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CINEMA Mission Readiness Review

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1 CINEMA Mission Readiness Review

2 Project Overview Cubesat for Ions Neutrals Electrons and MAgnetic fields CINEMA is based on ~8 minutes of data from the STEREO-STE commissioning in Nov which unexpectedly saw Energetic Neutral Atoms from the Earth’s ring current The most sensitive measurement ever in this energy range, but it was completely by chance FOV rotates at few RPM To build up Local Time ENA image Size of STEIN FOV Integration

3 Project Overview Edge pixels
Supra-Thermal Electrons Ions and Neutrals (STEIN) Electrons and ions from ~4keV-200keV Energetic Neutrals clearly identified below ~30keV at max deflection voltage Uses 4kV of electrostatic deflection in front of a 32 pixel thin window Si detector Mechanical attenuator allows for expanded dynamic range MAGnetometer from Imperial College (MAGIC) Magnetoresistive with ~10nT resolution On a 1m rigid boom, sensor is ~10 grams Provides input to the ACS system and makes science measurements at 8Hz Edge pixels

4 Mission Objectives Current State vs. ELaNa Launch Initiative Objectives CINEMA’s scientific objectives have not changed since the initial proposal to the ELaNa Identify any de-scope of mission objectives There has not been any de-scope of CINEMA’s scientific objectives.

5 Principal Investigator R. Lin
Organization Chart Project Manager T. Immel Principal Investigator R. Lin Project Scientist J. Sample Lead Mechanical Eng. D. Glaser Systems Engineer J. Kim CS Student Group EE Student Group ACS System Lead Y.T. Mao ME Student Group STEIN Instrument Lead S. McBride MAGIC Instrument Lead P. Brown

6 Schedule November

7 Schedule December

8 Schedule January

9 CubeSat-to-P-POD Integration Plan
Pre-P-POD Integration Operations CINEMA will be delivered to Cal Poly with all functional testing complete No further testing will be conducted prior to integration upon delivery Post-P-POD Integration Battery is to be charged whenever possible Equipment: USB A (Female) to USB B (Male) Cable GSEOS Laptop Time Duration: 14 Hours (to ensure full charge)

10 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.1.1 CubeSat Design: “The CubeSats shall be self-contained, and provide their own power, sequencing, and wiring.” 3.1.2 Pressure Vessels: “The CubeSat shall not contain pressurized vessels.” 3.1.3 Propulsion Systems: “The CubeSat shall not contain propulsion systems.” 3.1.4 Radioactive Material: “The CubeSat shall not contain radioactive material.” 3.1.5 Explosive Devices: “The CubeSat shall not contain explosive devices.” CINEMA satisfies these requirements as described in its PI Compliance Memo

11 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.1.6 Range Safety “CubeSats hazardous material shall conform to AFSPCMAN 91‐710, Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3 – Launch Vehicles, Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements” CINEMA has complied with all of APIC’s Safety Information requests.

12 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.1 CubeSat Static Envelope Definitions “The CubeSat shall have the physical dimensions according to the appropriate figure in Section 6.” CINEMA has satisfied the CAC performed by Cal Poly on October 20, 2011.

13 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.3 Reference Coordinates “The CubeSat shall have reference coordinates according to the appropriate figure in Section 6.” CINEMA has reference coordinates according to the appropriate figure in Section 6.

14 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance

15 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
P-POD Reference Coordinates “The P-POD shall use the coordinate system as defined in Figure 1. The origin of the P-POD coordinate system is centered on the back panel. Once fully integrated into the P-POD, the CubeSat and P-POD coordinate system are the same.” CINEMA will be rotated 180° around the Z-Axis such that the Mag Boom will face the +Y side of the P-POD as requested.

16 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.5 CubeSat Mechanical Deployment “Exterior CubeSat components shall not contact the interior surface of the P-POD, in addition to the designated CubeSat rails, in any way that would cause resistance upon deployment.” CINEMA has satisfied the CAC performed by Cal Poly on October 20, 2011.

17 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Deployables Constraint “All CubeSat deployables shall be constrained by the CubeSat and not use the P-POD to constrain deployables.” CINEMA has two deployables: A magnetometer boom Contrained in its stowed state by a TiNi Aerospace P5 Pinpuller A pair of UHF antennas Constrained in their stowed positions by a pair of spring-loaded latches CINEMA has submitted all requested information to APIC.

18 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Deployable Time Delay “All deployables, such as booms, antennas, and solar panels, shall not be deployed until 30 minutes after ejection from the P-POD.” Once CINEMA’s deployment switch is disengaged: Flight Software initializes and checks battery state If CINEMA successfully ejected from the P-POD: Solar panels have current Battery charging and at 6.9V FSW then initializes a timer upon deployment to count down 30 minutes until deployment of peripherals

19 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.6 CubeSat Rail Material “The CubeSat rails and standoffs which contact the P-POD interior surfaces shall be hard anodized aluminum. The P-POD rails are also hard anodized with Teflon impregnation to reduce friction.” The CINEMA chassis rails will be Hard Black Anodized inches thick, per MIL-A-8625, TYPE 3 CLASS 2. CINEMA has submitted a LSP Materials List document to Cal Poly

20 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.8 CubeSat Venting “The CubeSat shall be designed to accommodate ascent venting per ventable volume/area <2000 inches in accordance with JPL D-26086, Revision D, Environmental Requirements Document (ERD).” The ratio of the vent area in the CINEMA chassis to the internal volume of the chassis is approximately 1:34, not taking into account the displaced volume of the components inside the chassis. The actual venting ratio is estimated to be between 1:20 and 1:30.

21 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.2.9 CubeSat Material Selection “CubeSat Materials shall be selected in accordance with NASA-Technical-STD-6016 (Section 4.2), Standard Materials and Processes Requirements for Spacecraft.” All of the materials used in the CINEMA CubeSat meet NASA requirements for spacecraft. CINEMA has submitted a LSP Materials List document to Cal Poly

22 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Orbital Debris “CubeSat mission design and hardware shall be in accordance with NPR A, NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris.” CINEMA has submitted an ODAR to Cal Poly.

23 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.3.1 CubeSat Power State “The CubeSat power system shall be at a power off state to prevent CubeSats from activating any powered functions while integrated in the P-POD from the time of delivery to LV through on-orbit deployment. CubeSat powered functions include the variety of subsystems such as Command and Data Handling (C&DH), RF Communications, Attitude Determination and Control (ADC), deployable mechanism actuations. CubeSat power system includes all battery assemblies and solar cells.” CubeSat Deployment Switch Function “In the actuated state, the CubeSat deployment switch shall electrically disconnect the power system from the powered functions.” Testing has been done on a development system where the flight power supply and battery were hooked up to a deployment and RBF switch With the deployment switch actuated, the main power rails on the satellite (3.3V, 5V) were inactive. Further testing on a flight-like setup of the avionics showed the same results. Documentation In Progress

24 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Deployment Switch Location “The CubeSat shall have, at a minimum, one deployment switch on a rail standoff, per Figure 2.” CINEMA has a single deployment switch located on a rail standoff (Option B).

25 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance

26 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Deployment Switch Actuated State “The deployment switch shall be in the actuated state at all times while integrated in the P-POD. In the actuated state, the CubeSat deployment switch will be at or below the level of the standoff.” CINEMA’s deployment switch is in actuated when integrated into the P-POD, since it is at the level of the standoff.

27 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
NOT ACTUATED ACTUATED Deployment Switch Switch Plunger

28 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
CubeSat Deployment Switch Chatter “If the CubeSat deployment switch toggles from the actuated state and back, the transmission and deployable timers shall reset.” When deployment switch is actuated, the processor’s main counter resets to the beginning, where it initializes the timers to reset state. Test Procedure/Documentation In Progress

29 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.3.4 CubeSat Battery Protection “CubeSats shall incorporate battery circuit protection for charging/discharging to avoid unbalanced cell conditions.” The Clyde Space EPS controls power from the Battery. Includes discharging protection and overcurrent protection. We have performed testing on its discharging and overcurrent protection properties and confirmed that it will not result in unbalanced cell conditions. Documentation: CPD 7001 – EPS Testing Section 1.2, 2.3, 2.4.

30 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.3.5 CubeSat Transmission Exclusions “The CubeSat shall not generate or transmit any signal from the time of integration into the PPOD through 45 minutes after on-orbit deployment from the P-POD. However, the CubeSat can be powered on following deployment from the P-POD.” Testing and Implementation in a development system of a software feature to delay any transmission until at least 45 minutes after deployment: This software will be identical to the flight model Test Procedure/Documentation In Progress

31 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.3.6 CubeSat RF Inhibits “The CubeSats shall be designed to meet at least one of the following requirements to prohibit inadvertent RF transmission.” The CubeSat will not transmit signals until both of the following are satisfied: Software detects that its solar panels are producing power Software sees that 45 minutes have elapsed since deployment Sep. switch diagram showing inhibits and TX survey submitted Test Procedure/Documentation In Progress

32 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.4.3 CubeSat Structural Survivability “CubeSats shall be structurally adequate to survive the dynamic qualification and acceptance testing.” CINEMA passed a confidence vibe performed October 24 to 26, 2011 Complete information is available in the CPD – Vibration Test #1/3 document.

33 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.4.4 Random Vibration “Each cubesat shall test, in each axis, the predicted random vibration levels at the P-POD to NPSCuL mechanical interface. These levels and tolerances are defined in Section 8.” CINEMA is scheduled to undergo a random vibration test at the Naval Postgraduate School during the week of December 5-9, 2011 CINEMA will be inside P-POD #6 of the NPSCUL. P-POD # X Y Z Actual Envelope 6 18.830 23.15 11.69 15.29 8.91 10.29

34 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
3.4.6 Thermal Vacuum Bakeout “CubeSats shall perform a thermal vacuum bakeout at a high vacuum level (minimum 1x10-4 Torr).” CINEMA is scheduled to undergo Thermal Vacuum bakeout at the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory during the week of January 12-16, 2012.

35 CubeSat-to-P-POD Interface Compliance
Thermal Vacuum Bakeout Profile “The CubeSat shall test to one of the two bakeout profiles outlined in Table 3 and Figure 3, with a temperature ramp rate of no greater than 5°C per minute.” CINEMA will be tested to Profile 1.

36 CubeSat Flight Readiness
Subsystem Status Reports Mechanical (Complete): No Plans for Retrofitting Electrical (In Progress): STEIN Rework and Testing Software (In Progress): Functional Testing (Communications, ACS, Deployment) CubeSat to P-POD Integration Status CAC Complete Confidence Vibe Complete Environment Tests for Flight Unit Scheduled CINEMA has complied with all APIC information requests concerning risk assessment

37 CONOPS Plan Operation Modes Safe mode All instruments unavailable.
Science mode All instruments (except boom and antenna actuators and torque coils) available. ACS mode STEIN instruments not available and MAGIC operation mode is switched to ACS mode. Torque coils are available. Engineering mode All instruments are available. OBC, EPS, BATT, RX and Sun Sensors are always turned on. HSK STE TX MAG CMD

38 CONOPS Plan Operation Scenario Launch Startup Stabilization
Launch and separation from the launch vehicle Startup Power-on, initializes FSW, deploys UHF Antenna, waits for contact from Ground Station Stabilization Contacts Ground Station, deploys the boom, calibrates the MAGIC, ACS acquisition mode, ACS precession mode Scientific Operation Download mode, Observation mode, ACS mode, Safe mode, Fault recovery Mission Termination

39 CONOPS Plan Separation from the launch vehicle
1.0 Launch Process Separation from the launch vehicle CINEMA is ejected from P-POD Acquisition of orbit parameters Ground Station obtains orbit parameters of spacecraft from the Launch Service Provider and estimates the position of the spacecraft.

40 CONOPS Plan Power on Initialization FSW 2.0 Startup Process
Spacecraft is powered on immediately after separation when deployment switch disengages Initialization FSW Spacecraft enters Initialization Process for each FSW module Default Operation Mode is Safe Mode. As shown in the Enable Table; all instruments turned off except OBC, EPS, BATT, Sun Sensors & UHF Receiver. Checks System Status (i.e. Charging Condition)

41 CONOPS Plan Deploy UHF Antenna & MAG Boom Calibrate MAGIC
2.0 Startup Process Deploy UHF Antenna & MAG Boom After Initialization, FSW checks the status of the Battery & Solar Array to confirm separation from P-POD If FSW decides that spacecraft is successfully separated, then the countdown for the 30 min timer begins Once 30 min on the timer has elapsed, deployables are deployed. FSW enters into Engineering Mode and powers only the IIB with LVPS and MAGIC on via ‘InstOn’ pin. Calibrate MAGIC Using an Internal Rotation Matrix, MAGIC is calibrated for use in ACS mode.

42 CONOPS Plan 3.0 Stabilization Process ACS to Detumble
CINEMA is de-tumbled to maintain 4 RPM This process is entered automatically or via Ground Station Command ACS to Precess to Sun-Normal Maintain spin rate of 4 RPM Precess to sun normal spinner Generate the Beacon Signal Transmission of beacon signal is enabled 45 min after separation from P-POD The beacon signal includes the recent housekeeping Default period: 30 sec ON, 4 min 30 sec OFF

43 CONOPS Plan Contact the ground station
3.0 Stabilization Process Contact the ground station Once Ground Station receives beacon signal, beacon is turned off by Ground Station command FSW is in engineering mode. Ground Station checks Housekeeping & send commands to enable ACS & payloads Attitude Control to precess to ecliptic normal With ACS ephemeris table from Ground Station, CINEMA precesses to an Eliptical-Normal Orbit via FSW Once Precession is finished, FSW enters into previous operating mode automatically.

44 CONOPS Plan 4.0 Science Operations

45 CONOPS Plan 4.0 Science Operations Safe Mode (Default mode)
Pending Ground Station Commands All instruments are turned off except OBC, EPS, Sun Sensor & UHF receiver If Battery Status is at a low charge state, FSW enters into this mode Observation mode FSW enters into Normal (Science) Mode, described by Enable Table CINEMA observes ENA & Mag. fields via STEIN & MAGIC Payloads are scheduled for observation by ‘Delayed Commands (Timestamp + Command)’. When Payloads are not used, the instruments for STEIN are turned OFF & MAGIC enters into ACS mode for power-saving Download mode Used to transmit telemetry from the SD card to Ground Station During this process, Operation Mode is Download Mode

46 CONOPS Plan Contact Sequence Flow

47 CONOPS Plan ACS Mode Fault Recovery 4.0 Science Operations
Ground Station obtains Attitude Status from Housekeeping Ground Station generates Ephemeris Table including Magnetic Field data in orbit FSW controls Attitude using Ephemeris Table to precess to Ecliptic-Normal Fault Recovery If any errors occur, then FSW enters into Safe Mode or the Processor is reset by the WatchDogTimer FSW conducts error detection and recovery If the error cannot be resolved, CINEMA waits for Ground Station commands in Safe Mode or the mission is terminated

48 CONOPS Plan Ground System Status Flight Operations System: In Progress
S-Band to Ground Station: Complete UHF Ground Station: In Progress Parts acquired Integration to UCB/SSL MOC: In Progress Flight Operations System: In Progress NTIA Licensing: Spectrum Certification: Complete Frequency Assignment: In Progress Spacecraft End-of-Life Plan: In Progress Satellite Tracking & Communications Link: In Progress

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