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Bud, Not Buddy Review 4th Hour Powerpoints

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1 Bud, Not Buddy Review 4th Hour Powerpoints

2 Chapters 1-2 By: Andrew and Maurice

3 Chapter 1

4 Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
What happened in Chapter one is that a lady from Bud’s orphanage in Flint, Michegan told him that the Amoses’ house (foster home) was ready for him and Jeremy. They have to get ready. Bud had to go because it was in the 1930s during the Great Depression so the Home started to fill up and got way too full.


6 Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
In this chapter Bud was sent to the Amose’s house. When Bud arrived at the Amose’s house he was surprised to see that their son Todd was a very mean and he stuck a pencil up Bud’s nose then he beat the snot out of him. Then Mrs. Amos sent Bud into the shed.


8 Chapter 3 Study Guide By: Alexis and Tynira

9 Chapter 3 While Bud was sleep Todd stuck a pencil up Bud’s nose to the “R”. Todd and Bud got into a fight. Mrs. Amos put Bud in the shed for punishment. While Bud was in the shed he noticed some fish heads. Then Bud saw something that looked like a bat.

10 CHAPTER 3 ( continue ) Bud couldn’t remember if he was to kill a vampire by driving a steak in his heart or by shooting it with a silver bullet. So he grabbed a rake and swung and hit a Hornets nest. All of a sudden he started to hear buzzes by his ear. He felt a hot feeling on his cheek. It was Hornets And he got stung all over. Bud and to get into the house and get revenge on the Amos’s.

11 Chapter 4

12 Chapter 4 Bud wanted revenge on the Amos’s. So Bud went into the house and looked around, he found a gun and put it outside. He remembered a friend from the home and he said, “Put someone’s hand in warm water while their sleep and they don’t have any choice but to pee in the bed. He says that some valve in your gut opens up and woop, zoop, sloop…you got a wet bed.

13 Chapter 5 By: Richard

14 Chapter 5 During this chapter Bud is still on the lam from the Amoses. Also during this chapter he keeps having flashbacks of his mother. After he ran away from the Amoses he relocated to a row of Christmas trees past the library and stayed their for the night. Bud relocated her because he had no place to stay and no where to go so he went and sleep under a Christmas tree.

15 Chapter 5 (cont.) What brought up the flashbacks of his mom was when he pulled out a picture of his mom, he was checking to make sure that the Amoses had not damaged it. He was going over all the things his mother used to always repeat to him, for example “your name is Bud, not buddy” and “When one door closes another door opens”

16 Chapter 6 By: Khris Sanders

17 Chapter 6 After leaving from the Amos Residence, Bud had to sleep under a Christmas tree. He slept in too late and didn’t make it to the mission in time for breakfast. So when he did get there was a man guarding the line that wouldn’t let him in. The guy then pulled out a black strap that he would whoop Bud with.

18 Chapter 6 (cont.) Then this stranger came up to him and asked, “ Clarence, what took you so long?”” I told you to hurry back, now where have you been?” Then the guard pushed ‘Clarence’ and told him to get back in line with his momma. Then this lady stranger pointed at her feet and told him to come here this instance.

19 Chapter 6 (cont.) When Bud walked over to her, she slapped him. ” Ow!” he yelled. When they arrived inside the lady filled a bowl with oatmeal and gave it to Bud. She then gave sprinkled some brown sugar that she had in her bag over the oatmeal. “ Enjoy”, she said. Then the family disappeared.

20 By: De’Idra & Jada Chapters 7-8

21 Train

22 Library

23 Chapter 7 In chapter 7 Bud is just leaving the Soup Kitchen with his pretend family. Then Bud walked to pay a visit to the library, to visit Ms. Hill. Then the librarian informs Bud that Ms. Hill is now married and lives in Chicago with her new husband.

24 Chapter 8 In chapter 8, Bud is asleep under a Christmas Tree, around the corner from the Soup Kitchen after coming from the library. Bugs found Bud while he was asleep under he tree, and they both made plans to jump a train up north. They were both on the lam, and ended up in Hoverville. There, Bugs and Bud meet Deza Malone and Bud received his first kiss.

25 5

26 4

27 3

28 2

29 1

30 Chapters 9-10 Bud, Not Buddy
By: Dominique Carter

31 Chapter 9 In this chapter, Bud is in Flint Michigan.
He arrives at the food line and has to make a decision. Go west, or go home. So he decides to go west.

32 Chapter 9 Continued… He heads over to the library and gets a book from Mrs. Hill the librarian. He uses this book to find the mileage to Grand Rapids. Bud figures it will take him a day, ( 24 hours ), to get there. He had better start walking.

33 Chapter 10 Don’t you love Flint Michigan at 2:00 A.M.?
Bud sure seems to. Yes that’s right. It’s 2:00 A.M. and Bud is on his way to Grand Rapids. Everything is going fine until he is spotted.

34 Chapter 10 Continued… Naturally, Bud ducks in the bushes. But this man in the car got a nice look at Bud while driving by. He calls for Bud and eventually coaxes him out with some food and pop. When Bud is finally comfortable enough to enter the car, his eyes are shocked when they see blood in the back seat. The man is a vampire!

35 Chapter 10 Finished… Bud does what comes naturally…he locks the doors and hits the gas. The car goes into gear. If he keeps this up, he will be in a lot of trouble.

36 The End!

37 Events in Chapters 11 & 12 By Lina, Nony, & Miriam

38 Chapter 11 Bud gets in the car with Lefty Lewis and meets Lefty’s family. Bud has breakfast there. Bud arrived at Lefty Lewis’ house. It happened during the 1930’s: the Great Depression Bud, Lefty Lewis, Mrs. Sleet, Scott, and Kim were all in this chapter. Bud trusted Lefty and got in the car with him. Lefty Lewis is nice and kindhearted and he didn’t want Bud to get hurts.

39 Chapter 12 Bud meets Herman E. Calloway and the band.
He accuses Herman E. Calloway of being his father. This took place in Grand Rapids and the Log Cabin. Lefty Lewis dropped Bud off at the Log Cabin.

40 Bud, Not Buddy By: Trevell & Bryce

41 Chapter 13 In this chapter Bud goes to Grand rapids to find his father. When he gets there he finds his so-called father, and accuses Mr. Calloway of being his father. Bud, Mr. Calloway, the band, and Lefty Lewis were involved in this chapter. All of this took place at the Log Cabin. This happened because Bud wanted to find his father.

42 Chapter 14 When Bud, ate at a restaurant for the first. The restaurant was the Sweet Pea. This happen when he got to Grand Rapids. Bud, Herman E. Calloway, Miss Thomas & Mr. Jimmy were all involved in this situation. This happen because they wanted to take Bud out to eat, because they said Bud was to skinny. The way this happen is by Bud going to eat with the band.

43 Pictures of Bud Caldwell

44 Bud, Not Buddy Character Info!
By: Clarissa and Annie

45 Bud How he looks Peanut head, brown skin, and scrawny His Behavior
Respectful, brave, and calm His thoughts Imaginative, quick thinking

46 Bud Continued… His statements
“kiss my wrist”, Bud Caldwell’s rules and things to have a funnier life and make a better liar out of yourself His fears Vampires, fish heads, roaches, dead things, centipedes Others’ actions toward him Always think he’s hungry

47 Momma Her behavior Straight forward, nice Her thoughts
Doesn’t like the picture of herself with the dirty cowboy hat Her statements “Your name is Bud, not Buddy, period.”

48 Momma Continued… Her fears The dirty hat, losing Bud.
Actions toward her Bud loved her because she was his momma. Her dislikes Sitting on the pony with the dirty hat on.

49 LOL! The End!! 


51 Bugs & Deza Malone By: Andrew & Marcus

52 Deza Malone Deza Malone has been in “Hooverville” a while and is kind of dirty. She’s also a little small. She thinks the crick and the woods are romantic and she likes Bud. She’s also brave and understands people’s feelings. Her dad always seems to say that being on the lam ain’t fit for a dog, much less a kid. She even say that being cold and hungry all the time is better than dodging the railroad police. Also, others respect her and that she is a nice, loving person.

53 Bugs Bugs is about Bud’s height and he does things without thinking. He also has a weird theory that bugs can talk. When he and Bud are on the lam, he tells them they can make money by picking fruit out west. His only true fear is a roach crawling in his ear. Bud thinks of him as a funny but good friend.

54 
THE END 

55 By:Breyanca and Lakisha
The Amoses By:Breyanca and Lakisha

56 Todd His physical description is that he is old, buff,12 years old, big head and tall. His behavior is that he bullies Bud, he is mean, attitudish, liar, and he is a mama’s boy. His thoughts is that he thinks he is better that Bud because he is older.

57 His statements are, “Wow, we got all the way to R!!”
“I just tried to wake him up to make sure he has gone to the lavatory.” His fears are wetting the bed and getting his butt kicked by Bud. The other actions toward him are that Bud slapped him and Bud poured water down his pants.

58 Mrs.Amos She’s an old lady that is a liar, mean, over protectective, hateful, and untrustworthy person. Her thoughts of bud is that he’s a brat and that he’s a bad naughty boy who wets the bed. Her statements are mostly cruel but also caring for her son Todd. For example ‘Toddy boy, back stabber I will not have a vermin like you in my house.

59 Her fears is Todd getting hurt and her mattress getting ruined by a certain accident that happens during the night. The other actions toward her would have to be how Bud torn their shed apart messed it up badly)

60 Mr.Amos He’s an old, tall, big, buff man that is just a person that doesn’t like to be bothered. His thoughts of Bud would have to be that he’s an annoying little boy from and orphanage. He doesn’t talk a lot….come to think of it he didn’t say a single thing in the book. His fears would probably be, seeing his son get hurt. Others actions towards him would have to be that he had a gun that was hidden.

61 The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

62 Lefty Lewis and His Family
By: Ashley and Raven

63 Lefty Lewis and his family show much generosity towards Bud.
Mr. Lewis is what we would call humorous! He’s always making funny remarks, and his family is continuously asking numerous questions.

64 Finally, Bud showed appreciation towards Lefty Lewis and his family.
Lefty Lewis feared the cops, because he had a box full of papers pertaining to the labor organizers. At first Bud was afraid of Lefty Lewis, because he had blood in the back of his truck. Finally, Bud showed appreciation towards Lefty Lewis and his family. Lefty Lewis’ family included: Mrs. Sleet, his daughter, and Scott and Kim, his grandchildren/ Mrs. Sleet children.

65 Scott and Kim were sort of active. Mrs
Scott and Kim were sort of active. Mrs. Sleet, on the other hand, was polite and thoughtful. This family always had curiosity and was very loquacious. It didn’t seem like this family had any fears, but Bud showed generosity towards them.


67 BY: Tyler, Shelbi’, and Maya
Settings BY: Tyler, Shelbi’, and Maya

68 What are the settings in this book?
Grand rapids Flint The great Depression Hoovervilles

69 Grand Rapids In Grand Rapids, Bud met Mr. Herman E. Calloway who Bud believes is his father. There he meets the band and he goes to stay with them. Bud also finds out that he will be staying with Mr.Calloway, Ms.Thomas, and the band. He also get his name Sleepy Labone.

70 Great Depression The Great Depression is the overall time period in Bud, not Buddy. It started in 1929, and lasted for 10 years, which means it ended in It was so hard because the Great Depression was a time period of unemployment, low profits, low prices, high poverty and stagnant trade that affected the entire world

71 Flint Flint is where the first part of the book take place. There Bud lived in a home because he had no family. Then ,when he moves in with his foster family which he encounters many problems .He escapes and ends up roaming the street of Flint.

72 Hooverville!!!!! Bud and Bugs went to Hooverville to catch the train going to Chicago. Meanwhile he met Deza Malone, who gave him his first kiss. The next day when it was time to catch the train Bug made the train but when Bud was about to get on his flyer flew out of his suitcase so he went back to get it and the train left him. When he tried to return to Hooverville he police were destroying the town.

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