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OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO1 - Demonstrate good working practices with files, directories/folders and sub- directories/subfolders.

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO1 - Demonstrate good working practices with files, directories/folders and sub- directories/subfolders."— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO1 - Demonstrate good working practices with files, directories/folders and sub- directories/subfolders. Mr Farmer

2 Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Demonstrate good working practices with files, directories/folders and sub- directories/subfolders. What I am Looking For (WILF): Completed AO1_Word_Template at appropriate level (Pass, Merit or Distinction). Your Template must contain print screen evidence and annotations (comments) to support each print screen.

3 Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction Candidates will set up at least two directories. They will save some files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames. They will demonstrate the ability to password protect files. They will locate and open existing files that they have saved in their directories. They will backup files onto a removable medium. They will create shortcuts to at least one directory and one file. Candidates will create an appropriate directory structure with at least two main directories, each containing at least two subdirectories using appropriate names. They will save most files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames. They will demonstrate the ability to password protect files. They will locate and open existing files from a range of sources. They will provide evidence of at least one instance of deleting, copying and moving files and directories. They will backup and restore files from a removable medium. They will create shortcuts to at least one program, directory and files. Candidates will create an appropriate directory structure with at least two main directories, each containing at least two subdirectories using appropriate names. They will save all files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames They will demonstrate the ability to password protect files. They will locate and open existing files, using search facilities of operating systems software where necessary. They will provide evidence of at least one instance of deleting, copying, moving and renaming files and directories. They will backup and restore files from a removable medium. They will create, edit and delete shortcuts to at least one program, directory and file.

4 Evidence You need to complete AO1_Word_Template(AllGrades) –MyComputer > Student (S) > ICT > key_stage_4 > national_certificate > unit_one_ICT_core > AO1

5 Task 1 - Demonstrate how to create 2 directories. For this task you need to create a ‘National Certificate’ directory/folder in you’re my Documents and provide a print screen. You also need to create a Unit One folder

6 Task 2 - Demonstrate the ability to password protect files. You need to password protect your file and provide evidence of how to do this. Use ‘Password’ for the password. –Tools > Options > Security > Password top Open

7 Task 3 - Demonstrate how to locate and open an existing file from your directories For this task you need to show how to find and open a file/document. This is my opened document

8 Task 4 - Demonstrate your ability to backup files onto a removable medium. For this task you need to save your document as AO1_Word_Template(AllGrades)_Back up to a USB Memory stick.

9 Task 5 - Create a directory shortcut For this task you need to create a DIRECTORY/FOLDER SHORTCUT.

10 Task 6 - Create a file shortcut. For this task you need to create a FILE/DOCUMENT SHORTCUT

11 Task 7 - Demonstrate your ability to save a file in an appropriate location For this task you need to save your file and show it in the correct location.

12 Task 8 Demonstrate how to create an appropriate directory structure with 2 main sub directories and 6 subdirectories. For this task you need to create a directory (National Certificate), 2 main sub-directories (Unit 1 & Unit 21) and 6 sub-directories (AO1, AO2, AO3, AO4, AO5 & AO6)

13 Task 9 Locate and open existing files from a range of sources (Student Drive, Email) For this task you need to do 2 things. 1.Locate and Open a File/Document from the student drive 2.Locate and Open a File/Document from your student email. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES.

14 Task 9 – Part 1 Locate and Open a File/Document from the student drive

15 Task 9 - Part 2 Locate and Open a File/Document from your student email.

16 Task 10 Locate and open existing files using the search facilities of the operating system (D) For this task you need to use the Microsoft Windows Search Facility to locate a document called ‘To_Be_Found.doc’.

17 Task 11 Demonstrate your ability to copy a directory. Demonstrate your ability to move a directory. Demonstrate your ability to rename a directory (D). Demonstrate your ability to delete a directory This task is split into 4 sections. It is all about directories/folders. You need to copy, move, rename and delete a directory/folder. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES

18 Task 11 – Part 1 Demonstrate your ability to copy a directory.

19 Task 11 – Part 2 Demonstrate your ability to move a directory.

20 Task 11 – Part 3 Demonstrate your ability to rename a directory (D).

21 Task 11 – Part 4 Demonstrate your ability to delete a directory

22 Task 12 Demonstrate your ability to copy a file. Demonstrate your ability to move a file. Demonstrate your ability to rename a file (D). Demonstrate your ability to delete a file This task is split into 4 sections. It is all about files/documents. You need to copy, move, rename and delete a file/document. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES

23 Task 12 – Part 1 Demonstrate your ability to copy a file.

24 Task 12 – Part 2 Demonstrate your ability to move a file.

25 Task 12 – Part 3 Demonstrate your ability to rename a file (D).

26 Task 12 – Part 4 Demonstrate your ability to delete a file

27 Task 13 Demonstrate your ability to restore files from a removable medium. For this task you need to open the file/document (AO1_Word_Template(AllGrades)_Backup) you saved to your memory stick in Task 4.

28 Task 14 Rename a directory shortcut. Delete a directory shortcut For this task you need to rename and delete your directory/folder shortcut that your created in Task 5. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES

29 Task 14- Part 1 Rename a directory shortcut.

30 Task 14 – Part 2 Delete a directory shortcut

31 Task 15 Rename a file shortcut. Delete a file shortcut For this task you need to rename and delete your file/document shortcut that your created in Task 6. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES

32 Task 15- Part 1 Rename a file shortcut.

33 Task 15 – Part 2 Delete a file shortcut

34 Task 16 Create a program shortcut. Rename a program shortcut (D). Delete a program shortcut (D). For this task you need to create, rename and delete a program shortcut. A program is a piece of software such as MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Macromedia Fireworks, Flash and Dreamweaver. PRINT SCREENS ARE ON THE FOLLOWING SLIDES

35 Task 16 – Part 1 Create a program shortcut.

36 Task 16 – Part 2 Rename a program shortcut (D)

37 Task 16 – Part 3 Delete a program shortcut (D)

38 Task 17 Demonstrate your ability to save all files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames (to be completed at end of unit) YOU WILL NOT COMPLETE THIS TASK UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE REST OF UNIT 1.

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