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The Internet  Internet Hardware connected together Creates a massive worldwide network  Hardware Computers Communication lines  Interlinked collection.

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Presentation on theme: "The Internet  Internet Hardware connected together Creates a massive worldwide network  Hardware Computers Communication lines  Interlinked collection."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Internet  Internet Hardware connected together Creates a massive worldwide network  Hardware Computers Communication lines  Interlinked collection of smaller networks

3 The World Wide Web  Software Sends info Using internet hardware  Files HTML Images Video Animation

4 Web Sites vs. Web Pages  Web page Single file Has a unique name  Web site Group of related files Organized around a common topic Note: Home page – general info about web site

5 Browser  Software on individual computer  Translates HTML to create a web page  Allows user to navigate the web

6 Browser Interface  Title bar  Menu bar  Tool bars  Address box  Status bar Open Mozilla Firefox

7 Discovering the Internet

8 Types of Web Sites  Commercial sites E-commerce sites – buying/selling goods Corporate presence sites – about image  Portal Sites Search engines News sites Information at one location continued

9 Types of Web Sites  Informational sites News info is continuously updated Government sites Public Interest sites (nonprofits)  Educational sites  Personal sites

10 Common Web Elements  Text  Graphics  Multimedia (audio, video, animation)  Hyperlinks

11 Web Site Development  Determine the purpose/goals of web site  Design and develop the web site  Evaluate and test the web site  Implement the web site  Maintain the web site

12 Web Site Development Careers  Web author  Web designer  Web developer  Web master Web Master Video

13 Handouts – do assignments

14 How the Internet Works  Internet Service Provider (ISP)  IP Address (internet protocol)  HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) Transfer files from web server to browsder  FTP (file transfer protocol) Uploads files to host server

15 Intranets & Extranets  Internet – accessible to everyone  Intranet – accessed by members of within an organization  Extranet – accessed by remote users who have authorization

16 URL  Uniform Resource locator  Address of a website  Domains protocol domain file

17 Web Applications  HTML  WYSIWYG programs  JavaScript  Flash  Other programming apps Open NotePad Open Dreaweaver

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