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BTS430 Systems Analysis and Design using UML Domain Model Part 1—Finding Conceptual Classes.

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Presentation on theme: "BTS430 Systems Analysis and Design using UML Domain Model Part 1—Finding Conceptual Classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 BTS430 Systems Analysis and Design using UML Domain Model Part 1—Finding Conceptual Classes

2 Logical Architecture Large-scale organization of the software classes into packages, subsystems, and layers. Layer is a very coarse-grained grouping of classes, packages or subsystems that has cohesive responsibility for a major aspect of the system. * *Larman, page 199

3 Typical layers in OO system User Interface Application Logic and Domain Objects Technical Services * *Larman, pages 199 - 200

4 Domain Layer Key concept in OO design Create software objects with names and information similar to the real-world domain and assign application logic responsibilities to them for example, a Sale object being able to calculate its total. * *Larman, page 206

5 Connection between SSDs, System Operations and Architectural Layers SSDs identify input events from external actors into the system, calling upon system operations such as makeNewSale. SSDs hide the specific UI objects *Larman, page 207

6 Connection between SSDs, System Operations and Architectural Layers objects in the UI layer of the system capture system operation requests. The UI layer objects will forward or delegate the request from the UI layer onto the domain layer for handling. *Larman, page 207

7 Connection between SSDs, System Operations and Architectural Layers Messages sent from the UI layer to the domain layer will be the messages illustrated on the SSDs, such as makeNewSale. *Larman, page 207

8 Relationship of Architecture to SSDs Text, Figure 13.8

9 The Relationship between Domain Model and Domain Layer The Domain Model provides inspiration for the names of classes in the Domain Layer Domain layer is part of the software and the domain model is part of the conceptual- perspective analysis * * Larman, page 207

10 The Relationship between Domain Model and Domain Layer By creating a domain layer with inspiration from the domain model, the representational gap between how stakeholders conceive the domain and its representation in software has been lowered. * *Larman, page 207

11 Fig. 13.5

12 What is a Domain Model? “a visual representation of conceptual classes or real situation objects in a domain” * NOT software classes A specialization of the Business Object Model A set of conceptual class diagrams that typically include associations and attributes But NOT operations *Larman, page 134

13 Domain Model Visual Dictionary of the noteworthy abstractions, domain vocabulary and information content of the domain * * Larman, page 135

14 Types of Classes Conceptual class - real world concept or thing Software class – a class representing a specification or implementation perspective of a software component, regardless of the process or method Implementation class – a class implemented in a specific OO language such as Java * *Larman, page 14

15 Conceptual versus Software ConceptualSoftware

16 Creating a Domain Model Find conceptual classes Create domain class diagram Add associations and attributes

17 Creating a Domain Model Find conceptual classes Reuse existing models if possible Use category list (pp.140 - 141) Noun phrase identification (p. 142)

18 Noun Phrase Identification Find all nouns Identify those that are candidates for conceptual classes BUT NO UI PLEASE Also identify attributes

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