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Presented by Kasey Markoski C.O.M.S Auditory Training and Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Kasey Markoski C.O.M.S Auditory Training and Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Kasey Markoski C.O.M.S Auditory Training and Development

2 This program will discuss creating a simulated auditory environment to teach persons with a visual impairment auditory training skills in a classroom setting. This program will provide you with: ▫ Ideas for lessons and activities for students with various levels of ability ▫ Resources for developing your own auditory training lesson Introduction

3 Auditory training challenges: ▫ Lack of training environments ▫ Limited time ▫ Client’s own limitations ▫ Weather Introduction

4 Advantages:  The ability to select the most appropriate environment  Lessons can be held indoors  Lessons can be more focused  The ability for better planned lesson sequencing Training with Simulated Sounds

5 Disadvantages:  Lack of experience in the natural environment  Headphones cannot simulate front/back sounds Training with Simulated Sounds

6 Training Exercises: What is that sound? ▫ Explore one sound at a time in a quiet environment ▫ Explore multiple sounds to identify rooms to aid in orientation ▫ Listen to recorded sounds  Vehicle sounds  Typical outdoor sounds Sound Identification

7 Training Exercises: What is that sound doing? ▫ Identify what the sound of an object is doing to determine what is occurring in the environment ▫ Identify what vehicles are doing through recorded sounds  Recorded vehicles idling, accelerating, breaking, and surging  Recorded parallel and perpendicular traffic Sound Identification

8 Training exercises: Beginning Learners ▫ Pointing to the Sound ▫ Hide and Go Seek ▫ One sound present ▫ Sound source is stationary Sound Localization

9 Training exercises: Intermediate Learners ▫ Student moves toward the sound ▫ Multiple sounds are present ▫ Determining the distance of the sound ▫ Student and sound are moving Sound Localization

10 Training exercises: Advanced Learners ▫ Student is able to orient themselves using sound ▫ Use of echolocation ▫ Use of the Doppler Effect Sound Localization

11 Training exercises: Beginning Learners ▫ Student practices tracking a sound in a quiet room ▫ Tracking more than one path of sound  Ex: An object parallel then turning to perpendicular Sound Tracking

12 Training exercises: Intermediate Learners ▫ Tracking a sound where multiple sounds are present ▫ Tracking and following the sound while maintaining orientation Sound Tracking

13 Training exercises: Advanced Learners ▫ Tracking sounds of traffic in the natural environment ▫ Tracking a sound using a pre recorded sound Sound Tracking

14 Foundations of Orientation and Mobility V1 and V2 Imagining the Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Orientation and Mobility Instruction for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired- Diane Fazzi and Barbara Petersmeyer I hear with my Little Ears: Teaching Auditory Object Perception (AOP)- Diane Brauner Beginner's Guide to Echolocation for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Learning to See With Your Ears- Tim Johnson Architecture for the Blind- Chris Downey Resources

15 Presented by Kasey Markoski C.O.M.S Auditory Training and Development

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