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Compounds 2 Ionic Compounds. Ionic compounds: When atoms lose or gain electrons to form ions. Protons are _____________ charged Electrons are _______________.

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Presentation on theme: "Compounds 2 Ionic Compounds. Ionic compounds: When atoms lose or gain electrons to form ions. Protons are _____________ charged Electrons are _______________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compounds 2 Ionic Compounds

2 Ionic compounds: When atoms lose or gain electrons to form ions. Protons are _____________ charged Electrons are _______________ charged

3 Ionic Compounds Ionic compounds: When atoms lose or gain electrons to form ions. Protons are positively charged Electrons are negatively charged

4 Charges on atom If an atom has the same number of electrons and protons then it has the same number of negatives and positives. This means it has no charge.

5 Charges on atom If an atom has the same number of electrons and protons then it has the same number of negatives and positives. This means it has no charge. Example: Sodium, Na P:_ E:_ N:_

6 Sodium Example: Sodium, Na P: 11 E: 11 What happens when sodium loses an electron? Protons+++++++++++ Electrons

7 Sodium Example: Sodium, Na P: 11 E: 11 What happens when sodium loses an electron? Protons+++++++++++ Electrons-----------

8 Sodium Example: Sodium, Na P: 11 E: 11 - What happens when sodium loses an electron? Now that sodium has one extra positive charge it becomes a positively charged ion with a charge of plus one (+1). Protons+++++++++++ Electrons----------⁄

9 Sodium Example: Nitrogen, N P: 7 E: 7 What happens when nitrogen gains three electrons? Protons+++++++ Electrons-------

10 Sodium Example: Sodium, N P: 7 E: 7 What happens when nitrogen gains three electrons? Now that Chlorine has one extra negative charge it becomes a negatively charged ion with a charge of minus three (-3). Protons+++++++ Electrons----------

11 Try a few... Find the charge of the following... 1)Fluorine (F) gains one electron 2)Oxygen (O) gains two electrons. 3)Lithium (Li) loses one electron 4)Aluminum (Al) loses three electrons

12 Drawing Ionic Compounds Similar to drawing covalent: – 1) Start by drawing the bohr models for each atom Eg Magnesium Oxygen:

13 Drawing Ionic Compounds Similar to drawing covalent: – Start by drawing the bohr models for each atom Eg Magnesium Oxygen:

14 2) Gain and lose electrons They both want ___ electrons in their outer orbit in order to be happy and stable: Magnesium has __ extra Oxygen needs __ to get 8

15 Magnesium loses 2 and oxygen gains 2

16 3) Draw in the final structures

17 4) Add brackets and charges Charge on Magnesium: Protons vs Electrons Has two more + then - = +2 charge ++++++++++++ ----------

18 Add brackets and charges Charge on Oxygen: Protons vs Electrons Has two more - then + = -2 charge ++++++++ ----------

19 Add brackets and charges.

20 Try Lithium and Chlorine 1)Draw Bohr Models 2)Who will gain and lose electrons (metals loose non metals gain) 3)Draw final structures 4)Add brackets and charges

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