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ml.  French explorers first came across what they called “Prairies” which was their word for meadows.  One.

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2  French explorers first came across what they called “Prairies” which was their word for meadows.  One of the earliest formal definitions of a Prairie was by John T. Curtis, an ecologist at The University of Wisconsin. ◦ -An open community dominated by grasses, and having less than one tree per acre.

3  Over 30 grass species ◦ Extensive roots ◦ Decay in Place  Over 250 forb species ◦ Sunflower ◦ Milkweed  Less extensive roots

4  Bison  Prairie Dog  Badger  Grasshopper  Butterfly  Ant

5  Contain 120 tons of organic matter per acre ◦ Forests in comparison contain 70tons/acre  Grass roots extend 5 to 7 feet down ◦ Enrich the soil with nutrients as they decay  Ants build mounds and as they do so mix and aerate the soil. ◦ Bring up nutrients and clay particles from subsoil. ◦ Abandon mounds continuously and build new ones.

6 “The tossing, blooming, perfumed grass is swept away by wheat” -Vachel Lindsay  Prairies exploited because of their rich soil.  East of the Missouri ◦ Critically Endangered ◦ 99% of Prairies lost  West of the Missouri ◦ Endangered ◦ 85% of Prairies lost http :// /

7  Most Bison have been eliminated  Added certain livestock ◦ Cows, Pigs, etc.  Altered Water Tables  Suppressed Natural Fires Giclee/dp/B0033F5E50

8  Attract Wildlife ◦ Songbirds, Butterflies, Bison  Environmental Benefits ◦ Deep root system helps improve water quality ◦ Improves air quality  Improved Aesthetics ◦ More diversity and more appealing than farm land  Education ◦ Provide a place where people can take their kids and teach them about nature

9  Collect seeds ◦ Buy from supplier ◦ Collect by hand if from rare plants  When Collecting ◦ Take no more than 50% of seed pop from perennials ◦ Take no more than 10% of annual plants plants/conservation/success/frozen_ garden.shtml

10  The amount of weed seed present in the planting site is one of the most unpredictable factors in prairie restoration.  This can be counteracted by Planting in the middle of the growing season ◦ Allows weeds to grow and be eradicated before Prairie plants are planted.  Planting and then mowing taller weeds and leaving smaller Prairie plants unharmed Is also effective

11  Fire can be used to reduce weeds. ◦ This effectively provides more nourishment for native prairie plants  In the later stages of restoration fire helps keep out woody species.  Burning should be done in Spring ◦ This provides cover for wildlife in the colder winter months. festival-honors-dramatic-flint-hills- tradition/

12  If site is large enough Bison can be added  To sustain bison ◦ 1,000 acres supports around 90 bison units  1 bison unit = 1 1,000 pound bison  Bison grow annually by 80-90% based on mature females ◦ Remove oldest and youngest once ideal pop has been reached ◦ Sell for profit

13  Forage Selectively on Grasses ◦ Increase other plants abundance  Wallow ◦ Create great habitats for weeds ◦ Once burned these weeds give way to Prairie Pioneers e/documents/bittercreek_sum.PDF/P10/

14  "Benefits of Prairies." HCUCA. Hamilton County Urban Conservation Association, Inc. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.  Howe H. F., 1994. Managing Species diversity in Tallgrass Prairie: Assumptions and Implications. Conservation Biology *: 691-704  Karnowski, Steve. "Bison Market Expanding Fast | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN." - Home Page | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN. Associated Press, 10 Jan. 2011. Web. 21 Apr. 2011.  Noss, R. F., E. T. LaRoe III, and J. M. Scott. 1995. Endangered Ecosystems of the United States: a Preliminary assessment of Loss and Degradation. Biological Report 28. National Biological Service, Washington, D. C., USA.  Packard, Stephen, and Cornelia Fleischer. Mutel. The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: for Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands. Washington, D.C.: Island, 1997. Print.  Schramm, P. 1978. The ‘‘do’s’’ and ‘‘don’ts’’ of prairie restoration. Pages 139–150 in D. C. Glenn- Lewin and R. C. Landers, editors. Proceedings of the Fifth Midwest Prairie Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, US  Shirley, Shirley. Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie: an Illustrated Manual for Iowa and the Upper Midwest. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1994. Print.

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