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1 In what speech did George Washington encouraged the U.S. to remain neutral and form “no entangling alliances”. A. Farewell Address B. Inaugural Speech.

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Presentation on theme: "1 In what speech did George Washington encouraged the U.S. to remain neutral and form “no entangling alliances”. A. Farewell Address B. Inaugural Speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 In what speech did George Washington encouraged the U.S. to remain neutral and form “no entangling alliances”. A. Farewell Address B. Inaugural Speech 

2 2 In his Farewell Address in 1796, President Washington stressed dangers facing the nation? List them. (a) The rise of political parties which he believed could divide Americans. (b)Involvement in European rivalries. STAY NEUTRAL

3 3 Marbury vs Madison established… A. The Supreme Court B. Judicial Review  Judicial review means determining whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

4 4 In 1819, Maryland was opposed to the establishment of a national bank and challenged the authority of the federal government to establish one. The Supreme Court ruled that the power of the federal government was supreme over that of the states and that the states could not interfere. What was the name of this case? “necessary and proper” case McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

5 5 In 1824, Chief Justice John Marshall of the U.S. Supreme court ruled that the Constitution gave control of interstate commerce to the U.S. Congress, not the individual states through which a route passed. The ruling responded to a effort by the state of New York to accept a monopoly to operate steam boat traffic between New York and New Jersey on the Hudson River. What was the name of this case? Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

6 6 Which colonial group worked against ratification of the Constitution unless a Bill of Rights was added to it? A. Federalists B. Anti-Federalists 

7 7 What happened in 1803? A. Louisiana Purchase B. The Constitution was written  Can you identify it on the map?

8 8 What law established a procedure for adding new territories and states to the United States? A. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 B. Manifest Destiny  States entered the Union equal to the other states and there would be no slavery in the NW.

9 9 What is the phrase used for the belief that the United States had the God-given right to control all land between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans? A. Manifest Destiny B. Westward Expansion 

10 10 Which war with Britain was over British seizure of American ships and sailors and interference with our “freedom of the seas”. Washington, DC was burned and The Star Spangled Banner was written. A. War of 1812 B. American Revolution  What were the effects of the War of 1812?

11 11 The forced migration of Native Americans to the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) during Andrew Jackson’s administration was called the… A. Cherokee Camp Out B. Trail of Tears 

12 12 The economic system in the U.S. that was encouraged by Alexander Hamilton. It includes economic choice, competition, profit motive, and limited government regulation. A. Free Enterprise B. Supply and Demand 

13 13 Date the Declaration of Independence was written and signed in Philadelphia by delegates to the Second Continental Congress. A. 1787 B. 1776 

14 14 Consists of the first ten (10) amendments to the Constitution. Protect individual rights such as free speech, freedom of the press, and jury trials. These amendments were added to the Constitution to calm Anti-Federalist fears that the Constitution did not do enough to protect individual rights A. Declaration of Independence B. Bill of Rights  Can you list the first 10 amendments?

15 15 The first written plan of government for United States. Created a weak confederation of 13 independent states. Weaknesses included: difficulty in passing laws which required approval of 13 states; no president; no power to tax; and no national court. A. U.S. Constitution B. Articles of Confederation  Kept the U.S. united during the Revolutionary War!

16 16 What said the U.S. would not allow more European colonization in North or South America and that we would consider European interference in the Western Hemisphere an act against the U.S. A. Manifest Destiny B. The Monroe Doctrine 

17 17 A series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and John Jay to support ratification of the Constitution were called the... A. Federalist Papers B. Mayflower Compact 

18 18 Declared the American colonies separate from England; “All men are created equal…and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…” A. U.S. Constitution B. Declaration of Independence 

19 19 Original east coast areas settled by England beginning in 1607 that became the original 13 states. A. 13 colonies B. Jamestown, Virginia 

20 20 Most important thing Thomas Jefferson did AS PRESIDENT. A. Writing the Declaration of Independence B. Louisiana Purchase 

21 21 What is it called when people move to the cities to take advantage of living and job opportunities there? A. City Life B. Urbanization 

22 22 European Exploration Colonial Period American Revolution The New Republic Westward Expansion Civil WarReconstruction A historic period identified by some prominent figure or characteristic A. Era B. Frame of Reference 

23 23 That’s not what happened! Is too! I was there! The perspective from which a person views historical or current issues and events. A. Frame of Reference B. Point of View 

24 24 Would a textbook or encyclopedia be an example of a primary or secondary source? A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 

25 25 Madison Papers What is an original document, artifact, picture, journal, cartoon or a record from a person who actually participated in the event called? A. Primary Source B. Documentary 

26 26 A revival of religious feeling and belief which led people to think about their eternal salvation and led to the reform movements A. First and Second Great Awakenings B. The Enlightenment 

27 27 Efforts to reform society took on renewed purpose in the early 19 th century. What was one factor that led to increased reform activity? Charles G. Finney Second Great Awakening

28 28 To declare something to be without power or effect; to disregard the power of something as in the Nullification Crisis. A. Nullify B. Repeal 

29 29 Invented the Cotton Gin and Interchangeable parts which enabled faster and cheaper production. A. Eli Whitney B. Industrial Revolution  Who benefitted the most from the cotton gin? What type of labor increased because of the cotton gin?

30 30 Movement that spread the idea that knowledge, reason, and science could improve society. Led to an increased interest in science in America. A. The Enlightenment B. The Second Great Awakening 

31 31 Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Rights that cannot be taken away or surrendered without due process. A. Unalienable Rights B. Civil Rights 

32 32 To officially approve. A. Ratify B. Veto 

33 33 What was the large area of land that the U.S. got from Mexico after the Mexican War called? A. Mexican Cession B. New Mexico Territory 

34 34 During Jackson’s administration this law removed Indians from their lands east of the Mississippi River because whites wanted their land. A. Indian Removal Act B. Trail of Tears 

35 35 “…right to a trial; by jury of your peers.” Signed in England in 1215, this document first limited the kings power and established trial by jury. A. Magna Carta B. Articles of Confederation 

36 36 What document first outlined the principles of “rule-of-law” or self-government for colonists in 1620. A. Mayflower Compact B. The Declaration of Independence 

37 37 ConCongress put a tax on imported goods in order to protect American factories in the Northeast from British competition. The South bitterly opposed the tax. What was this tax called? gress put a tax on imported goods in order to protect American factories in the Northeast from British competition. The South bitterly opposed the tax. What was this tax called?

38 38 Who liked the Protective Tariffs? Northern Merchants (encouraged people to buy U.S. goods)

39 39 During the Jackson administration, South Carolina, led by John C. Calhoun, declared the protective tariff null and void within its borders. This led to a crisis call what? Nullification Crisis John C. Calhoun

40 40 The high taxes on imports are sure helping us! But you’re killing us!! A high “Protective Tariff” helped industry in the North but hurt the South by making foreign goods … A. Easier to get B. More expensive 

41 41 The year delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation and ended up writing a new plan of government for the United States called the Constitution A. 1787 B. 1776  Constitutional Convention

42 42 Things having to do with the countryside or living in the country are referred to as… A. Rural B. Deurbanization 

43 43 Leader of the Continental Army during the Revolution; President of the Constitutional Convention and the first President of U.S. A. George Washington B. John Hancock 

44 44 What U.S. Document lists the grievances, or complaints, that the colonists had toward the King of England? A. U.S. Constitution B. Declaration of Independence 

45 45 The process of creating commercial industry including heavy industry such as steel A. Industrialization B. Urbanization 

46 46 Which political group was led by Alexander Hamilton and supported ratification of the Constitution, factories, a national bank, and a strong central government run by the rich and well educated. A. Federalists B. Democratic-Republicans 

47 47 Why were Anti-Federalist opposed to the Constitution? No Bill of Rights!

48 48 What one thing is Thomas Jefferson most often remembered for? A. Wrote the Declaration of Independence B. Louisiana Purchase 

49 49 Wash your Adam’s apple so Jeff doesn’t get mad on Monday! You queen Jackbooty! A. Adams, Madison, Jackson B. Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson  Who were the 2 nd 4 th 7 th presidents of the United States?

50 50 A. Illegal B. Unconstitutional  Law that goes against the Constitution. What is Judicial Review?

51 51 A. Major Principles of the Constitution B. Declaration of Sentiments  federalism popular sovereignty limited government individual rights separation of powers checks & balances republicanism

52 52 FREESLAVE A. Missouri Compromise & Compromise of 1850 B. Alien and Sedition Acts  Laws that tried to preserved the balance of power in Congress between slave and free states.

53 53 A. Protective Tariffs B. Embargo Act of 1807  Restricted American trade with other countries.

54 54 A. Lewis and Clark B. Zebulon Pike  First explored the Louisiana Territory for President Jefferson.

55 55 A. Division of Power B. Sectionalism  When regions of the country place their own interests above those of the country as a whole. Led to tension between North and South.

56 56 War Hawks – Young Republicans who pressed for war

57 57 Effects of the War of 1812: Spirit of Nationalism Republican Party gains Respect/ Federalist Party lost power US gained respect of other nations (Great Britain finally recognized the US as independent) US could concentrate on expanding westward, developing the economy and a strong Navy and Army Native American resistance weakened Manufacturing Grew

58 58 A. Gadsden Purchase B. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo  Land purchased in 1853 from Mexico that completed the present-day borders of the continental U.S.

59 59 A. Fugitive Slave Act B. Alien and Sedition Acts  Laws that placed restrictions on immigrants in the country and restricted freedom of speech and freedom of the press of American citizens.

60 60 A. Democracy B. Monarchy  A system of government that gives power to the people.

61 61 A. Political Party B. Suburbanites  Group of people that supports a candidate running for a government position. Why were political parties formed? What were the 1 st two political parties?

62 62 A. Regions B. Physical Features  An area of land where many things are the same.

63 63 A. Import B. Export  Goods bought from sellers in other countries.

64 64 A. Import B. Export  Goods sold to buyers outside the country.

65 65 A. Jamestown, Virginia B. Plymouth, Massachusetts  First permanent English settlement in America.

66 66 A. Consent of the Governed B. Monarchy  The citizens get to approve bills either personally or through representation before they become law.

67 67 A. Citizens B. Alien  A person who owes loyalty to and is entitled to the protection of a state or nation. What are the duties of a citizen? Vote (be knowledgeable of what is happening) Serve on Juries Pay Taxes

68 68 A. 1787 B. 1776  In what year was the U.S. Constitution written?

69 69 A. Taxes B. Popular Sovereignty  The money citizens must pay to the government.

70 70 A. Urban B. Rural  Having to do with the city.

71 71 Whiskey Rebellion A revolt by western farmers in 1794 against the tax on whiskey. Showed the federal government has the power to enforce laws.

72 72 Increased nationalism and patriotism in the US followed which war? War of 1812 (Era of Good Feelings)

73 73 Which innovation or invention gave farmers and merchants a fast, cheap means of moving goods on rivers? steamboat

74 74 Who invented this? Robert Fulton

75 75 What two countries did most immigrants to the US migrate from 1845-1860? Why? Ireland Germany

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