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IRIS Presented By: Akash Bhatt Cassandra Heavrin Office of Registration and Academic Records, University of Houston.

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Presentation on theme: "IRIS Presented By: Akash Bhatt Cassandra Heavrin Office of Registration and Academic Records, University of Houston."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRIS Presented By: Akash Bhatt Cassandra Heavrin Office of Registration and Academic Records, University of Houston

2 University of Houston System  59,219 Students  6,278 Employees UHS Institutions  University of Houston  UH-Clear Lake  UH-Downtown  UH-Victoria

3 Old Business Process


5 Drawbacks of the Old Process  Lost Forms  Time Consuming

6  Difficult Tracking  Tedious Reporting Drawbacks of the Old Process

7 IRIS – How it Works!!  IRIS – The user friendly way

8 Login Screen

9 To Do List

10 Submitting a Form

11 Ticket Processing Screen

12 Ticket Screen

13 Closed Ticket

14 Access and Assignment

15 Drawbacks Addressed  Lost Forms  If uploaded to IRIS the form cannot get lost as it is stored in the server.  The form could be found using  PSID of Student  Date Submitted  Person who submitted it  Department it was submitted from  It is there forever

16 Drawbacks Addressed  Time Consumption  Time to reach RAR is cut down significantly (electronic submission)  No need to create Excel sheets  Less auditing as College user is part of the process and forms are stored forever (Discrepancy Process)  Fast approvals (ticket bouncing)  Fact – IRIS has cut down the average time of processing forms from 15 days to below 3 days

17 Drawbacks Addressed  Tracking  Status of form can be tracked by the college user by logging into IRIS  Answering calls and enquiries about form is an easy search  Notifications  IRIS notifies College user of the status of the forms that they submitted whenever the status changes  IRIS notifies the staff if the user adds additional files or comments on a form and also when they are assigned a form to be processed  IRIS notifies the administrators when a College user submits a discrepancy against a ticket

18 Drawbacks Addressed  Reporting  IRIS reports the average processing time as well as the current number of pending forms with RAR  Helps in managerial decisions and organizing workforce  Report performance of department as well as employees  Dashboard Reporting is now in place too

19 The Facts  IRIS was officially launched on May 17, 2008  IRIS was adopted college by college  By the end of July 2008 all the Colleges were using IRIS and RAR stopped accepting paper forms  IRIS is in continuous evolution since then and a lot of suggestions have been implemented  IRIS has helped process more than 250,000 forms till date and is used by 250+ users in the UH community

20 Lessons Learned  IRIS and Workflow  Out of the box and in the box  Transparent problems

21 Tech. Specs PHP / MySQL IIS Server

22 Question/Comments Akash Bhatt Cassandra Heavrin

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