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1 Algorithmic Networks & Optimization Maastricht, October 2009 Ronald L. Westra, Department of Mathematics Maastricht University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Algorithmic Networks & Optimization Maastricht, October 2009 Ronald L. Westra, Department of Mathematics Maastricht University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Algorithmic Networks & Optimization Maastricht, October 2009 Ronald L. Westra, Department of Mathematics Maastricht University

2 2 Course Objectives This course gives an introduction to basic neural network architectures and learning rules. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical analysis of these networks, on methods of training them and on their application to practical engineering problems in such areas as pattern recognition, signal processing and control systems.

3 3 COURSE MATERIAL 1.Neural Networks Design (Hagan et al) 2.Network Theory (C. Gross) 3.Lecture Notes and Slides 4.Lecture - handouts 5.MATLAB Neural Networks Toolbox

4 4 Course Material 1. NEURAL NETWORKS Course book : Neural Network Design, Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale, ISBN: 0-9717321-0-8.Neural Network Design 2. NETWORK THEORY Course book : Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, a Primer, Claudius Gros (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt University), Springer (2008), ISBN-10: 3540718737 This document is freely available under: Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems, a Primer

5 5 GENERAL INFORMATION Course Methodology The course consists of the following components; i. a series of 10 lectures and 10 mini-exams, ii. 7 skills classes, each with one programming task, iii. one final written exam. In the lectures the main theoretical aspects will be presented. Each lecture starts with a "mini-exam" with three short questions belonging to the previous lecture. In the skills classes (SCs) several programming tasks are performed, one of which has to be submitted until next SC. Finally,the course terminates with an exam.

6 6 GENERAL INFORMATION mini-exams * First 10 minutes of the lecture * Closed Book * Three short questions on the previous lecture * Counts as bonus points for the final mark … * There is *NO* resit.

7 7 Introduction Computational dynamical networks are all around us, ranging from the metabolic and gene regulated networks in our body, via the neural networks in our brain making sense of these words, to the internet and the world wide web on which we rely so much in modern society.

8 8 Introduction In this course we will study networks consisting of computational components - the 'nodes', in which nodes communicate via a specific but potentially dynamic and flexible network structure and react based on all incoming information - from the other nodes and from specific 'inputs'. The subject of network is vast and extensive, more than one single course can capture.

9 9 Introduction In this course we will emphasize three essential aspects of dynamical networks: 1. their ability to translate incoming 'information' into a suitable 'reaction', 2. their abilities and limitations in accurately mapping a collection of specific inputs to a collection of associated outputs, and 3. the relation of network topology to their efficiency to process and store data. The first aspect relates to the 'Algorithmic' in the name of the course.

10 10 Introduction The second to the 'Optimization', because learning in our context is regarded as the optimization of the network parameters to map the input to the desired output. The third topic covers the subject of what nowadays is called 'Network Theory' and thus relates to the remaining word in the title of the course.

11 11 Introduction In this course major attention is devoted to artificial neural networks (ANNs or simply NNs). These were among the first research topics in AI, and are therefore of importance to knowledge engineering. At present, many other networks are modeled to NNs, for instance Gene Regulated networks. We will consider simple single-layer feed-forward networks like the perceptron and the ADALINE networks, multi-layered feed-forward networks with back-propagation, and competitive networks with associative learning including Kohonen networks.

12 12 Introduction Furthermore, we will shortly discuss the topic of gene networks as example of potentially fully connected networks. Finally, we will extensively study network structures and network topology, and their relation to the efficiency of storing and processing information.

13 13 1. Background Do natural networks exhibit characteristic architectural and structural properties that may act as a format for reconstruction? Some observations...

14 14 Mycoplasma genitalium 500 nm 580 Kbp 477 genes 74% coding DNA Obligatory parasitic endosymbiont Mycoplasma genitalium Metabolic Network Metabolic Network Nodes are genes, edges are gene co-expressions Degree distribution Horizontally log of degree (= number of connections), vertically log of number of genes with this degree

15 15 Protein complex network and connected complexes in yeast S. cerevisiae, Gavin et al., Nature 2002. Cumulative degree distributions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Jeong et al, Nature 2001 Yeast

16 16 Functional modules of the kinome network [Hee, Hak, 2004]

17 17 Degree distributions in human gene coexpression network. Coexpressed genes are linked for different values of the correlation r, King et al, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2004

18 18 Statistical properties of the human gene coexpression network. (a)Node degree distribution. (b)Clustering coefficient plotted against the node degree King et al, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2004

19 19 Cumulative degree distributions for six different networks. These kind of networks are all around us …

20 20 Special Network Architectures

21 21 Network Architecture and Degree Distribution

22 22 Neuronal Networks Metabolic Network Nodes are genes, edges are gene co-expressions Neurons and Synapses LEFT: in vivo prepared image BELOW: Fluorescent dye indicates neuron activity

23 23 The fundamental component of a NN

24 24

25 25

26 26 Active Neurons exhibiting a “Small World” Network

27 27 Small world networks key to memory Philip Cohen, New Scientist, 26 May 2004 If you recall this sentence a few seconds from now, you can thank a simple network of neurons for the experience. That is the conclusions of researchers who have built a computer model that can reproduce an important aspect of short-term memory. The key, they say, is that the neurons form a "small world" network. Small-world networks are surprisingly common. Human social networks, for example, famously connect any two people on Earth - or any actor to Kevin Bacon - in six steps or less.

28 28 Network Structures Fully Connected Networks : all nodes are connected to all other nodes Random Networks : the nodes are connected randomly to other nodes Sparse Networks : Nodes are connected to only a few other nodes Regular Networks : there is a regular pattern like in lattices Layered Networks : the nodes are grouped in layers Small world Networks: to be defined later … Scale Free Networks : to be defined later …

29 29 So, what is a COMPUTATIONAL NETWORK ? NODES:process information: input→output CONNECTIONS: information transport lines between nodes with specific weight/ impedance EXTERNAL INPUTS:interact with specific nodes OUTPUTS:specific nodes that are observed

30 30 external inputs input-coupling nodes interaction- coupling Example of an general dynamics network topology output

31 31 General state space dynamics The evolution of the n-dimensional state space vector x (gene expressions/neuron activity) depend on p-dim inputs u, system parameters θ and Gaussian white noise ξ.

32 32 Computational Networks continuously process “information” Not considered in this course: Material flow networks, Petri nets Not considered in this course: static networks, graph, relation networks, Bayesian belief networks

33 33 Computational Networks We will study the influence of: * network architecture * the way the node processes information * processing of information through the network * storage of information in the network … and their computational efficiency.

34 34 Computational Networks Learning, pattern matching, memory, and optimization = change the network parameters such that a given input pattern is mapped to a desired output pattern

35 35 PART I Linear Networks

36 36 Let us assume a computational network (with n nodes) with linear state space dynamics Suppose we want to store M patterns in the network Memory storage in linear computational networks

37 37 Linearized form of a subsystem First order linear approximation of system separates state vector x and inputs u. Note that matrices A and B can be directly translated to the network topology

38 38 Connectivity Matrix and Network Topology 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

39 39 input-output pattern: The system has ‘learned’ to react to an external input u (e.g. toxic agent, viral infection) with a specific pattern x(t). This combination (x,u) is the input-output PATTERN

40 40 Memory Storage = Network Reconstruction Using these definitions it is possible to map the problem of pattern storage to the * solved * problem of gene network reconstruction with sparse estimation

41 41 Data from experiments & observations Empirical data

42 42 Information Pattern Alternatively, suppose that we have M patterns we want to store in the network:

43 43 The relation between the desired patterns (state derivatives, states and inputs) defines constraints on the data matrices A and B, which have to be computed. Pattern Storage:

44 44 Row-by-row relation Set of N decoupled linear systems of size Mx(N+m) Rich data: there is enough experimental data to reconstruct the matrix Poor data: there isn’t …

45 45 Reformulation: A: data matrices X and U, x: rows of A and B, b: row of state derivatives

46 46 With this approach we can optimally find the most suitable matrices A and B for a sufficiently large set of experimental data D. However, the matrices are very large – imagine 10 5 neurons interacting: then A contains 10 10 variables! Therefore, we need a large amount of experimental data!!! Pattern Storage:

47 47 Pattern Storage:

48 48 One way to avoid this dimensionality problem is to use specific characteristics of the underlying network – so of the matrices A and B. Pattern Storage:

49 49 Computing the optimal A and B for storing the Patterns USE Network characteristics: In many systems the matrices A and B, are sparse (most elements are zero): Using optimization techniques from robust/sparse optimization, this problem can be defined as: Pattern Storage:

50 50 Solution to partial sparse case Primal problem

51 51 Partial sparse case – dual approach Dual problem

52 52 Performance of dual partial approach Artificially produced data reconstructed with this approach Compare reconstructed and original data

53 53 The influence of increasing intrinsic noise on the identifiability.

54 54 a: CPU-time Tc as a function of the problem size N, b: Number of errors as a function of the number of nonzero entries k, M = 150, m = 5, N = 50000.

55 55 a: Number of errors versus M, b: Computation time versus M N = 50000, k = 10, m = 0.

56 56 a: Minimal number of measurements Mmin required to compute A free of error versus the problem size N, b: Number of errors as a function of the intrinsic noise level σ A N = 10000, k = 10, m = 5, M = 150, measuring noise B = 0.

57 57 For linear networks with enough empirical data we can reconstruct the network structure. Conclusions:

58 58 MOST networks are not linear Moreover, a linear combination cann’t handle the AND function: IS: fire = 0.5*match + 0.5*wood ? NO: fire = 1*match *wood ! Problem: AND

59 59 A quasi-linear network is defined as: where f (.) is a sigmoid function QUASI-LINEAR NETWORKS:

60 60 Notice that as f (.) is a monotonic increasing function that we can write: However, if the argument in f is outside the linear domain this will provide huge identfiability problems. QUASI-LINEAR NETWORKS:

61 61 PART II Neural Networks

62 62 Literature: Neural Network Design Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale ISBN: 0-9717321-0-8 See: with chapter 1 to 14

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