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Reading #3 Coasts, Estuaries, and Environmental Issues.

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1 Reading #3 Coasts, Estuaries, and Environmental Issues

2 2 Question of the Day How would you describe the word “coast”? 2

3 Coasts Affected by Marine Processes  What are some marine processes?  Continuously Changing Includes bays and estuaries also Categories  Emergent vs. Submergent  Primary vs. Seconday

4 What do you find at the beach? Accumulation of sediment  How is the beach constantly changing? Beach Profile  Beach Anatomy  Winter vs Summer Beach  Types of based upon shape and structure composition of sediments size of sediment material color



7 Beach Process Constant balance between supply and removal of material Onshore currents Longshore currents Coastal Circulation Cells  Rip Currents



10 10 Question of the Day What are estuaries? 10

11 Estuaries Why are wetlands important? Tides, river flow, inlet geometry affect  Circulation  Water exchange with ocean  Current patterns 4 basic types of estuaries based on circulation and salinity distribution  Salt Wedge  Well Mixed  Partially Mixed  Fjord (Poorly Mixed)



14 14 Marsh Anatomy & Common Plant Species

15 What do you think Flushing time is? Why do you think Flushing time is important to an estuary? What would the benefit be of a rapid (fast) flushing time? What would the risk be of a slow flushing time?

16 Facts related to issues affecting the oceans 80% of population w/in 50 miles of coast 1960-EPA formed  Marine Laws developed between1940-90 Clean Air/Water Act Marine Protection & Restoration Sanctuaries Act Marine Plastic Pollution Restriction and Control Act

17 Issues at Beaches 43% of shoreline is losing more sediments than it is receiving. Man-made alternations decreases sediment accumulation  Damning rivers  Breakwaters, jetties, seawalls  Restoration of beaches


19 Issues in Wetlands Between 1950-1980, 200,000 acres/year  50% of mangroves lost in the tropics  Over 50% have been destroyed and the remaining are under threat


21 Issues with Water Quality “Dilution is the Solution”  Dilution is NOT the solution Fertilizers, Pesticides, Nuclear/Toxic waste, surface runoff, urban runoff Hg, Pb, PAH  Biomagnification “Dead Zones” are areas where there is extremely low oxygen levels and life can’t survive (Gulf of Mexico)


23 Issues with Plastics Approx. 135,000 tons/year Commercial Fisheries  149,000 tons fishing gear  26,000 tons packaging material  Entanglement, Choking, Starvation, by-catch  Approx. 450 years for 1 6-pack ring to break down


25 Issues with Oil Spills Increased demands since 1960s  Supertankers can carry up to 250,000 metric tons of oil  About 15% of spilled oil is recovered on average


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