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Place and Region AP Human Geography. Place vs. Region A place is a point…A region is an area…

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Presentation on theme: "Place and Region AP Human Geography. Place vs. Region A place is a point…A region is an area…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Place and Region AP Human Geography

2 Place vs. Region A place is a point…A region is an area…

3 How is location of a place identified?  1. Place name (toponym)  Ex. Chicago  2. Site  Physical characteristics of a place  Ex. Flat land, fertile soil, Lake Michigan  3. Situation  Location of a place relative to other places  Ex. In the middle of the country, Northern Illinois, next to Lake Michigan  4. Mathematical location  Exact location, using latitude and longitude  Ex. 41 degrees N Latitude, 87 degrees W Longitude


5 Regions  Cultural Landscape  A combination of cultural features that give a place or region it’s unique character.  How is the cultural landscape of Chicago different than Mumbai, India?  How is the American North different than the South?

6 Regions can be very large, or pretty small  Anglo-America, Eastern Europe, Sub- Saharan Africa  USA, Germany, Cambodia  Midwestern US, Southern Mexico, Eastern China  Northern Illinois, the Chicagoland area.  Southside of Chicago  Roseland  The Wild 100’s…



9 What types of cultural characteristics define a place?  Language  Dialect, slang, accent  Religion  Denomination  Agriculture/ Industry  What is grown or produced?  Folk (local) culture  Music, food, art, architecture, fashion  Political views  Blue state/ Red state

10 Types of Regions  Formal Region  Everyone has one or more characteristics in common.  Political entities (city, state, country)  What common characteristics to all Illinoisans share?

11 Types of Regions  Functional Region  Area organized around a node or focal point.  Radio/ TV stations, newspapers, sports teams.

12 Types of Regions  Vernacular/ Perceptual Regions  Not scientifically precise or exact.  Instead, people perceive the existence of vernacular regions.  The South  The “Southside”


14 Key Terms  Cultural Ecology  Study of human-environment interaction  Environmental Determinism  Physical environment causes social development  Warm weather causes laziness and poor work ethic---> less development  Possibilism  Environment may limit some actions, but humans can adjust.

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