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Lighting Unit. It’s all about The Light Photography is the art of recording light. Light is what makes photography happen. The word photography comes.

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Presentation on theme: "Lighting Unit. It’s all about The Light Photography is the art of recording light. Light is what makes photography happen. The word photography comes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting Unit

2 It’s all about The Light Photography is the art of recording light. Light is what makes photography happen. The word photography comes from Greek- light (photo) drawing (graphy). Working with the existing light often creates the best and most natural photographs.

3 How Light Works Light travels in straight lines Light can be reflected Light can be absorbed Light can be refracted Light can be filtered

4 Light travels in straight lines.

5 Light can be reflected. The camera’s light meter reads the amount of light reflected off of the subject.


7 Light can be absorbed

8 Light can be refracted

9 Light can be filtered


11 Exposure-the amount of light allowed to fall on the sensor. Proper exposure-correct combination of film speed, shutter speed, and aperture. The light meter suggests the combinations. Film speed is the first factor The Histogram can help guide you to the proper exposure Bracketing is another method to ensure proper exposure. Obtaining Proper Exposure

12 Histogram Definition: A graph counting how many pixels are at each level between white and black Black=left, white=right Used to evaluate exposure

13 Bracketing Exposures Bracketing –taking 3 shots at 3 different aperture settings to ensure proper exposure.

14 Use Shutter Priority Mode or Manual Mode

15 Lighting Techniques Key Light- main light source (brightest light source) Fill Light- secondary light source (never as bright as key light) Main Lighting Positions – Side – Semi-front/semi-overhead – Back

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