility of building and operating deep sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean.  There are compelling scientific reasons for the construction of neutrino telescopes of km 3 -scale.  It is essential to complement IceCube with a detector in the Northern Hemisphere.  The KM3NeT Design Study is well under way, with EU FP6 funding a 3-year R&D phase, resulting in the Conceptual Design Report in November 2007 and the Technical Design Report by early 2009.

27 Christos Markou, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ RICH2007, September 16 th 2007, Trieste, Italy Conclusions and Outlook (cont.)  We hope for the next step: the ‘Preparatory Phase’ in FP7 (2008 – 2011)  Site selection  Commitment for construction  Governance and legal structure  System prototype  Tenders  To be followed by the Construction Phase 2010 – 2013 for the KM3NeT detector. 2010 – 2013 for the KM3NeT detector.

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