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#HASummit14 Session A: Develop Your Analysts, and They’ll Pay for Themselves Pre-Session Poll Question If you could hire only one analyst, would you pick:

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Presentation on theme: "#HASummit14 Session A: Develop Your Analysts, and They’ll Pay for Themselves Pre-Session Poll Question If you could hire only one analyst, would you pick:"— Presentation transcript:

1 #HASummit14 Session A: Develop Your Analysts, and They’ll Pay for Themselves Pre-Session Poll Question If you could hire only one analyst, would you pick: a)A domain expert. Analyzed data is useless if you are unable to communicate it to others. b)A technical wizard. Let them talk to the databases and analyze. I will interpret the results just fine. Russ Staheli Vice President Peter Monaco Sr. Business Intelligence Developer c)A visualization guru. The right chart will tell me more than any table can. d)Batman (Sorry. Not an actual choice.)

2 #HASummit14 Today’s Agenda 2 The Culture Provide an environment fostering success The Skillsets Cultivate the right skills The Barriers Challenge and empower

3 #HASummit14 What do we mean by “analyst”? 3 Multiple terms… Encompassing the same skills… Architects Business Intelligence Developers Analysts Nerds Talking to and manipulating data SQL, ETL, modeling, etc. Analyzing and communicating results Excel, visualization tools, etc.

4 #HASummit14 It starts with your culture. 4

5 #HASummit14 Adoption… 5 “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.” -Steve Jobs READY, ABLE, EAGER ANALYTICS ANALYSTS


7 #HASummit14 Poll Question #2 7 If an analyst uncovered data showing a provider’s performance was dismal, how comfortable would the analyst be presenting her findings in a meeting with that provider present? a)Very comfortable b)Slightly uncomfortable c)Depends on the provider d)They’d hide provider names e)They’d call in sick

8 #HASummit14 Poll Question #3 8 If an analyst uncovered data showing a provider’s performance was dismal, how comfortable would you be presenting those findings in a meeting with that provider present? a)Very comfortable b)Slightly uncomfortable c)Depends on the provider d)I’d hide provider names e)I’d call in sick

9 #HASummit14 Analytics are still scary 9 1.You need a baseline 2.Analysts are the “messengers” 3.Errors are part of the process Sources: Adapted from various ideas taught by Alistair Cockburn and Martin Fowler – see and But remember: Agile Development = Trouble Detector Fail fast Experiment Learn from mistakes Bad news is good news

10 #HASummit14 Other things you can do 10 Pay analysts competitively Let your analysts inform decisions Point them to the EDW Non value-addValue-add Understanding the question Hunting for data Interpreting data Data distribution Gather, compiling, or running Weak Analytic System Strong Analytic System Understanding the question Hunting for data Interpreting data Data distribution Gather, compiling, or running

11 #HASummit14 Cultivate the right skills. 11

12 #HASummit14 12 Does this look familiar? Building some crappy report for somebody. You? Just waiting on some crappy report. Cool. Data Architect Visualization Specialist Wall End User Hey, what are you guys doing? What are you doing over there?

13 #HASummit14 13 Data Architect Outcomes Analyst Business Intelligence Starting Knowledge by Role… Data Architecture Visualizations Analytics (applying technical results to clinical work) Data Architect Outcomes Analyst Business Intelligence To Long-term Knowledge by Role

14 #HASummit14 Why a “generalist”? 14 Job satisfaction in diversity of work Match data model, functionality, and visualizations to the user request ANALYTICS END USERS DATA MODEL DATA

15 #HASummit14 Exercise 15 Objective: Create the best dashboard given the charts of metrics Rules Work as a team. Everyone at the table needs to participate. You don’t have to use all of the pieces. You have two minutes.

16 #HASummit14 Exercise Solution: 16

17 #HASummit14 Involve, don’t minimize 17 Do you want metric minions or smart people thinking about solving domain problems with data? Domain Knowledge “Snowflake Method” 1.Goal 1.Aim 2.Aim 3.Aim 1.Metric 2.Metric 3.Metric 4.Metric Curiosity + Passion = Value User Stories Sources: Adapted from Randy Ingermanson’s “Snowflake Method” for Designing a Novel –

18 #HASummit14 Technical skillsets 18 Hire soft skills Smart, hardworking, humble Inch towards usefulness Basic training Dummy projects, exercises, training modules Contribute small pieces of real projects

19 #HASummit14 Visual story telling It is easy to make things hard to understand 19 Simple tools but profound insights

20 #HASummit14 The Final Word 20 Should I use a pie chart? *There are exceptions… Sources: Adapted from comedy writer David Thorne –

21 #HASummit14 Like this… 21 Sources: Matt Cutts -

22 #HASummit14 22 Eliminating barriers.

23 #HASummit14 The Barriers 23 Eliminate barriers along all fronts Prioritize for them “Ghosties” for an analyst Story time…

24 #HASummit14 Lessons Learned 24 Role of an analyst is to improve outcomes, not run reports Culture Value your analysts and be eager for insights Skills Encourage the generalist to self-serve curiosities and develop passion (Curiosity + Passion = Value) Barriers Make it easy for them to do their job

25 #HASummit14 A Questions & Answers 25

26 #HASummit14 Choose one thing… 26 Write down one thing will you do differently after hearing this presentation

27 #HASummit14 Thank You 27

28 #HASummit14 28 Session Feedback Survey 1.On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you overall with this session? 1)Not at all satisfied 2)Somewhat satisfied 3)Moderately satisfied 4)Very satisfied 5)Extremely satisfied 2.What feedback or suggestions do you have?

29 #HASummit14 Upcoming Sessions Pre-Summit Sessions 2 (4:25 PM – 5:10 PM) Panel: How to Maximize your EDW and Analytics Investment with a Service-Value Approach Panel: Patient Safety and Patient Injury Prevention Best Practices Panel: ACO and Population Health Best Practices Panel: Our Most Advanced Customers: How to Meet the Growing Demands of Increased Success 29 Location Envoy Savoy Murano Venezia E) F) G) H)

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