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July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20071 Lessons about Likelihood Functions from Nuclear Physics Kenneth M. Hanson T-16, Nuclear Physics;

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1 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20071 Lessons about Likelihood Functions from Nuclear Physics Kenneth M. Hanson T-16, Nuclear Physics; Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Laboratory This presentation available at LA-UR-07-2971 Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Workshop, Saratoga Springs, NY, July 8-13, 2007

2 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20072 Overview Uncertainties in physics experiments Particle Data Group (PDG) Lifetime data Outliers Uncertainty in the uncertainty Student t distributions vs. Normal distribution Analysis of lifetime data using t distributions

3 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20073

4 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20074 Physics experiments Experimenters state their measurement of physical quantity y as measurement ± standard error or d ± σ d Experimenter’s degree of belief in measurement described by a normal distribution (Gaussian) and σ d its standard deviation Experimental uncertainty often composed of two components: ► statistical uncertainty from noise in signal or event counting (Poisson) Type A – determined by repeated meas., frequentist methods ► systematic uncertainty from equipment calibration, experimental procedure, corrections Type B – determined by nonfrequentist methods based on experimenter’s judgment, hence subjective; difficult to assess ► these usually added in quadrature (rms sum)

5 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20075 Physics experiments – likelihood functions In probabilistic terms, experimentalist’s statement y ± σ d is interpreted as a likelihood function p( d | y σ d I) where I is background information about situation, including how experiment is performed Inference about the physical quantity y is obtained by Bayes law p( y | d σ y I) ~ p( y | d σ d I) p( y | I) where p( y | I) is the prior information about y

6 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20076 chi squared distribution chisq distribution (ass. normal), compare chisq with DOF to roughly check GOF (assuming uncertainties correct, indep, and normal If chisq somewhat larger than DOF, analyst typically multiplies LS uncert. by sqrt(chisq/DOF) (ignoring uncert in chisq)

7 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20077 Exploratory data analysis John Tukey (1977) suggested each set of measurements of a quantity be scrutinized ► find quantile positions, Q1, Q2, Q3 ► calculate the inter-quantile range IQR = Q3 – Q2 (for normal distr., IQR = 1.35 σ) ► determine fraction of data outside interval, SO Q1 – 1.5 IQR < y < Q3 + 1.5 IQR labeling these as suspected outliers (for normal distr., 0.7%) IQR measures width of core SO measures extent of tail

8 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20078

9 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 20079 Particle Data Group (PDG) Particle Data Group formed in 1957 ► annually summarizes state-of-knowledge of properties of elementary particles For each particle property ► list all relevant experimental data ► committee decides which data to include in final analysis ► state best current value (usually least-squares average) and its standard error often magnified by sqrt[χ 2 /(N – 1)] (avg of 2.0, 50% of time) PDG reports are excellent source of information about measurements of unambiguous physical quantities ► available online, free ► provide insight into how physicists interpret data

10 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200710 Five venerable elementary particles This study will include all measurements of the lifetimes of the following particles particle discov. mass lifetime comments (MeV) (s) μ ± 1937 106 2.2×10 -10 lepton, cosmic rays π 0 1950 135 8.4×10 -17 meson, nuclear force K 0 s 1951 498 0.90×10 -10 strange meson, CP viol. n 1931 940 886 baryon, nucleus constituent Λ 0 1952 1116 2.63×10 -10 strange baryon

11 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200711 Lambda lifetime measurement in the 60s Hydrogen bubble chambers were used in 1950s and 60s to record elementary particles Picture shows reaction sequence: K - + p → Ξ - + K + Ξ - → Λ 0 + π - Λ 0 → p + π - Track lengths and particle momenta determined from curvature in magnetic field yield survival time of Ξ - and Λ Hubbard et al. observed 828 such events to obtain lifetimes: τ Ξ = 1.69 ±0.06×10 -10 s τ Λ = 2.59 ±0.09×10 -10 s Hydrogen bubble- chamber photo From J.R. Hubbard et al., Phys.Rev. 135B (1964)

12 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200712 Measurements of neutron lifetime Because n lifetime is so long, it is difficult to measure without slowing neutrons or trapping them Plot shows all measurements of neutron lifetime Red line is PDG value, which includes 7 data sets, but excludes older ones and #2 because it is discrepant χ 2 for red line = 149/21 pts. Evidence of outliers Large systematic uncertainties Neutron lifetime measurements

13 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200713 Measurements of lifetimes of other particles

14 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200714 Collection of lifetime measurements Goal: determine distribution of measurements relative to their estimated uncertainties Upper graph shows deviations of 99 lifetime meas. for 5 particles from PDG values, divided by their standard errors, i.e. Δx/σ Lower graph shows histogram Objective: characterize the distribution of Δx/σ for these expts χ 2 = 367/99 DOF IQR = 1.83 (1.35 for normal) Suspected outliers = 6.6 %

15 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200715

16 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200716 Uncertainty in the uncertainty Suppose there is uncertainty in the stated standard error σ 0 for measurement d Dose and von der Linden (2000) gave plausible derivation: ► assume likelihood has underlying Normal distr ► assume uncertainty distr for ω, where σ is scaled by ► marginalizing over ω, the likelihood is Student t distr., (2a = ν) Many have contributed to outlier story: Box and Tiao, O’Hagan, Fröhner, Press, Sivia, Hanson and Wolf

17 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200717 Student t distribution Student * t distribution ► long tail for ν 1%) ► outlier-tolerant likelihood function ► ν = 1 is Cauchy distr (solid red) ► ν = ∞ is Normal distr (solid blue) ν = 1, 5, ∞ * Student (1908) was pseudonym for W.S Gossett, who was not allowed to publish by his employer, Guiness brewery

18 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200718 Physical analogy of probability Drawing analogy between φ(Δx) = minus-log-posterior and a physical potential is a force with which each datum pulls on fit model Outlier-tolerant likelihoods ► generally have long tails ► restoring force eventually decreases for large residuals G 2G G+C G+E 2G G G+C G+E

19 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200719 Analysis of a collection of data To calculate “average” value of a data set, use the Student t distribution for the likelihood of each datum: where s is scaling factor of standard error for whole data set Select ν based on data using model selection Scale factor s marginalized out of posterior

20 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200720 Model selection To select between two models, A and B, Bayes rule gives the odds ratio where may be evaluated as the integral over the likelihood of the parameters θ

21 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200721 Model selection Odds ratios of t distr (t) to Normal (N) is = 1.32x10 -85 /2.2x10 -90 = 6x10 4 ► for prior ratio on models = 1 ► evidence is integral over x (lifetime) and s; includes prior on s proportional to 1/s Thus, t distr is strongly preferred by data to Normal distr ► ν ≈ 2.6 (maximizes evidence) t distr Normal distr

22 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200722 Measurements of neutron lifetime Upper plot shows all measurements of neutron lifetime Lower plot shows results based on all 21 data points: ► posterior for t-distr analysis (ν = 2.6, margin. over s) ► least-squares result (with and w/o χ 2 scaling) ► PDG results (using 7 selected data points, Serebrov rejected) Neutron lifetime measurements

23 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200723 Measurements of π 0 lifetime Upper plot shows all measurements of π 0 lifetime Lower plot shows results based on all 13 data points: ► posterior for t-distr analysis (ν = 2.6, margin. over s) ► least-squares result (with χ 2 scaling) ► PDG results (using 4 selected data points, excl. latest one) π 0 lifetime measurements

24 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200724 Measurements of lambda lifetime Upper plot shows all measurements of lambda lifetime Lower plot shows results based on all 27 data points: ► posterior for t-distr analysis (ν = 2.6, margin. over s) ► least-squares result (with χ 2 scaling) ► PDG results (using 3 latest data points) Lambda lifetime measurements

25 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200725 Tests Draw 20 data points from various t distrs. and analyze them using likelihoods: a) t distr with ν = 3 b) Normal distr ► scale uncertainties according to data variance ► results from 10,000 random trials Conclude ► t distr results well behaved ► normal distr results unstable when data have significant outliers t distr Normal dashed line = estimated σ

26 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200726 Summary Technique presented for dealing gracefully with outliers ► is based on using for likelihood function the Student t distr. instead of the Normal distr. ► copes with outliers, while treating every datum identically Particle lifetime data distribution matched by t distr. with ν ≈ 2.6 to 3.0 ► using likelihood functions based on t distr. produce stable results when outliers exist in data sets, whereas Normal distr. does not

27 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200727 Bibliography ► “A further look at robustness via Bayes;s theorem,” G.E.P. Box and G.C. Tiao, Biometrica 49, pp. 419-432 (1962) ► “On outlier rejection phenomena in Bayes inference,” A. O’Hagan, J. Roy. Statist. Soc. B 41, 358–367 (1979) ► “Bayesian evaluation of discrepant experimental data,” F.H. Fröhner, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 467–474 (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1989) ► “Estimators for the Cauchy distribution,” K.M. Hanson and D.R. Wolf, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 157-164 (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1993) ► “Dealing with duff data,” D. Sivia, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 157- 164 (1996) ► “Understanding data better with Bayesian and global statistical methods,” in W.H. Press, Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics, pp. 49-60 (1997) ► “Outlier-tolerant parameter estimation,” V. Dose and W. von der Linden, Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, pp. 157-164 (AIP, 2000) This presentation available at

28 July 9, 2007Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy 200728

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