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Masami Ouchi (STScI) Progress of the Wide-Field Deep Surveys for Galaxies at z=3-9.

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Presentation on theme: "Masami Ouchi (STScI) Progress of the Wide-Field Deep Surveys for Galaxies at z=3-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Masami Ouchi (STScI) Progress of the Wide-Field Deep Surveys for Galaxies at z=3-9

2 Introduction Recent results of our z=3-7 LyαEmitter studies On-going Wide-Field NIR Search for z=7-9 objects Summary Overview

3 (1) Galaxy formation: z>~5 emergence of galaxy halos Evolution of neutral fraction of IGM (Fan et al. 2006) Why are Studies of z=3-9 Galaxies Important? Num. density evolution of halos predicted with the ΛCDM model of Sheth&Tormen1999 (2) Reionization: z~6:Epoch of transition cluster galaxy

4 Reionization & Galaxies Dijkstra et al. (2007) Galaxies (black dots) and cosmic HII region (orange) from simulations (Iliev et al. 2006) Lyα line profiles of galaxies at z=8 Lyα emitting galaxies place constraints on reionization properties Intrinsic Lyα absorbed

5 (1) Lyα Emitters (LAEs) Identify a redshifted Lyα emission line with a narrow band (NB) Lyα emitting (~dust-poor) star-forming galaxies. Kodaira et al. (2003) Redshift Lyα

6 (2) Dropout galaxies Stanway et al. (2005) Redshift Identify a redshifted continuum break (Ly break+GP trough) UV bright star-forming galaxies

7 SXDF(1.3 deg 2 ;i=27.0) [2 h 18 m 00 s,-5 o 00’00”] 5 pointings of Suprime-Cam 141h -1 Mpc SDF(0.2 deg 2 ;i=27.4 ) [13 h 24 m 39 s,+27 o 29’26”] 1 pointing of Suprime-Cam XMM-Newton 0.5-2 (Ueda+07) VLA 1.4 GHz (Simpson+06) X-ray(XMM), UV(GALEX), NIR(UKIRT),IR(Spitzer),Sub-mm(SCUBA+BLAST), Radio(VLA,GMRT) X-ray to Radio

8 High-z Galaxy Samples Lyα Emitter (LAE) SDF SXDF  z=3.1: - 356(41) (NB503<25.3; BVNB 2 colors)  z=3.7: - 101(29) (NB570<24.7; BVNB 2 colors)  z=4.9: 87(5) - (NB711<26.0; RiNB 2 colors)  z=5.7: 89(27) 401(17) (NB816<26.0; RiNB 2 colors+ no flux in BV)  z=6.6: 58(19) >106 (NB921<26.0; izNB 2 colors+ no flux in BVR)  z=7.0: 2(1) - (NB973<25; zNB 2 colors+ no flux in BVR) Number in () is the one of spectroscopically identified objects Thanks to the deep & wide field imaging data, we have obtained ~1,000 LAEs at z=3-7 (c.f. x10 larger number of LAEs than previous studies) NB503 NB570 NB711 NB816 NB921

9 Examples of our LAEs radio loud AGN z=3.123, f 1.4 =108±18μJy (Courtesy: Simpson) LAE with a radio contour AGN  VLA 1.4GHz (>20μJy)  XMM ( ≳ 5e-16 erg/s/cm 2 ) ~3 (radio) and 2(X-ray)/356 sources at z~3 ~1(radio) and 2 (X-ray)/101 sources at z~4 0 radio/X-ray detection at z>5.7 → AGN : ~1/50 of all LAEs Star-forming galaxies (1-10 Mo/yr)  and possibly some cooling clouds and fluorescence (Juna Kollmeier’s talk) z=5.7 LAEs (Ouchi et al. 2005)

10 Evolution of Lyα Luminosity Function Observed LF→no evol. but f Lyα absorbed by IGM intrinsic LF→ likely evolved  Contrary to UV continuum LF of dropout galaxies (e.g. Lehnert+03, Ouchi+04,Shimasaku+05,Bo uwens+06+07) Numer density of intrinsically bright LAEs increases from z=3.1 to 5.7  emergence of different Lyα population (incl. PopIII, cooling clouds and/or dust poor) at higher redshifts?? Ouchi et al. in prep Solid: Obeserved LF Dash: Intrinsic LF z=5.7 z=3

11 Discovery of z=6.96 LAE in SDF Not only the record break, but a scientific value. Iye et al., 2006, Nature, 443, 186 Nature, Sep 14, 2006

12 At higher redshit: Lyα Luminosity func. Observed Lyα LF → Num. dens. of bright LAE decreases from z=5.7 up to 7.0. (c.f. no evol. from z=3-5.7)  Evolution of IGM neutral fraction? (Kashikawa+06,Iye+06) and/or  Galaxy evolution? (Dijikstra+06) →Only study of LF cannot resolve the problem of reionization Other physical properties for z=6-7 LAEs?? →HST/Spitzer coordinated observations in 2007-2008 (Egami et al.) z=5.7

13 ---Beyond z=7--- Our On-going Wide-Field Search

14 Wide-field Search for z>7 Dropouts and LAEs One (to 4) candidates of z=7-8 faint dropouts are identified in the HUDF. Deep search (J~27) in area (~20arcmin 2 ; Bouwens & Illingworth 2006). Very faint “candidates” are found by gravitational lens studies (Richard+06, Stark+07). No intrinsically-bright candidates of z>7 dropouts/LAEs are found by current searches. It cannot give a constraint on LF. Moreover, no spec conf. →A wide- field search is needed!! Bouwens & Illingworth (2006) ?

15 Wide-field MOIRCS search in the GOODS MOIRCS: wide-field NIR camera of Subaru (FoV=28arcmin 2 ) GOODS-N field (~140 arcmin^2)  Ultra-deep field with 1 FoV (30 hrs each for J and Ks) = x7 FIRES (Labbe et al. 2003)  Deep field with 3 FoVs (5 hrs each for J and Ks) =slightly deeper than ISSAC GOODS-S In 2006-2008 (in total ~35 nights are allocated: Ichikawa/Tokoku,Ouchi et al.).  See Kajisawa et al. 2006, Ichikawa et al. 2007 for deep images of 2006 run. Courtesy Kajisawa 1/8 cutout of MOIRCS Field Image MOIRCS

16 Two z-dropout Candidates? From the First-Year (2006) Data We see two candidates in our field. However, these sources are identified at 3-5 sigma levels. Are they real?? → Spectroscopic follow-up is going on with MOS spec. mode of MOIRCS this spring. Except for these 2 sources, we have no candidates down to J=26 → constraining LF at z~8. Ouchi et al. ASPC Ser. in press MLT stars model

17 Constraints on UV luminosity function at z~8 Luminosity function (LF) of z~8 dropouts Our z-dropout-search results give upper limits of LF.  Even if two candidates are real, bright-end LF evolves. → Not only for faint galaxies (Bouwens & Illingworth 2006), but also for bright galaxies, number density (luminosity) of dropout galaxies decreases from z=6 to 8 →hierarchical evol.(if UV ∝ mass)  Adding 2007-2008 data, we will obtain robust candidates and/or a stronger constraint on LF. upper limits (with 0 or2 candidates) Our search goals

18 z=8.8 LAEs (NB119 filter )  z=8.8 LAE search with our narrow-band filter (NB119) centered at 1.19 um (Tokoku/Ouchi et al.) in GOODS.  Observations are being proposed to Subaru.  Unique survey parameters (Depth and volume)  Strong constriant on LF of z~9 LAEs. (never achieved. thanks to MOIRCS’s performance)  Expected number of z=8.8 LAEs f~4e-18 erg/s/cm^2 → we expect ~3.3 LAEs (if no evolution of LF from z~7) ←grav. lens search J z’ Model spectrum of z~8 dropouts NB119 Survey limits of z~9 LAE Our z=8.8 LAE Search optical bandsMOIRCS Deep Large Vol.

19 LAEs at redshift higher than z=8.8.  Simulations with realistic OH sky and MOIRCS optics (varying central wavelength+band width).  A highest redshift LAE reached by MOIRCS 30 hour exp. →narrow-band filter for z=10.05 LAE z=10.05 LAEs (NB134 band )  NB134 band (center 1344nm, band width19.3nm) will be produced this year. (funded by Carnegie observatories). Aiming to detect of ~1 z=10 LAE (or constrain the LF at z=10). N(expect ) Higher redshifts with MOIRCS/GOODS search NB119 NB134 Results of Simulations

20 Introduction Recent results of our wide-field z=3-7 LyαEmitter studies  We see no evolution of Luminosity function at z=3-5.7, but decrease from z=5.7-7.0.→ evolution neutral fraction of IGM and/or galaxy evolution at z>6 On-going wide-field NIR search for z=7-9 objects in GOODS  Our MOIRCS dropout/LAE search (2006-2008).  Constraints on z~8 UV luminosity function (decrease a number and/or luminosity of bright-faint galaxies)→ hierarchical evolution? Summary

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