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EPQ: Research methods 2 Reading Great Big Books! l Big Books = Tomes!

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Presentation on theme: "EPQ: Research methods 2 Reading Great Big Books! l Big Books = Tomes!"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPQ: Research methods 2 Reading Great Big Books! l Big Books = Tomes!

2 Remember.. l Books are resources... l Reading for study is not the same as reading for pleasure l Learn to be a ‘smash and grab’ reader

3 Always have an objective l Why am I reading this text? l Have I got a specific question? l Do I want a broad overview? l Am I collecting new ideas & facts?

4 Each requires a different approach l But first l How to overview a new text Try to make some notes here!

5 The Title Page l Tells you.. How up to date the content is Who the author is Tip: Choose an up to date text

6 The Table of Content (at the front) l Tells you The scope of the book How the book is organized The main chapter headings Tip: Select a book that has chapter summaries

7 The INDEX (at the back) l Where you will find l References to specific topics l If you have a specific question the index is a good place to start

8 The Bibliography l Tells you Which research papers, texts, are referenced Harvard referencing order... Author name, date, title, publisher.

9 Harvard referencing How does it go? Gross, R. (1994) Psychology: The Science of Mind & Behaviour (Ed 3) Hodder & Stoughton, UK

10 The Preface l Tells you The author’s intent and approach Where they ‘are coming from’

11 If the book is ‘new to you’ l Open it at random and read a paragraph l Is the prose style to your liking? Can YOU get into it? Tip: Don’t struggle with a book you don’t like - choose another

12 Don’t be afraid l To find an easy text to start with l before you l Progress to a more difficult one

13 OK - So let’s do some reading l Where should you read? l If you need to take notes.. Don’t read on the bus!!

14 How fast should you read? l There always seems to be more to read than you have time for ! l Skimming & Scanning

15 Scanning l Scanning first sentences in paragraphs Gives you key words Helps you decide whether to continue to read this article / section/ chapter

16 Scanning l Introductions and conclusions l Give you an outline l Scanning tells you about a text But you won’t learn what’s in it !

17 Skimming Skimming is a fast reading technique. Use it to obtain the gist of a piece of text (i.e. to quickly identify the main ideas in the text).

18 How is 'skimming' different to scanning'? l Skimming is used to obtain the gist (the overall sense) of a piece of text. l Scanning is used to obtain specific information from a piece of text.

19 Reading speeds l 100 WPM Easy familiar text l 70 WPM Harder text you need to follow closely 40 WPM Difficult text, unfamiliar subject matter

20 Words you may not know. l Should you use a dictionary? Her blue eyes were full of - - - - - Her blue dress was full of - - - - - The word meaning is derived from the text !!

21 So - now SQR(3) l Survey (Scanning) Question (is this useful to me) Read (take notes) Recall(from memory) Review(try to summarise)

22 Taking Notes l What sort of notes? l Should you highlight the text? Should you write as you read? Should you maintain a card file? Find a method that suits you!

23 Have confidence l Don’t forget l Books are resources l Learn to burgle them!! GOOD LUCK

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