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MPO 551, Class 2.

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1 MPO 551, Class 2


3 $$$1.00$$$ to Andrew - p.23 “air circulates counterclockwise around Lows [in the NH] and counterclockwise around Highs”


5 The Earth System: The oceans, cryosphere, Hydrologic cycle Carbon cycle Oxygen Earth’s history

6 The oceans: 72% of earth’s surface, 97% of the earth’s Non-geologic water. Ice sheets ~ 2%, and 80% of earths Freshwater. Antarctica ~ 89% of ice mass, Greenland 9%, Surface area also important. WATER: Mass in units of 10 3 kg m -2 ~ 100 cm deep

7 Role of Oceans in Climate: thermal inertia heat transport El Nino uptake of carbon source of trace gases

8 Ocean Temperature: Thin, mixed surface layer + thermocline + deep layer

9 M-AERI Observations The Marine & Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer precisely measures the temperature of the ocean’s thin surface layer or skin. Temp (°C) Day of the Year 2003

10 Time evolution of near-surface thermal gradients SkinDeEP profiles on 12 October 1999. Off Baja California, R/V Melville. From Ward, B. and P. J. Minnett, 2001. An autonomous profiler for near surface temperature measurements. Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces. M. A. Donelan, W.M. Drennan, E.S. Saltzmann and R. Wanninkhof (Eds.) American Geophysical Union Monograph 127. 167 - 172.

11 SST, 8/27/05 Surface height anomaly Depth of 26.5 C isotherm Tropical cyclone heat potential Gustavo Goni (AOML) Joaquin Trinanes (CIMAS)

12 Ocean composition: ~ 35 g/kg dissolved salts,or 35 0 / 00, parts per thousand by mass Denser than fresh water by ~2.4% Temperature change required to offset change in salinity of 1 g/km, as f(T) Density gradient = pycnocline

13 Thermohaline circulation

14 Wind drift & sea level annual Wind drift and TOPEX sea-level

15 Thermohaline circulation: ~ hundreds of years

16 Subtropical Atlantic Ocean sounding



19 Biological productivity: upwelling+sun

20 S.-P. Xie, TRMM SST + precipitation, 5-year average Costa Rica shallow thermocline dome

21 SST Annual mean SST Departure from zonal-mean

22 Globally, P ~ E over continents, P>E Winds+water vapor TRMM

23 The cryosphere



26 Sea ice: large range in albedo

27 Winter arctic sea-ice motion, from buoys. Beaufort Gyre. Sheba track

28 Permafrost

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