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Copyright Joe Kasser 19991 Dr. Joseph Kasser UMUC On-line Requirements Workshop.

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1 Copyright Joe Kasser 19991 Dr. Joseph Kasser UMUC On-line Requirements Workshop

2 Copyright Joe Kasser 19992 Objectives Primary –Learn the importance of good requirements –Learn how to evaluate requirements –Understand the difficulty of writing effective requirements Secondary –Learn to collaborate in an on-line environment

3 Copyright Joe Kasser 19993 n The purpose of a document n Requirements n Requirements for requirements n Attributes of good documents n Metrics for documents n Defective requirements n Guidelines for workshop n Exercise (duration of the semester) n Summary and reporting Workshop Agenda

4 Copyright Joe Kasser 19994 The purpose of a document n To communicate something to someone n SOW - communicates the government's needs to potential offerers n PROPOSAL - communicates to the government, that n we understand the need AND n have the optimal (most cost effective and best technical) solution n REQUIREMENTS - Communicate to the designer what is to be designed n CHANGE REQUEST - communications a change

5 Copyright Joe Kasser 19995 Requirements Purpose –Communicate to the designer what is to be designed Formats –document text format –report from the requirements database –graphic format Types –extrinsic –intrinsic

6 Copyright Joe Kasser 19996 Where do requirements come from? * The customer/user Extrinsic sources Lessons learned documents Analysis and extrapolation Government mandates Other places * Kasser, J.E., Applying TQM to Systems Engineering, p210.

7 Copyright Joe Kasser 19997 Requirements drive design and test Requirements Design plans & documents Designs Test Plans Test Procedures Tests Manuals Reports

8 Copyright Joe Kasser 19998 Sample requirement 509.1 DADS shall monitor and provide reports (to the operator) on all requests for DADS products and services. This capability shall include recording the name and organization of the requester, the product or service requested, the date and time of the request, the service priority, the current disposition of the request, and the date and time of service completion.

9 Copyright Joe Kasser 19999 Better requirement 509.1 DADS shall monitor and provide reports to the operator about the state of transactions in the system. This capability shall contain the following: a. the name and organization of the requester b. the product or service requested c. the date and time of the request d. the service priority e. the current disposition of the request f. the date and time of service completion.

10 Copyright Joe Kasser 199910 Requirement or wish? 202.1 DADS shall statistically monitor the integrity of data stored in the archive and safe-store in order to detect degrading media. Define the following terms Statistically monitor Integrity Degrading media

11 Copyright Joe Kasser 199911 Requirements for Requirements n Shall be n Complete n Testable n Achievable n Relevant n Grouped n Specific n Traceable n Shall not be n Vague n Overlapping n Redundant n Shall not use n including n for example n etc. n should

12 Copyright Joe Kasser 199912 Attributes of good documents n Complete n Correct n Concise n Organized n Unambiguous n Pertinent n Customer's language

13 Copyright Joe Kasser 199913 Metrics for documents n Document type specific n Qualitative basis n the presence of characteristics of good documents n Quantitative n RATIO of number of defects to opportunity for defects n Quality n Producing the product to specifications in the most cost effective manner

14 Copyright Joe Kasser 199914 Guidelines for the workshop Each person –reviews a requirements document –Counts number of requirements –Counts number of defective requirements –Posts individual counts in requirements workshop conference Discuss in team study groups Summarize into team count Post team count in requirements workshop conference Discuss in requirements workshop conference

15 Copyright Joe Kasser 199915 Summary and reporting

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