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Creating a More Elder- Friendly Healthcare Workforce NY Connects Genesee Care Options Genesee County Office for the Aging Genesee Community College.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a More Elder- Friendly Healthcare Workforce NY Connects Genesee Care Options Genesee County Office for the Aging Genesee Community College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a More Elder- Friendly Healthcare Workforce NY Connects Genesee Care Options Genesee County Office for the Aging Genesee Community College

2 Solutions to Workforce Challenges  Goal: “Preparing an elder-friendly aging- sensitive nursing workforce in the Genesee-Orleans –Wyoming- Livingston region”.  Working Together: Genesee Community College Nursing Program and the Long Term Care Task Force, under the leadership of NY Connects Genesee Care Options/OFA, work together to develop and implement the GCC Geriatric Clinical Rotation.

3 Long Term Care Task Force Collaboration  GCC’s Lifespan Nursing Course: Geriatric Clinical Rotation and Gundersen-Lutheran Respecting Choices ACP Facilitator Training.  Long Term Care Task Force host agencies: agency visits and one on one well elder visits with nursing students.

4 Student Activities  Well elder home visits Assessment, health teaching  Community agency visits  Respecting Choices Individual and group presentations  Long Term Care

5 Long Term Care Task Force Actions  Collaboration with agencies  Well elder client enrollment and coordination  Americorps Member  Data Collection and Analysis Well elder surveys Student pre and post tests

6 Creating a More Elder Friendly Workforce Change in Student Perceptions towards Older Adults

7 Surveys & Testimonials  Surveys and testimonials from RN Students validate the change in attitude and knowledge regarding their work with older adults.  Students particularly surprised by the range of community and home based support services available. Most only vaguely aware of prior to this experience.  Many stated that their perceptions of older adults changed and they would be more favorable in working with older adults in their nursing career.

8 Results  193 RN Students complete Geriatric Clinical Rotation August ’08 through December ’09  Awareness of resources  Perceptions of the well elder  Value of ACP  Health needs of older adults  Collaboration within the community

9 Future – Sustainability of Initiative  Curriculum development completed  Working relationships with agencies established and ongoing  Involvement and recruitment of well elders  Tracking and scheduling systems in place Americorp Member  Training Kit for implementation in other nursing programs



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