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Business Law 290 What is law?. Where does “law” come from Three traditional sources: Force Religion Communal Needs This belief is a form of Legal Realism.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Law 290 What is law?. Where does “law” come from Three traditional sources: Force Religion Communal Needs This belief is a form of Legal Realism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Law 290 What is law?

2 Where does “law” come from Three traditional sources: Force Religion Communal Needs This belief is a form of Legal Realism as discussed in your book.

3 Types of Laws in U.S. Constitutional Law Statutory Law Common Law Contract Law

4 Constitutional Law Compact of Society Supreme Law of Land Supreme Court has final say: in theory More on this later

5 Statutory Law Laws enacted by legislative body Federal level: Congress State level: Georgia Legislature Local level: County Commission or City Council Administrative Law is where the legislative body has assigned their authority to parts of the executive branch

6 An aside: The three legged stool Article 1 of the Constitution: Congress Article II of the Constitution: President Article III of the Constitution: Courts

7 Common Law Courts make law by rendering rulings---judge made law Two types: Law: court interpretations of Constitutional, Statutory and Contract Law Equity: notions of justice and fair play MUST BE NO remedy provided by law

8 Remedies in Equity T he “law” (i.e. constitutional, statutory, or contract) provide no remedy There is an unfairness to what is happening The party harmed has done no wrong: has clean hands and must have treated others fairly The party seeking help must have been diligent, otherwise Laches applies Laches: doctrine in equity that equity will not help if the harmed party was not vigilant

9 Precedent and Stare Decisis Stare Decisis: to stand upon the established case law Case Law: Appellate Court Decisions are Reported Binding Authority: The precedent is set by a higher court A Georgia Supreme Court’s interpretation of a Georgia Statute is binding authority on a Georgia Superior Court

10 Federal System State System Court Systems

11 Federal System Created by Article III of the Constitution Congress really could change the Court system Supreme Court---the only defined court Judges serve for good behavior

12 Federal Courts S upreme Court Circuit Courts of Appeal District Courts Bankruptcy Courts Special Federal Courts (Tax, Trade, Claims)

13 State Courts(Georgia is example) S upreme Court Court of Appeals Superior Courts State Courts Magistrate Courts Probate Courts City Courts

14 Jurisdiction Subject Matter Jurisdiction: the Court has authority to hear the case (or is the Court a Court of Limited Jurisdiction) Personal Jurisdiction: the Court has authority over the party or the property Original/Appellate Jurisdiction: Trier of Fact (Original) vs. review the proceedings below (Appellate) Venue: is the Court the best location for the trial Criminal: where the crime occurred Civil: where the Defendant resides

15 Federal Court’s Limited Jurisdiction Federal Question: Cause of Action is based in Federal law U.S. Constitution, USCA, treaty, federal regulations Diversity of Citizenship Complete Diversity of Citizenship between Plaintiffs and Defendants controversy must involve more than $75,000 Removal: taking a case out of State Court because of Diversity

16 A Court Case: Complaint: You done me wrong Song Summons and Service Answer and Defenses Discovery Deposition Interrogators Request for Documents/Admissions

17 A Court Case Cont.: P re-trial Motions Mediation Trial Post Trial motions Appeal Enforcing the Judgment

18 Finding the Law Codification of Statutory Law: (OCGA and USCA) Reported Case Law Index, Digest and Online Research of Law

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