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Develop Communication Skills Using Social Media Department of Foreign Languages Carlos G. Garcia 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Develop Communication Skills Using Social Media Department of Foreign Languages Carlos G. Garcia 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop Communication Skills Using Social Media Department of Foreign Languages Carlos G. Garcia 1

2 Agenda Introduction – Dr. Reynol Junco research Background What I am doing? What else I am doing? Students’ comments Q&A 2

3 Introduction Dr. Reynol Junco research Describe with one word: – Social Media – Facebook – Twitter 3

4 Introduction Dr. Reynol Junco research 4

5 Introduction Dr. Reynol Junco research 5

6 Introduction Dr. Reynol Junco research 6

7 Background Teaching Foreign Languages Writing Skills Comprehension skills Oral skills Grammar Writing different types of documents Listening Finding the Main Idea Pronunciation Organize ideas logically 7

8 Background Teaching Foreign Languages Classroom of the 70’sClassroom of the 90’s 8

9 Background Teaching Foreign Languages Current Classroom Active learning – students solve problems, answer questions, formulate questions of their own, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class Cooperative learning – students work in teams on problems and projects under conditions that assure both positive interdependence and individual accountability Inductive teaching and learning – students are first presented with challenges (questions or problems) and learn the course material in the context of addressing the challenges. – Dr. Felder. STUDENT-CENTERED TEACHING AND LEARNING. sers/f/felder/public/Student- Centered.html 9

10 What I am doing? (once per week) Class PlanLecture + Class Activity In groups of three prepare 6 sentences using: – Future tense – First, second and third person of the singular (I, You and He/She/It) – Write them down in a piece of paper – When you are ready, raise your hand 5 minutes – Objective 5 minutes – Introduction What do they know? – Poll Everywhere Poll Everywhere – Question: What do you know about future tense? 10 minutes – Lecture 30 minutes: – Class Activity (SPAN202 W4 group 3)SPAN202 W4 group 3 Homework - Journal 10

11 What I am doing? AudioBoo – Record begins: Students speak out loud their sentences. Instructor speaks out loud their sentences. – Record ends. – Listen to the Boo. span202-w4-group-3 span202-w4-group-3 – Compare and contrast their pronunciation with instructor pronunciation. 11 John: El caballo correrá en el campo. Mañana ire al cine. Mara: Este fin de semana viajaré a mi casa. Hoy comeré pizza. Stephanie: Estudiaré mucho hoy. Trabajaré este fin de semana En mi proyecto.

12 What I am doing? Homework: – Post at the Facebook page what you will do this weekend, using:Facebook Future tense First, second and third person of the singular (I, You and He/She/It) 12

13 What else I am doing? Three hundred and four hundred courses – Online discussions: Synchronous Asynchronous 13

14 Students’ comments Poll Everywhere 14

15 Q&A 15

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