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United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service American Indian Farm and Ranch Data 2012 Census of Agriculture Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service American Indian Farm and Ranch Data 2012 Census of Agriculture Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service American Indian Farm and Ranch Data 2012 Census of Agriculture Statistics Prepared for Intertribal Agriculture Council May 2014 Ginger Harris and Michelle Radice National Agricultural Statistics Service

2 Who Is NASS? Agency in U.S. Department of Agriculture with data collection responsibilities. Provides official statistics for production, inventory, value, demographics ● 120 crops annually ● 45 livestock annually ● Publishes more than 400 reports annually Conducts 5-year agricultural census

3 What Is An Ag Census? A complete count, taken every five years, of America’s farms and ranches. The most complete ag data resource available, providing the only source for comprehensive information for every county in the United States. Includes information on land use, production practices, income & expenses and other topics.

4 How Do You Get Counted? Farm Definition Any place from which $1,000 of agricultural products were produced and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the census year. Government payments are included.

5 2.1 million farms & ranches in 2012

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7 2012 American Indian Farms/Ranches U.S. 20122007 Total American Indian Principal Operators (race as American Indian only) 37,85134,706 American Indian only Operators (up to three operators identified as American Indian only) 58,47555,889 Total American Indian Operators (up to three operators) 72,19679,703

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9 American Indian Principal Operators, Selected Characteristics, 2007 and 2012 * Indicates significant change

10 2012 American Indian Farms/Ranches U.S. 20122007 Total Farms/Ranches with Indian operators (farms) 56,09261,472 Acres operated 57.2 million58.1 million Average acres per operation 1,020946

11 American Indian or Alaska Native Operators All Farms Market Value of Products Sold $3.3 billion (2007 = $3.2 billion) $395 billion (2007 = $297 billion) Crop Sales $1.4 billion$212 billion Livestock Sales $1.8 billion$182 billion Average Per Farm $59,398$187,097 2012 American Indian and Alaska Native Farms and Ranches Total Value of Production

12 2007 Sales of Top Commodities on American Indian Farms and Ranches

13 2012 Sales of Top Commodities on American Indian Farms and Ranches

14 FarmsAcres Forage 18,8821.5 million Wheat for grain, all 1,557600,386 Corn for grain 1,968412,425 Soybeans for beans 1,613305,062 Cotton, all 206116,366 2007 Top Crop Items, Ranked by Acres, On American Indian Farms and Ranches

15 FarmsAcres Forage 15,5141.2 million Winter wheat for grain 1,141371,074 Corn for grain 1,968305,398 Soybeans for beans 1,613257,909 Spring wheat for grain 206148,393 2012 Top Crop Items, Ranked by Acres, On American Indian Farms and Ranches

16 2007 Top Livestock Items (Ranked by Numbers in Inventory) FarmsInventory Broilers and other meat- type chickens 85733 million Layers5,8282.8 million Cattle and calves31,2351.8 million Pullets for laying flock replacement 9381.2 million Turkeys7421.2 million

17 2012 Top Livestock Items (Ranked by Numbers in Inventory) FarmsInventory Broilers and other meat- type chickens 1,17923 million Cattle and calves27,5661.6 million Layers6,8091.2 million Cattle and calves31,2351.8 million Pullets for laying flock replacement 1,4910.7 million Turkeys8820.3 million

18 Sales of Crops and Livestock by Commodity Groups on American Indian Operations, 2007

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20 All Farms vs American Indian Principal Operated Farms by Value of Sales, 2012 American IndianAll farms # of farms% of total # of farms% of total Less than $2,500 21,200 (2007=19,371) 56% 665,311 (2007=770,592) 32% $2,500 to $49,999 13,583 (2007=12,653) 36% 913,454 ( 2007=938,917) 43% $50,000 or more 3,068 (2007=2,682) 8% 530,538 (2007=495,283) 25%

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25 American Indian or Alaska Native Operators Market Value of Products Sold$3.242 billion Government Payments Received$90 million Total Production Expenses$3.161 billion Net Cash Farm Income$371 million Average Net Cash Income per Farm$6,623 2012 American Indian Farms and Ranches Balance Sheet (xx – data available in September 2014)

26 American Indian or Alaska Native Operators Market Value of Products Sold$3.2 billion Government Payments Received$90 million Total Production Expenses$2.9 billion Net Cash Farm Income$513 million Average Net Cash Income per Farm$8,351 2007 American Indian Farms and Ranches Balance Sheet

27 Top States - All U.S. Farms, 2012 # of Farms 1. Texas 2. Missouri 3. Iowa 4. Oklahoma 5. Kentucky Value of Production 1. California 2. Texas 3. Iowa 4. Nebraska 5.Kansas

28 Top States – American Indian Farms and Ranches, 2012 # of Farms 1.Oklahoma 2.Arizona 3.New Mexico 4.Texas 5.California 6.Montana Value of Production 1. Oklahoma 2. California 3.Texas 4. South Dakota 5. New Mexico 6.North Carolina

29 29 Map – 2012 American Indian Farmers


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