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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Founding the Colonies What affects your culture?

4 $100 Answer from Founding the Colonies Geography

5 $200 Question from Founding the Colonies Name the 3 Colonial Regions

6 $200 Answer from Founding the Colonies New England, Middle, Southern

7 $300 Question from Founding the Colonies Why did people first come to the colonies? 2 reasons

8 $300 Answer from Founding the Colonies Religious Freedom and economic opp

9 $400 Question from Founding the Colonies What country was also establishing colonies in North America?

10 $400 Answer from Founding the Colonies France

11 $500 Question from Founding the Colonies Describe the relationship between the Natives and the French.

12 $500 Answer from Founding the Colonies Were treated like trading partners

13 $100 Question from New England Colonies Name the New England Colonies

14 $100 Answer from New England Colonies New Hampshire, Mass, Conn, Rhode Island

15 $200 Question from New England Colonies Describe the Geography

16 $200 Answer from New England Colonies Rocky soil, poor farming, relied on fishing

17 $300 Question from New England Colonies What was the time period known as that saw mass hysteria as a result of the New England Way?

18 $300 Answer from New England Colonies Salem Witch Trials

19 $400 Question from New England Colonies What is the vocab. For farming only enough for your family?

20 $400 Answer from New England Colonies Subsistence Farming

21 $500 Question from New England Colonies Describe the New England Way.

22 $500 Answer from New England Colonies Hard work, no play, tell truth, just pray

23 $100 Question from Middle Colonies Name the Middle Colonies

24 $100 Answer from Middle Colonies NY, NJ, Delaware, Penn

25 $200 Question from Middle Colonies Describe geography

26 $200 Answer from Middle Colonies Mild winters, fertile soil, many waterways

27 $300 Question from Middle Colonies Name the two waterways

28 $300 Answer from Middle Colonies Hudson, and Delaware Rivers

29 $400 Question from Middle Colonies Which colony was established by the Quakers, promoted religious freedom and also being nice to natives?

30 $400 Answer from Middle Colonies Penn

31 $500 Question from Middle Colonies What was New York called when it was under Dutch control?

32 $500 Answer from Middle Colonies New Netherland

33 $100 Question from Southern Colonies Name the Southern Colonies

34 $100 Answer from Southern Colonies Maryland, Virginia, N, S Carolina, GA

35 $200 Question from Southern Colonies Describe Geography

36 $200 Answer from Southern Colonies Long growing season, very fertile soil

37 $300 Question from Southern Colonies What type of farming emerged as a result of the South’s geography?

38 $300 Answer from Southern Colonies Plantation farming

39 $400 Question from Southern Colonies What colony was a safe haven for debtors?

40 $400 Answer from Southern Colonies Georgia

41 $500 Question from Southern Colonies What labor force did slavery overtake and why?

42 $500 Answer from Southern Colonies Indentured servants

43 $100 Question from Everything Female headed society

44 $100 Answer from Everything Matrilineal

45 $200 Question from Everything What region were the Iroquois from?

46 $200 Answer from Everything Northeast U.S.

47 $300 Question from Everything What technological advancement had the most impact on the ideas of the Reformation?

48 $300 Answer from Everything Printing Press

49 $400 Question from Everything Name the horrible passage taken by the slaves.

50 $400 Answer from Everything Middle Passage

51 $500 Question from Everything What was the name of the first permanent English settlement and what obstacles did it overcome?

52 $500 Answer from Everything Jamestown – everyman for himself mentality, Greed, poor soil, relying too much on Natives

53 Final Jeopardy What was the name of the Colonial Trade Route ? What three countries did it involve? What economic policy did this illustrate and how?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Triangular Trade England, Africa and the Colonies Mercantilism – all resources taken from the colonies to make the mother country rich

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