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Toward Revolution 1763-1776. 1763  Enforcement of the Revenue Act  Ineffectiveness of royal governors  Deployment of 10,000 man army in North America.

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Presentation on theme: "Toward Revolution 1763-1776. 1763  Enforcement of the Revenue Act  Ineffectiveness of royal governors  Deployment of 10,000 man army in North America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toward Revolution 1763-1776

2 1763  Enforcement of the Revenue Act  Ineffectiveness of royal governors  Deployment of 10,000 man army in North America  No settlement west of the Appalachians  4 new French colonies

3 Consumer Revolution

4 The Consumer Revolution  What were advantages and disadvantages of the consumer revolution for the colonists?  Balance of payments  Living standards  Land disputes

5 Land Disputes  How did disputes over land differ among the four colonial regions?  Manors  Pennsylvania v. Connecticut settlers  Rebels and Regulators

6 Land Disputes

7 Imperial Administration  How did Imperial Administration change the relationships with the colonists?  Trade and troops  National debt

8 Primary Source  Read and annotate the letter from the secretary of Indian Affairs to a British official in England.  What are his observations?  What is his point?

9 With a partner  Discuss two inferences you can make  Devise a CQC with one of the inferences Example: Despite the proclamation of 1763, American colonists were still settling west of the Appalachins. As a result crimes against native Americans continued to occur: “the murder of the eight Mississiagaes …..cruelty.” The consequence of the secretary relaying these details to his apparent British superiors was likely to bring more restrictions on the colonists as trade was likely affected by the conflicts between Indians and settlers.

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