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VTAC Seminar [July/August 2014]. About VTAC VTAC administers application services for: Tertiary courses SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Scholarships.

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Presentation on theme: "VTAC Seminar [July/August 2014]. About VTAC VTAC administers application services for: Tertiary courses SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Scholarships."— Presentation transcript:

1 VTAC Seminar [July/August 2014]

2 About VTAC VTAC administers application services for: Tertiary courses SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Scholarships Admissions tests (STAT and ALSET) VTAC also: Calculates and issues the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) for VCE students. Provides information and enquiry services including telephone, email, blog, Facebook and Twitter.

3 Register as a VTAC user Get VTAC ID and PIN Submit a course application Receive offer advice by email Submit SEAS if applicable SEAS reviewed and ranked Complete selection requirements and additional considerations Pay processing and audition fees Submit scholarships application Receive scholarships advice Scholarship submissions are reviewed and allocated based on criteria

4 Course types through VTAC VET courses Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Diploma Advanced Diploma Year 12 under 20 will be govt. subsidised

5 Course types through VTAC Higher Education courses Undergraduate Advanced Diploma Associate Degrees Bachelor Masters Graduate entry teaching

6 Applicant groups Year 12 defined Current year 12 students Previously completed year 12 with no post-secondary studies or have post-secondary studies up to Cert III Other applicants defined Previously attempted or completed post secondary study at certificate IV or above, or Currently enrolled in Year 12 but also have cert IV or above, or Has no secondary studies and no post-secondary studies at certificate IV or above.

7 What to consider when reading the course entry Course types through VTAC Course codes and fees Applicant groups Selection data table Selection criteria table Prerequisites Selection requirements Additional considerations Enrolment considerations


9 Selection data table

10 Selection criteria table

11 Selection criteria table continued

12 Top tips for reading a course entry Year 12 is broader than current year 12 students CY12 should read the detail to identify exemptions e.g. no CY12 has to sit STAT for Victorian courses through VTAC Only some applicants may be required to complete specific requirements or considerations Selection data – last year’s info

13 Understanding the application processes Courses, Special consideration (SEAS) Scholarships, VTAC Personal Statement

14 Registration as a VTAC User Once registered an individual can: apply for courses apply for scholarships book admissions tests change personal details change PIN access messages from VTAC view ATAR (current Victorian Y12 only)

15 Registration – Registration – are you a current year 12? Students need to verify: their identification as a current year 12 or non-current year 12 applicant

16 Registration: Registration: Residency status – Eligibility to apply through VTAC?

17 Top tips for registration Register once Use date of birth and name as with VASS/CourseLink Personal email not school’s! Australian address Include a four digit PIN Ensure registration as a CY12

18 The VTAC User account

19 Course application Can list up to 12 courses/institutions Preference order – always list them in the order you want to get into the course NOT the order you think you will get into the course Course preferences To add course preferences: Select institution and/or course or type in the course code. To move a course on the preference list use the up/down buttons. To delete a course use the x button.

20 After you apply for courses Applicants can: view or change your course application pay the fees associated with processing the application apply for SEAS complete and submit the VTAC Personal Statement print your documentation cover sheet view your offers

21 VTAC Personal Statement Should only be completed if required by the course. Selection requirements Additional consideration If not required by the course, the course isn’t required to consider the information.

22 Preference and permissions Can be changed and updated Main round deadline: 14 Jan 2015

23 Payment is online via debit or credit card or PayPal. Processing fees: $28.00 timely $93.00 late $119.00 very late Payment

24 Allows consideration for disadvantage that has affected education Consideration granted depends on: Level of disadvantage Impact Supporting evidence Does not guarantee an offer Quality not quantity is the key We advise everyone to apply for Category 1 (it’s a tick) Special entry access schemes (SEAS)

25 Key Messages Impact on Education Short-term disadvantage Short-term disadvantage Long-term disadvantage Long-term disadvantage Evidence is the key

26 SEAS categories

27 Scholarships through VTAC Merit Access Equity Commonwealth Merit Access Equity Commonwealth Encourage all to apply Not just academic No application, no chance!

28 Scholarships not through VTAC Apply directly to institutions Keep checking, new ones are available continually Further information at

29 Impact statements and Statements of Support Book medical appointments now Impact statements in own words Be honest Describe the situation Describe the impact on education Statements of support Personal and linked to impact Generic disadvantage everyone Complete statements Last minute rush use the VCAA process First time you’ve heard about it? You’re not the right person for support. First time you’ve heard about it? You’re not the right person for support.

30 Electronic evidence Can only be collected if: The CRN belongs to the person claiming The student’s name is on the Benefit statement If the number provided is not the student’s, Centrelink will not release information.

31 Paper evidence If the document provided is not the student’s, they must detail the relationship to person on statement. If your name is included as a dependent, you must detail your relationship.

32 Top tips for evidence Statement of support Timeline of condition or circumstance Knowledgeable comments about the condition or circumstance Must support and reinforce the circumstances Comments on how the condition of circumstance has affected the student’s educational performance Impact statement Honest, heartfelt, unscripted

33 Scaling and the ATAR

34 The ATAR Is not a score Is not out of 100, it is a rank between 0.00 and 99.95 An ATAR of 75.00 means in the top 25% of the Year 12 age group. Very few courses select only on the ATAR.

35 Calculating the ATAR Primary 4: English plus three other permissible scorable studies + 5 th and/or 6 th increment

36 With scored assessment: Treated as a ‘traditional’ VCE study Cannot choose not to sit a scored assessment to get an increment Without scored assessment: May be counted as increment Increment will be 10% of the average of the primary four How studies are used in the calculation of the ATAR: VCE VET

37 How studies are used in the calculation of the ATAR: Higher Education increments Can count as a 5 th or 6 th increment only Where the average mark over all the HE units awarded is: at least 90 = 5.0 at least 80 but less than 90 = 4.5 at least 70 but less than 80 = 4.0 at least 60 but less than 70 = 3.5 at least 50 but less than 60 = 3.0

38 Restrictions on subject use in the ATAR calculation Only one of the following combinations can be used in the best six English/English as an Additional Language (EAL) Chinese (FL)/Chinese (SL)/ Chinese SL Advanced) Indonesian (FL)/Indonesian (SL) Japanese (FL)/Japanese (SL) Korean (FL)/Korean (SL) Mathematical Methods/Mathematical Methods (CAS) In each of the study areas of English, mathematics, history, Contemporary Australian studies, information technology, languages and music: At most: two results contribute to the primary four three results contribute to the ATAR.

39 VFE - 2015 and beyond: VFE only used in ATAR if fewer than 6 VCE or VCE VET studies available. If 6 or more VCE or VCE VET studies (scored or unscored) available VFE Block Credit will not be used. Further information is available on the VCAA website:

40 Scaling - Background The VCE study score is not a score out of 50. A 40 – individual performed better than 91% Middle student – study score of 30 This means a 30 in one study isn’t equivalent to a 30 in another VTAC scales studies to take into account the strength of competition. Strength of competition is measured by how well the students in that study performed all studies. Fair comparisons can be made regardless of the studies taken

41 How studies are scaled Scaling adjusts the study scores in each study is an accurate measure of performance across all studies. The strength of competition in each study is measured Where more competitive – the study scores are scaled up Where less competitive – the study scores were scaled down. VCE studies are always scaled in the year in which they were undertaken.

42 Doing studies scaled up doesn’t guarantee…

43 Doing studies scaled down doesn’t mean…

44 ATAR release to Victorian students VCE ATAR released at 7am Monday 15 December 2014 SMS Internet Mail delivery beginning next day

45 ATAR release to Victorian secondary providers 3pm 14 December 2014 For the primary purpose of counselling Identifying students who may be at risk The ATAR owned by VTAC and student Cannot be distributed to other teachers or staff, parents or anyone else without the express WRITTEN permission of the student New Commonwealth privacy legislation – potential $1.7m fine

46 Terms and conditions of release of data Prior to 10am Monday 15 December 2014: ATAR may not be used or distributed to anybody not directly involved in course and careers counselling Nobody may contact a student for any purpose including: the use of the data for marketing, promotional purposes or determining school based awards seeking permission for advising media; teachers or any other persons After 10am Monday 15 December 2014: anonymous, aggregated data may be used by the school for whatever reason they see appropriate

47 Responsibilities The user or person with access to CourseLink has responsibilities when: Downloading the file Forwarding the file There are consequences for breaches including: The matter will be referred to the Privacy Commissioner The immediate withdrawal of the early release of ATARs for a minimum of two years.

48 Change of preference VCE closes: 12noon Monday 22 December Early year 12 international closes: 4pm Tuesday 16 December IB closes: 3pm Monday 5 January 2015

49 Selection requirements Things to consider for change of preference Additional considerations Can the course be added? Last year’s selection data

50 Offer rounds Offers are conditional to: meeting eligibility requirements providing full and correct information attending enrolment After receiving an offer, applicants are still eligible for offers to higher preferences Didn’t receive an offer in Round 1? Still eligible in other rounds

51 Offer rounds Early international offers are available 22 December if: Currently enrolled in VCE studies Paid the course processing fee by the earlier payment date Delivered via email

52 International and Round 1 and Round 2 offers Paid the course processing fee Delivered via email Round two if applied for codes ending in 1, 2 and 4 automatically be considered for higher preferences or all preferences if no offer is received

53 Offer dates Early international: 22 December via email International: 9 January via email Round 1: 19 January via email Round 2: 5 February via email Available from user account also from 2pm

54 Negotiated offers Available after Round 1 offers are made Can be used to apply for courses: Lower than the preference already offered Not included on preference list Apply through VTAC User Account

55 Negotiated offer status Pending While ‘Pending’ applicants can remove or submit another request for a different course. Users can only have one negotiated offer request ‘Pending’ at any one time. Approved Offered a place in that course in the next round of offers. Overrides all preferences listed on course application. Won’t be offered from that course you will not be offered a place in that course. Permitted to submit another request for a different course. Wait to be considered for higher preferences. Rejected

56 Supplementary offers For applicants who have given permission and: Not received an offer Great last chance option

57 Resources This section covers a range of resources for Year 10, 11 and 12 students And Careers practitioners

58 Resources Social Media for applicants Social media for careers practitioners

59 Resources Resources Year 10 and Year 11 students

60 Key messages for Year 10 students Choose a broad range of studies Choose studies that you enjoy Be realistic Don’t rely on scaling Pathways exist

61 Resources Resources: Year 12 students and parents

62 Key messages for Year 12 students and parents Your ATAR does not define you There are always other ways of achieving what you want Be realistic Consider all options, not just what you think you want Attend open days Use all resources available to you

63 Resources Resources – VTAC CourseSearch

64 CourseSearch shortlist

65 Resources Resources Student CourseLink

66 Resources: Resources: Teacher access CourseLink Password protected Data management and counselling tool Daily student preferences Selection data Indicators for registration, payment and offers Early release of the ATAR Offer lists Enrolment details

67 Student data screen New registration indicator

68 Student data page

69 Course preferences, offers and receipts

70 Application demonstrations Available from 7 August Available from:

71 Reminder about social media and contacts Email:

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