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1 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology A Profile on the Grid Data Engine (GridDaEn) Xiao Nong

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2 1 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology A Profile on the Grid Data Engine (GridDaEn) Xiao Nong Email:

3 2 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Focus  Integration  Integrate heterogeneous mass storage resources located in multiple domains  Effective and secure data operations  Access, storage, dispatch, replication, and movement  Transparent Federated services  Name transparence  Location transparence  Protocol transparence  Uniform access

4 3 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Data Request Integrated Access and Processing GridDaEn Overview Environment Environment NFSCINF Data Center 1 OracleFTP Data Center 2 NFSXML Data Center n NFS Providing Data Publishing Data Response Deployment and Management

5 4 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Architecture  Access interface layer :  Data service interfaces for grid users  System service layer :  Metadata service  Data service  Monitor service  Security service  …  Data operation layer :  Access interfaces to fabric storage

6 5 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Architecture

7 6 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Components  DRB:Data Request Broker  MDIS:MetaData Information Server  GridDaEnSI:Security Infrastructure  GridEye:Monitor System  GridDaEnSM: System Management

8 7 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Distributed Data Access and Management Local MDIS MDIS Data Center A Data Center B Data Center C Client Optimization and Scheduling DRB High-level MDIS Local MDIS Data Service

9 8 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Data Service DRB: Data Request Broker  Access dispatch  System status and location of data  Data management  Uniform view : global logical view of data resources  Data replicating and moving  Data operation  Posix like APIs: create, open, read, write, close, etc.

10 9 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Data Service Federated DRB Service  Distributed collaborated service  Remote data access  Distributed data storage  Collaborate management  Distributed cache and replica  Management of cache and copies  On-demand storage and access  High performance data transport

11 10 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Metadata Information Service  Global MDIS server  System information  Index information  …  Local MDIS server  Domain information  File information  …

12 11 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Metadata Information Service  Metadata access and management  Uniform data namespace  Data locating, registration, and publishing  System information management  Data discovery  Replication policy and management  Nearest replica access  Control of replica privileges  Management of replica lifetime

13 12 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Security  GSI Compliance  Only use Proxy function of GSI  Separate GSI from Globus Toolkit  GridDaen Security Functionality :  Secure authentication  Communication encryption  Single sign on  Role-based authentication management  Multi-level user mapping

14 13 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridEye: Monitor System  Based on GMA  Producer/consumer model  Web Service Interface  Multi-layer structure  Local monitor--LM  Global monitor--GM Global domain GM manager Local domain 1 ….. LM Sensor1 up-level system Local domain 1 ….. LM Sensor1 Local domain 1 ….. LM Sensor1

15 14 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn Tools  User administrative client  User data operation client  UIs supported:  Graphic user interface  Command line  APIs and SDKs

16 15 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology GridDaEn v 1.0 Features  Virtualized resources  Uniform operation and management  Coordination of autonomic system  High usability and security  Scalability  Multi-level authorization  Performance optimization

17 16 School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology Our Future Works  GridDaEn v1.0  Now available in our website    GridDaEn v1.1  web service Based  Available on 2005-1  GridDaEn v2.0 beta  Structured data and semi- structured data supported  Related database,XML database  More native file system and access protocol supported  Performance optimization  Available on 2005-4

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