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The Science Content, Conceptual Change, and Collaboration (SC4) Mathematics and Science Partnership - Maine U.S. Department of Education MSP Regional Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science Content, Conceptual Change, and Collaboration (SC4) Mathematics and Science Partnership - Maine U.S. Department of Education MSP Regional Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science Content, Conceptual Change, and Collaboration (SC4) Mathematics and Science Partnership - Maine U.S. Department of Education MSP Regional Meeting - San Francisco, CA Feb. 13-15, 2008 Dr. Francis Eberle and Joyce Tugel Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance

2 Four Districts; 24 schools; 263 teachers grades grades K-8; 3,500 students Three of 4 districts substantially below state average for at least 5 years (Maine DOE) Identified as High Need Science – Physical and Nature of Science University of New England, Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance and 4 Districts (1 Municipal, 2 - MSADs, 1 School Union) Three years SC4 -Background

3 SC4 - Goals Increase district capacity for improving the teaching of science Develop a sustainable community of learners Increase students’ opportunities to learn science Increase student achievement in science

4 SC4 – Project Structures Partners 4 Districts University PD Partner Governance Advisory Council District PD Team Teacher Leaders Components Content Knowledge Standards & Research on Learning Instructional Strategies Data and Action Research Leadership Collaboration PD Strategies Workshops (1-3 days) Institutes Online Forums Curriculum Implementation Learning Communities Conferences District Sessions

5 SC4 - Professional Development Model Conceptual change focus Layered, coherent and sustained Considered adult learning, district priorities and structures Involve educators at all levels of the district Outcome Continuum:1. Building Knowledge Teacher content knowledge, 2. Applying Knowledge Standards and research on learning, 3. Producing Knowledge Instructional strategies, Data and action research, Leadership, Collaboration

6 SC4 – Professional Development Model Examples of PD strategies Teacher Leaders – Curriculum Topic Study (CTS), Workshops, Conceptual Change learning, Action Research Teachers – Workshops (formative assessment, science and literacy, content, kit, curriculum design, CTS) Summer Institutes, after school meetings, Grade level teams, online book studies Administrators/Leaders – District PD Planning, Workshops, data sessions, Advisory Council Meetings

7 SC4 – Teacher Progress 2 Years Project Wide:  Participation in PD experiences ranges from 100% to 60 % in the schools.  Teachers have logged 5,422 hours of PD or an average of 18 hours/teacher.

8 SC4 – Student Progress (two years) Four of 6 district schools moved students out of “Does Not Meet Standards” category in grades 4 and 8 in science (all areas) on State Assessment (1 remained the same) All of districts reported 4th and 8th grade state assessment scores increased in physical science, while nature of science was comparatively the same to the first year. On the SC4 designed assessment aggregated grades 3-8 subtest scores for the second year are higher in 105 of 120 (87%) sub scores as compared to first year.

9 SC4 – Student Progress (State assessment)


11 SC4 - Summary PD is focused, sustained and offered across many platforms Ownership and delivery for PD is shifting to Districts Depth AND breath are a consequence of the variety of learning opportunities for teachers Districts are responding structurally Teachers are engaged Students are learning (tentative)

12 SC4 – Acknowledgements  Co-Principal Investigators: Dr. Francis Eberle Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance; Page Keeley Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance; Dr. James Vesenka University of New England  Project Director: Joyce Tugel, Science Specialist - Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance  Professional Development Support: Grace Scarano – University of New England Lynn Farrin, Nancy Chesley and Chad Dorsey - Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance  District Leaders Gail Sullivan - Assistant Superintendent MSAD #35 Sue Austin- Assistant Superintendent MSAD #60 Elaine Dow - Assistant Superintendent Auburn School Department Dennis Duquette - Superintendent School Union 29  Evaluation: Dr. Bill Nave

13 Disclaimer The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation are not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education.

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