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Grab Your Tools... It’s on! Created By The Offices of Library Media and Instructional Technology Updated 6/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Grab Your Tools... It’s on! Created By The Offices of Library Media and Instructional Technology Updated 6/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab Your Tools... It’s on! Created By The Offices of Library Media and Instructional Technology Updated 6/2010

2 Agenda Web-based Tools HCPSS Online Resources Why Information Literacy? Digital Information Fluency Model What Databases are Available?

3 Web 2.0 Tools Engage students Enhance instruction

4 Web 2.0 Examples Wordle - http://www.wordle.net Rubistar - Postcard FM - Glogster - 1. Choose one of the first 3 applications to explore briefly 2. Log in to Rubistar and develop a rubric for a product created in Wordle, Glogster, or Postcard FM Want to see more Web 2.0 tools?


6 Information Literacy

7 What digital natives don’t do wellWhat they tend to do instead Turn a question into a query Rush ahead toward an answer, either grabbing the whole question “as is” or missing an important part of it Choose the right databaseEnter words or phrases into Google Recognize information when they find it Rush past important information and clues, continue to browse Find better keywordsStick with their original words and browse Verify the credibility of information Accept what they find at face value, hoping somewhere in the information there is an answer http://21cif.imsa.edu Digital Natives and Online Research

8 http://21cif.imsa.edu

9 http://www.big6.com

10 What information am I looking for? [big 6 step 1 - task definition] Learners identify key concepts in a research question Learners create effective and efficient search queries Effectively act on informed decisions to revise their search queries based on search results/feedback http://21cif.imsa.edu

11 Where will I find the information? [big6 step 2 - information seeking strategies] Learners understand the organization of digital information Learners effectively and efficiently select digital collections based on their characteristics http://21cif.imsa.edu

12 How will I get there? [big6 step 3 - location & access] Learners select digital search tools based on their effectiveness and efficiency Learners select and apply appropriate search strategies to effectively and efficiently locate reliable digital information related to their academic learning goal(s) Navigate hyperlink, i.e. browsing strategies Use subject directory strategies Use search engine strategies http://21cif.imsa.edu

13 How good is the information? [big6 step 4 - use of information] Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine its usefulness in the search process Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine the reliability of its content Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine the reliability of its source http://21cif.imsa.edu

14 How will I ethically use the information? [big6 step 5 - synthesis] Learners ethically use digital information Learners decide whether or not to integrate digital information related to a specific information task Learners give credit to the source and/or author for the selected digital information http://21cif.imsa.edu

15 The Top 10 Reasons for Using HCPSS Online Resources

16 #10 They are Accurate Someone else has already checked the articles and websites for appropriateness, accuracy, reliability, and curriculum elements.

17 #9 They are UP To Date

18 #8 they are Legal

19 #7 You will not need to Google! HCPSS does not allow “free searching” in elementary or middle schools.

20 Why Use Databases when we have google*?

21 #6 Students Love them!

22 #5 An entire class can access the same information at the same time

23 #4 Empty filing cabinets and clean desk drawers! Thousands of newspapers, magazines, and journals are available.

24 #3 Students Can use the resources outside of school

25 #2 They are Free For HCPSS teachers and Families

26 #1 You won’t show students inappropriate websites

27 What Databases are Available to Me and to my students?

28 Log-In: howardcps Password: howardcps CultureGrams offers concise, reliable, and up-to-date country reports on over 200 cultures of the world. It goes beyond mere facts and figures to deliver an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.

29 Log-In: howco Password: worldbook World Book Online Reference Center is an excellent source of reliable, easy to understand information for students. World Book Online offers all the features of the print encyclopedia plus links to maps, web sites, and other print articles.

30 Log-In: MD1570 (or MD1570H) Password: 21042 SIRS Discoverer offers a database of easily retrievable full-text articles, often with accompanying graphics, with full printing and saving capabilities. The full- text articles database consists of articles reprinted with permission, from approximately 1,600 newspapers, magazines and U.S. government documents. Other features include: The World Almanac for Kids, Compton’s Encyclopedia, and a Spotlight of the Month.

31 Log-In: MD1570H Password: 21042

32 Log-In: your clc email address Password: hcpss is a timesaving portal to thousands of online resources of book-related resources you can use to explore children's and young adult books and their authors. It provides immediate access to useful materials and exciting programs (short movies, audio book readings, book discussion guides, and more) that add a multimedia dimension to reading in the classroom, library media center, and home.

33 Log-In: HCStudent Password: HC21042 to create an account Generate, edit, and publish an MLA Works Cited list or APA References list that complies with the rules of the current MLA Handbook and APA Publication Manual. NoodleBib takes care of punctuation, alphabetization and formatting, producing a polished source list for import into Word.

34 Log-In: use example given Use your Howard County Library card and pin number (request a pin number from the library) to access many online reference sources. To locate the online resources, click on “Databases.”

35 How do Teachers and Administrators access the etools? CLC Desktop Conferences Folder > Content Support > On-line Research Links > Open eTool document Via school library media webpage Note: To add the On-line Research Links Conference to your desktop, hold the Control key and click on the On-Line Research Links Folder Icon.

36 How do Students access the etools? Via school library media webpage or links In schools, databases are IP authenticated (open automatically) For home login, see the library media specialist for login information

37 Your Turn! Select an instructional topic. Use one of the HCPSS online resources to gather information about your instructional topic. Choose one of the Web 2.0 tools and create a product that incorporates the information. For instance, your topic is tree frogs, you research them in WorldBookOnline and you use PostcardFM to share the information with a friend.

38 Bibliography 21st Century Information Fluency Project. 13 Aug. 2007. Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. 13 Aug. 2007. Richardson, Will. "Weblogg-ed." 11 Aug. 2007. 13 Aug. 2007.http://www.weblogg- "School Library Media." Howard County Public School System. HCPSS. 13 Aug. 2007.














52 Log-In: howco Password: worldbook World Book Online Reference Center is an excellent source of reliable, easy to understand information for students. World Book Online offers all the features of the print encyclopedia plus links to maps, web sites, and other print articles.

53 Log-In: howardcps Password: howardcps CultureGrams offers concise, reliable, and up-to-date country reports on over 200 cultures of the world. It goes beyond mere facts and figures to deliver an insider's perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.



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