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The Business Benefits of Women in Leadership Breaking Through the Granite Ceiling in Corporate New Hampshire January 29, 2008 by Katie Merrow, Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "The Business Benefits of Women in Leadership Breaking Through the Granite Ceiling in Corporate New Hampshire January 29, 2008 by Katie Merrow, Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Business Benefits of Women in Leadership Breaking Through the Granite Ceiling in Corporate New Hampshire January 29, 2008 by Katie Merrow, Executive Director Two Delta Drive, Concord, NH 03301, (603) 491-0959 Contact us at or

2 Why consider gender? How many women are at the top? Potential action steps—results of interviews with business leaders

3 Three reasons to consider gender… Women are an increasingly important part of the workforce. Companies with more women in leadership have performed better. There are relatively fewer women at the top in NH than in other states.

4 As workforce ages, women are the majority of young, educated potential workers

5 Women are the majority in most consumer markets Women are responsible for: 83% of all consumer purchases 89% of new bank accounts 80% of healthcare decisions 60% of car purchases 47% of the U.S. investor market 46% of home ownership Significant trends: At least 55% of those online every day are women Online spending is projected to increase 26% this year By 2010 women are expected to control 60% of the wealth in the US Women’s buying behaviors are different from men’s. Source: Marketing to Women, Marty Barletta

6 Fortune 500 companies with more women at the top performed better

7 NH has more women at the bottom and fewer at the top than other New England states

8 The Numbers Financial Institutions Hospitals Publicly Held Corporations

9 Women are concentrated at the staff level in each sector studied

10 Women comprise 80% of the workforce and 28% of senior executives in NH financial institutions

11 Women are concentrated at the staff level in healthcare

12 Representation is increasing —especially among CEOs

13 Conversations with business and banking leaders Talked with 20 business leaders about: –Process for board selection, –Factors that affect advancement –Ways to improve opportunity Opinions on factors limiting advancement –Lack of visibility or connection to networks –Family and home responsibilities –Corporate culture that does not facilitate women’s advancement

14 Business leaders’ recommendations on ways to increase diversity at the top Business Community Create a talent bank/networking organization Provide mentoring and training—for women Provide education—for companies Individual Companies Identify women leaders early in the pipeline Require diversity in contractors’ staffing Provide support for home responsibilities Publicly declare commitment to diversity Specifically request nominations of female candidates

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