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Sept. 11 Bush re- elected Right track Wrong direction Obama inaugurated Source: NYT/CBS News polls, 3/8/2001 to 6/2/2012 Financial crisis.

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2 Sept. 11 Bush re- elected Right track Wrong direction Obama inaugurated Source: NYT/CBS News polls, 3/8/2001 to 6/2/2012 Financial crisis

3 Source: Gallup, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011

4 Dems Drive: Hybrid vehicles Subarus Minis Repubs Drive: Jaguars GMCs Land Rovers Lexuses

5 Dems drink: Miller High Life Guinness Heineken Corona Repubs drink: Michelob Ultra Coors Light Busch Light Sam Adams


7 1/25/2009 67% 50% 8/24/2009 5/3/2010 50% 40% 8/14/2011

8 Debt ceiling fight OBL killed Health care passes Stimulus passes 1/25/2009 67% 50% 8/24/2009 5/3/2010 50% 40% 8/14/2011 7/142011 46% Source: Gallup


10 63.7% Hisp 9% Af Am 11.8% Asian 2.8% Hisp 12.6% Af Am 12.2% Asian 3.7%

11 75.6% 69.4% 63.7% 28.5% 33.2%


13 In Millions of Dollars



16 Source: Real Clear Politics


18 272 Electoral Votes

19 13%-16% 50%


21 Recessions

22 R+34 D+31 D+21 R+63


24 Current Makeup: 53 Democrats, 47 Republicans




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