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© 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 1 Cal Poly’s Learning Commons and Internet2 Dr. Franz J. Kurfess I2 Champions Cal Poly.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 1 Cal Poly’s Learning Commons and Internet2 Dr. Franz J. Kurfess I2 Champions Cal Poly."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 1 Cal Poly’s Learning Commons and Internet2 Dr. Franz J. Kurfess I2 Champions Cal Poly

2 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 2 Overview  Introduction  Goals and Objectives  Learning Space  Internet2 and Learning Commons  Conclusions and Outlook

3 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 3 Introduction  renovation of an under-utilized area in the library offered an opportunity to re-think the role of the library  away from a repository of documents  new teaching and learning resource that will have the capacity to foster creative and flexible interactions and learning relationships among students, professors, resources, and technology  collaboration between library, ITS, faculty  solicitation of input from students, faculty

4 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 4 Goals  create and implement a working model for a digital learning and teaching library  learning communities interact in a rich physical and virtual environment supported by print, electronic, computing, and human resources  explore and advance interdisciplinary learning and scholarship  provide an infrastructure for collaboration and team work  local and remote participants  participatory design process involving students as the main client group

5 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 5 Objectives  offer research assistance and strategies  enhancing student information competence  provide flexible, multi-use space and services  promote cross-disciplinary inquiry and discourse  encourage academic and intellectual pursuits and partnerships  promote collaborative projects and scholarship  create a sense of community  students, faculty, researchers, staff and community both contribute to and take from a knowledge creation and dissemination process

6 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 6 Learning Space  collaborative learning  group study space  student work displays  rotating student art exhibits  academically-oriented social space  communities of practice  events, activities, conferences, forums  assistance with research & information competence  ADA-Assistive technology & ergonomically compliant

7 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 7 Phase I  Learning Hub / Genius Bar  Room 1: (216A) Smart Lab* (27 seats)  Room 2: (216B) Cinema & Presentation Rehearsal Studio (Multimedia Production & Playback)  Room 3: (217C) Smart (CAD) Lab* (25 seats) Room 4: (217D) Smart (CAD) Lab* (25 seats)  Plotter Printers & Supplies  Knowledge Managers  Room 5: (35-202) Collaborative workspace for students & faculty) * Scheduled by University Scheduling

8 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 8 Internet2 and Learning Commons  infrastructure  collaboration  access to remote resources  concentration of expertise

9 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 9 Infrastructure  ubiquitous and transparent as infrastructure  high-bandwidth, low latency, defined QoS  some rooms and areas are equipped for videoconferencing  smart labs/classrooms  collaboratory  digital video production studio  possible use of portable equipment and desktop equipment  Web cams, small Polycom units  facilities can be used as testbeds  incorporation of capabilities in other classrooms, labs

10 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 10 Collaboration  group learning facilities with easy access to (remote) collaboration tools  short-term availability of resources  example scenarios:  software engineering teams collaborating with industrial or research partners  marine biosciences, agriculture classes incorporating remote facilities  Avila Pier, Swanton Ranch  collaboration between classes at different institutions  e.g. Cal Poly, San Jose State, Lulea U.  internships and similar situations  students are temporarily away from campus  access to guest speakers and domain experts  attendance of on-line conferences, Web-cast presentations

11 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 11 Access to Remote Resources  Cal Poly resources  Swanton Ranch  Avila Pier  Cal State  electron microscope at Cal State East Bay  UC  UCSD supercomputing facilities  other universities  shared geospatial data repository  research vessels for marine biology  research institutions  NASA, Lawrence Livermore Lab  companies  CISCO, HP

12 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 12 Concentration of Expertise  currently, many of our I2 activities are almost invisible  only known to people directly involved  I2 champions play an important role, but don’t have a lot of resources and only limited impact  informal contacts between students  IT people working in I2-related areas  spatial proximity of related activities offers an opportunity for cross-pollination  students, librarians, faculty, ITS staff  e.g. Student Navigation Assistants at the genius bar

13 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 13 Input Solicitation  library  ITS  Center for Teaching and Learning  also housed in the librarly building  founding faculty  individual faculty members with specific interest  Campus Computing Committees  AACC, IACC, SC3, College Computing Committees  campus community  other institutions with similar approaches  Lulea University, Sweden  other Cal State campuses  Internet2 Commons

14 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 14 Input from Students  Cal Poly classes  CSC 484-W05 User Interaction Design and Development  CSC 581-S05 Knowledge Management  San Jose State  Library Sciences program  Lulea University, Sweden  social informatics graduate students

15 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 15 Status  phase I completed - April 05  renovation of the space used  3 smart labs moved to new space  genius bar, digital video production studio  Phase II under way  Collaborative Learning Communities  additional capabilities for labs, other spaces

16 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 16 Conclusions  Internet2 infrastructure is utilized to enhance capabilities of “Learning Commons”  video conferencing, collaboration  access to remote resources  concentration of expertise and facilities will hopefully increase I2 visibility on campus  easy access to facilities  sharing of experiences between users  staff and student assistants with practical experience

17 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 17 Outlook  a presentation and demonstration live from the Cal Poly “Learning Commons” at a future I2 meeting  people behind the scenery  student assistants  first experiences

18 © 2005 Franz J. Kurfess Introduction 18

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