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Conference Overview. PASSWORDS You can set your password policy to enforce users to change their passwords periodically.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Overview. PASSWORDS You can set your password policy to enforce users to change their passwords periodically."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Overview



4 PASSWORDS You can set your password policy to enforce users to change their passwords periodically.

5 PERMISSIONS Check to be sure that nobody has permissions for blank functions. Should that blank be filled in – that person would automatically have that permission.




9 Texting Patrons Mohamed Ragheb, Technology Manager, Wadsworth Public Library

10 Texting Patrons – an additional mode of communication. Add their cell phone to the email field. Be sure to put the “@” without any spaces. The patron HAS to sign up for it, they have to be told they are responsible for any fees.,

11 Cell Phone Text Service Providers

12 Texting Patrons – additional notes.  The patron HAS to sign up for it, they have to be told they are responsible for any fees.  Email only allows 160 characters; start your message in the subject line [subject line allows about 70 characters]  If any of the email message gets truncated, they will have the initial information  Promote this feature / get patron comments / add to your website  Have patron reply via “text reply”  When you download patron records – you have to protect the “email” field  Send messages when your system is NOT busy [early am / late pm]  Test before you go live

13 Making Life Easier in Millennium Jim Dutton, University of Central Missouri

14 Settings … each module has its own settings.  ie: Settings in Circulation will not work if the user switches to another function  Templates are in the “User’s Settings” Templates … be sure all of it is filled out.  You can save a record as a template on the fly; just put prompts for the “fill-in fields”  Macros: user defined can cut work time – up to 48 macros per login find work flow repetitions and have user create macro record the steps, create the macro, test the macro Users have : ALT CTRL SHIFT Except for “RESERVED”

15 Regional IUG Meetings

16 Regional IUG Groups and Meetings

17  University of Mississippi would like to join our group to start  Great Plains IUG:  Florida is inactive  Tennessee IUG : Things to keep in mind about a users’ group  Will your group handle funds / group pays dues / etc  The more in a group, the harder to gets things accomplished  Local groups are good for getting things done / regional groups are informational  IUG at ALA Mid-winter

18 Load Table Forum *Training Required

19 Load Table Forum  Output load table to Excel – it gives you a line #  Export one record, edit 1 thing, then import back in to insure correct processing  Use WordPad, not Word - Annotate the load tables  III needs to announce when a new, updated manual is available  III needs to incorporate a date into each of the manuals  Use record type within the load table name [great descriptor]  Document your load tables  Request III to delete old / unused load tables  Change your template when:  You have to do a global update to make changes to a loaded table OR to create a new load table  Use Mgr-Controlled Options to set who can see which load table

20 Using Data Maps in Load Tables [caution: MAPs EAT CPU] Can use regular expressions Only use a map if you want to ‘include / exclude / change’ but only if ‘certain criteria’ is met If change is on a fixed length field – only field goes to map If change is on a variable length field – entire tag goes to map Use maps to convert dates / place ending dates TEST your map on 1 record before using it If it s one=time job – use Global Update

21 Millennium Statistics Joe Wojtowicz

22 Millennium Statistics 4 Main Tools 1.STATS Mode 1.Field 2.Periodic 3.Cross tab 4.Acquistion [2 reports] 2.Web Management Reports – using Excel 1.Web Mgmt does draw Stats differently 3.Created Lists 4.Vendor Stats

23 Trouble Shooting Your System

24 Troubleshooting Your System  Millennium 1.Current Java version 2.Memory on workstation 3.Connectivity 4.Shortcut 5.Loads every printer listed 6.System-wide problem will also affect text-based

25 Troubleshooting Your System  Questions to ask yourself: 1.1 record or all records 2.1 login or all logins 3.1 location or all locations 4.Port problems 5.Streaming video on network 6.Large record / batch loading  Records in use problem: 1.Be sure clients shut down daily 2.Look at current tasks running 3.Look who is logged in / task performed

26 Troubleshooting Your System  Ports in use: 1.Create Lists does take a license 2.Look at “Group” assignments 3.Look at who is logged in 4.Look for attacks  Restart Server: 1.After any power outage 2.After changes to the WebPac 3.System is slow and you checked processes running 4.ftp process is open – running for low period of time


28 Making Location Codes Work For You Heidi Vix Systems and E-Resources Librarian Henderson State University, AR






34  System Audit  Holds Consultation  Location Code Change Service  Statistical Category Table Service  WebPAC Refresher


36 Web Services, API’s and Millennium Integration Eric Leckbee & Richard Paladino Innovative Interfaces Inc.








44 Web Services, API’s and Millennium Integration Eric Leckbee & Richard Paladino Innovative Interfaces Inc.



47 Customize Staff Mode Displays


















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