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R EADINESS C OORDINATOR N ETWORK March 26, 2015. A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Rutland Pilot Update Participant Resources District Office.

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Presentation on theme: "R EADINESS C OORDINATOR N ETWORK March 26, 2015. A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Rutland Pilot Update Participant Resources District Office."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA Status of MIS / EBT Implementation Rutland Pilot Update Participant Resources District Office Report Out 2/26/20152

3 S TATUS OF I MPLEMENTATION C ERES AND E WIC Round 2 User Acceptance Testing nearly completed. Rutland DO continuing pilot planning. Notification materials for participants and grocers nearly complete. Rutland grocer network identified; application packages out to rest of state. Xerox and WIC Central team working on eWIC readiness for chains and independent retailers 2/26/20153

4 These are posted online at: MaterialsforFamilies MaterialsforFamilies Card image, sleeve, and instructions Grocery shopping list Store window decal Coming Soon flyer, postcard, and poster Learning session guide Family appointment card P ARTICIPANT R ESOURCES 2/26/20154

5 R UTLAND P ILOT U PDATE 2/26/20155

6 What have superusers done to introduce Ceres to their colleagues? What questions do staff have after seeing a demo? What suggestions do they have? Are there areas where RCN members/superusers think we need to focus extra training? Have superusers identified any additional defects or change ideas? D ISTRICT O FFICE R EPORT O UT 2/26/20156

7 Any questions or problems? Learnings, comments? Due March 27th Thanks again for your help G ATHERING F OOD P RICES 2/26/20157

8 Bi-monthly updates posted on the WIC Webpage – past reports archived also “C ANNED ” UPDATES FOR PARTNERS 2/26/20158

9 N EXT RCN M EETING : A PRIL 23 12:30 PM -1:30 PM April: WIC Card 101 – Promoting Change to Families Coming months: May: New foods, food packages, food guide and grocery list June: Keeping foods coming (keep families from losing benefits), appointment cards, group ed invitations July: Nutrition education workgroup findings / report out August: Policy/procedure changes, reports, forms, crosswalk from current to new September: Countdown to rollout Each month: Rutland Pilot Report 2/26/20159

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