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Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network October 24, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network October 24, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vermont WIC MIS/EBT Implementation Readiness Coordinator Network October 24, 2013

2 Agenda Announcement of MIS/EBT Contractors Collection of UPCs/PLUs for VT APL Review of other state’s APL materials for participants Feedback from the Field on EBT and Approved Products List Ceres graphic styles November – December Meetings 2

3 MIS and EBT Contractors MIS Contractor – CIBER, Inc. (contract approvals and signatures pending) –Developed the MPSC MIS to be transferred to Vermont WIC, and installed and operated as Ceres –Continuing to work with Mountain Plains States Consortium on enhancements to the MIS –Will develop also the “interface” to allow the MIS to work with our online EBT system EBT Contractor – JP Morgan (contract signatures pending) –Currently installing online EBT for Oregon WIC –Already developed and operate online EBT for Cherokee Nation, OK, and other WIC agencies using the SPIRIT MIS 3

4 MIS and EBT Contractors (2) Kick-off meeting for all contractors and stakeholders Nov 13 – RCN members invited! First face-to-face of all involved parties to review initial project plans, timelines and milestones Identification of roles and responsibilities Vermont the first SA to implement a new MIS at the same time as transitioning to EBT. Add to that, we are transitioning from home delivery to retail delivery. Over 3,000 unique tasks Three contractors: MIS, EBT and Quality Assurance (QA), to monitor health of project management and quality of contractor deliverables. 4

5 Collection of UPCs for the APL The Approved Products List (APL) must be “machine readable” to be EBT-usable Description of the food has to be stated numerically –Category (“Cat”) + Subcategory (“SubCat”) + Quantity + Universal Price Code (“UPC”) and Price Look Up (“PLU”) Example – Oregon WIC APL spreadsheet 5 Manufacturer code Product Code

6 Collection of UPCs for the APL (2) Start with APL spreadsheets from other EBT states: FL, OR, KY, MI Use reference databases to supplement –FNS National UPC Database (NUPC) – (wholesalers record products here) –Chains – Hannaford, Shaws, P&C, Tops –Wholesalers – Assoc. Grocers of New England (AGNE), Dowlings, etc Do our own scanning in stores to further supplement –Handheld devices that dock to PC to upload data –Used in OR, FL and other states to build their lists 6

7 Reminder: Report Network Problems We need to establish “baseline” for current network capability If it’s not good enough now, it won’t be later! Report to HelpDesk if Network is s-l-o-w, not responding quickly, timing out, etc. HelpDesk tickets are used by DII to determine if there’s enough capacity for the new system! Please spread the word in your DO --- Report any and all network problems to HelpDesk --- not just network outages! 7

8 Reports Back from Homework Talking to Families About Food Choices –How will EBT change how you talk to families about the WIC food package? –What questions do you think families will have? –What materials will be useful for staff and families? 8

9 Year –End Schedule November 13 – Kick-off meeting in Burlington (all day) December – month off – no meeting January – meeting JANUARY 23, 2014 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM 9

10 NEXT MEETING’S AGENDA What’s ahead….

11 January 23, 2014 12:30pm – 1:30pm Update on Projects Review of Clinic Enablement activities planned Feedback from the Field If you will miss (or have missed) the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestionsIf you will miss (or have missed) the meeting, please review the meeting materials and contact us with any questions and suggestions Lynne Bortree Jeanne Keller 11

12 SEE YOU (WHEN) ????? – ??????– 1:00 PM

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