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Modeling Tools for Healthcare Technical Overview April 8, 2009.

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1 Modeling Tools for Healthcare Technical Overview April 8, 2009

2 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools2 Healthcare-oriented Modeling Environment (HoME) Project jointly managed by VHA and IBM Open source modeling environment for creation and implementation of healthcare standards  Full open source stack, or components for commercial modeling tools Model-driven development throughout lifecycle  Based on industry standard modeling languages Planned scope to include:  Information models  UML with stereotype extensions and validation rules  SOA: service identification, analysis, design, and realization  OMG SoaML: modeling SOA in UML  Generation of XSD, WSDL, Java, and other implementations

3 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools3 Based on Industry Standards for MDA Open Health Tools OMG Specifications Model Development Tools (MDT) UML2 + Papyrus OCLODMBPMN2 EMF + Validation + Compare + Search Model-to-ModelGMFModel-to-Text ODM (OWL, RDF, CL) SBVROCLUML UML Models & SOAOntology Design MOF Transformation and Mapping Eclipse Modeling Project IMMBPMN2 XSD

4 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools4 Platform Requirements Eclipse 3.4.x Ganymede release  OHT plug-ins include UML/MIF transformation and UI extensions for property editing  TODO specific extensions needed for Papyrus integration Also integrate with commercial UML tools based on Ganymede  Rational Software Modeler (RSM)  This configuration is used by HL7 committees (with free RSM licenses)

5 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools5 Integration Points Provided & Needed Provide custom Ant tasks for:  Import MIF2 to UML  Export MIF2 from UML  Transform HL7 UML model to XSD UML Model  Transform XSD UML Model to XML Schemas  Transform HL7 UML Model to Ecore UML model (in progress) Plug-in public API available for the above, no Eclipse extension points at this time Need extension points and/or OSGi services:  Terminology Service (e.g. CTS2)  CDA Template registry (to support deserialization of instances) For consideration:  Use of OSGi services for deployment in runtime servers?

6 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools6 Information Models (HL7 Extensions) UML profiles for extended healthcare SDO metadata Modeling tool UI enhancements for clinical analysts Terminology constraints on attribute values Modeling extensions work in open source or commercial UML tools Import information models from HL7 MIF format Validate UML model as HL7 RIM restriction Transform UML model for XSD design and generate schemas

7 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools7 Clinical Document (CDA) Design and Implementation Creating prototype of CCD and C32 implementation guides. Use UML standard modeling tools to design CDA template constraints. Create and publish complete implementation guides. Transform UML model for alternative implementations (Java, XSD, etc.) Generate Java APIs for application developers. Research potential for building clinical model editing and transformation tools.

8 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools8 Example Process Flow for CDA Development Import CDA UML model from MIF Restrict CDA model with template constraints, e.g. CCD templates Transform to EMF Ecore model Generate complete Java library specific to each implementation guide with all constraints Use Java API library to support CDA instance creation and validation by applications

9 24 March 2009Modeling CDA with Standards-Based Tools9 Initial CDA Test Scenarios National Health Information Network (NHIN)  Continuity of Care Document (CCD)  HITSP C-32 EU Hypergenes Project  Essential Hypertension CDA templates  Goal: End-to-End testing with real data  Java APIs generated from UML model and constraints perform complete CDA Implemenation Guide validation  Java APIs for data extract and loading

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