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Air Smog from factories can pollute the AIR.. climate A tropical CLIMATE is typically hot and wet throughout the year with heavy, frequent rainfall.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Smog from factories can pollute the AIR.. climate A tropical CLIMATE is typically hot and wet throughout the year with heavy, frequent rainfall."— Presentation transcript:

1 air Smog from factories can pollute the AIR.

2 climate A tropical CLIMATE is typically hot and wet throughout the year with heavy, frequent rainfall.

3 earthquake An EARTHQUAKE can cause major damage to and ecosystem.

4 landform

5 landslide

6 mountain

7 natural resource

8 plain bison grazing on the Great PLAINS in the Midwestern United States

9 precipitation drizzle rain sleet dry snow wet snow

10 rain gauge

11 valley Death Valley National Park California & Nevada, USA Schroters Valley on the Moon, photographed by Apollo 15

12 weather

13 weathering

14 wind vane

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