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The Manifest Destiny By: Ibrahim Morsy, Faiz Khan, Justin Cubero, Joe Mastro, and Johnny Park.

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Presentation on theme: "The Manifest Destiny By: Ibrahim Morsy, Faiz Khan, Justin Cubero, Joe Mastro, and Johnny Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Manifest Destiny By: Ibrahim Morsy, Faiz Khan, Justin Cubero, Joe Mastro, and Johnny Park

2 What is Manifest Destiny? Manifest Destiny was an idea that claimed America was destined to expand: all across The North American continent.

3 Honors U.S. History Block: 2B Created by: Faiz Khan & Justin Cubero The Louisiana Purchase

4 How Did The Louisiana Purchase Improve The US? Doubled the USA’s current land mass Opened the port of New Orleans for trading Increased our boundaries for a bigger population F.K.

5 Land extremely rich in resources Amazing geographic position opening southern trading Increased food production Mass Exporting Economics you say? F.K.

6 Social Butterfly Put the US in better terms with France Population growth Potential for improved relations with other countries Spreading US goods as well as those we import F.K.

7 Politically France controlled the area from 1699 until 1762 1762: Gave to Sapin under Napoleon 1800 France Bought it back President Jefferson made the buy Unconstitutional? J.C.

8 Military Tactics Decrease French strongholds Protect the river ports New western allies J.C.

9 Special Facts The French sold the area to help finance the war The US was prepared to pay $10 Million just for the New Orleans trading post, but to their surprise the French sold the whole land mass for $15 Million The US spent approximately 3 cents per acre!! F.K.

10 Honors U.S. History Block 2B Created by: Joseph Mastro

11 President James K. Polk claimed Oregon President Polk signed Oregon Treaty with Great Britain New boundary between the U.S. and Great Britain at the forty-ninth parallel Boundary still lasts today between the U.S. and Canada

12 Longest Trail & most famous 2,000 miles from Indepence, Missouri to Williamette Valley, Oregon A very danerous route, many died leaving behind cattle and goods

13 The Monroe Doctrine By: Ibrahim Morsy

14 The Monroe Doctrine - What was happening at this time? Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated in 1815, European powers formed Concert of Europe o Purpose to keep power balance and suppress revolutionary ideas Colonies in South America declared their independence from Spain and rebelled o supplied by U.S,recognized by U.S. in 1822 Britain and U.S. feared France would advance on Spain's old colonies o started talks of joint policy to prevent this I.M.

15 The Monroe Doctrine - What was in it? President Monroe presented it to Congress 12/2/1823 Dealt with Russia's warning to not come w/ in 100 miles of Alaska o Monroe viewed this as evidence of Russian interest in Oregon County Doctrine addressed European powers o said any attempt to extend into U.S. part of hemisphere would be viewed as danger for peace & safety I.M. The Americas are off limits to all European countries for colonization

16 The Monroe Doctrine - What was the aftermath? Monroe Doctrine showed spirit of nationalism o belief that interests of the nation as whole are more important than interests of other countries or regional interests Major turning point for American foreign policy o many presidents after Monroe put forward similar policies to keep out foreign influences, for example, JFK and Cuba during Cuban missile crisis Britain passed Polignac Memorandum o Prevented france from taking action against former colonies of Spain I.M.


18 Manifest Destiny- FLORIDA -Florida was bought by Spain -The Americans believed that under Spain’s control, Florida allowed an escape route for fleeing slaves. -Because of the suspicion that slaves were roaming free, The Americans decided they need control over Florida. Many people believed that Florida was almost a “leak” in America

19 Reasons for America Seizing Florida Stated in previous slide, one of the reasons America wanted Florida was to fix a leak. If slaves continued to flee to Florida (which was, at the time under Spain’s control), the slave market would crash as well as labor decreasing, causing a decline in goods/products. - Another big reason sparked America to take Florida for themselves. Many Americans feared that under Spain’s control, Florida was vulnerable to other countries such as Great Britain. Considering Spain a weak country, it made them a vulnerable targets. -If a country such as Great Britain took over Florida, it would provide them with a solidified base to slowly sweep over and eventually dominate America.

20 MORE Reasons for seizing Florida There were also many positive aspects of America taking over Florida. They looked at the economical benefits when considering purchasing Florida. Continuing on the topic of Great Britain, If America were to take Florida for themselves before Britain did, it would provide increased security within the southern boundaries. Economically, Florida would allow slave owners to expand their cotton business towards the south, as well as the slave trade to expand

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