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Monitoring SEAP Diputació de Barcelona. Commitments: Draft the SEAP and carry it out Raise awareness towards the Covenant and towards Sustainable Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Monitoring SEAP Diputació de Barcelona. Commitments: Draft the SEAP and carry it out Raise awareness towards the Covenant and towards Sustainable Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monitoring SEAP Diputació de Barcelona

2 Commitments: Draft the SEAP and carry it out Raise awareness towards the Covenant and towards Sustainable Energy. Organise Energy days. CURRENT SITUATION Monitor the SEAP every 2 years

3 210 signatories, more than 100 SEAP finished 2 years ago What is clear in relation to the monitoring: Every 4 years: emission inventory monitoring model will be presented on June 2013, signatories will be warned 6 months in advance (CoMO). Signatories are encouraged to do their own monitoring reports and upload them to the website. Now there is the new template available! CURRENT SITUATION

4 The new template has still some technical problems (30/6/14): -Some problems when uploading information directly to the website, especially when using Internet explorer - There is still no possibility to download the excel from the template.

5 Information on the template - Information is pre-filled with information that was in the old template BUT: - In some cases the content must be changed, not because of the monitoring process itself, but because the new fields have a different capacity than the old ones. -Not all information has been transposed. - Actions are filled but area of intervention is not well transposed in most of them.

6 Àrea de Territori i Sostenibilitat Diputació de Barcelona T. 934 022 222 ext. 37205

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