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Have you ever looked at a piece of artwork and thought for a long time “what is this?” like the one below?

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Presentation on theme: "Have you ever looked at a piece of artwork and thought for a long time “what is this?” like the one below?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Have you ever looked at a piece of artwork and thought for a long time “what is this?” like the one below?

3  Our client is  wants to get high school students to compete in one of their art competitions.

4  Make a unique art piece  Looks simple but is more complex than what it looks like  Has an idea behind it  A staircase design




8 How do we use lines to create a piece of art? What special line relationships need to be considered in your design? Lines  Parallel lines  Perpendicular line  Transversal line What special angle relationships need to be considered in your design? Angles  Right Angle  Vertical Angles  Linear Pairs  Straight angle  Obtuse angle  Acute angle  Corresponding Angles  Alternate Interior Angles  Alternate Exterior Angles  Consecutive Interior Angles

9  wanted students in their competition  Created a piece of artwork using lines and angles  Made an intricate design with an idea

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