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Meal Plans and ID Card. Uses of ID Card Identification Card Access to Services Meal Plans Cougar Bucks (Debit Plan for On Campus Purchases) Bank Debit.

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Presentation on theme: "Meal Plans and ID Card. Uses of ID Card Identification Card Access to Services Meal Plans Cougar Bucks (Debit Plan for On Campus Purchases) Bank Debit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meal Plans and ID Card

2 Uses of ID Card Identification Card Access to Services Meal Plans Cougar Bucks (Debit Plan for On Campus Purchases) Bank Debit Card (Off Campus Purchases)

3 Cougar Card Facts Property of SIUE Call to discontinue your card if lost or stolen Card will not be activated till student is financially cleared $15.00 replacement fee for lost cards

4 Meal Plan Options Mandatory 60/40 Plan Voluntary Meal Plan Cougar Privilege Plan Cougar Bucks Debit Plan

5 Mandatory 60/40 Meal Plan Plan A $1,450.00 Plan B $2,000.00 40% Dining Dollars placed on ID card Plan A: $580.00 Plan B: $800.00 60% Discount given at cash register on food purchase. ($6.00 meal will cost $2.40)

6 Mandatory 60/40 Meal Plan (cont.) Exempt from sales tax Merchandise purchases at Union Station will not receive discount Dining Dollars refunded at the end of the spring semester Required for all Residence Hall students Optional for Cougar Village and Evergreen

7 Voluntary Meal Plan Available for Cougar Village and Evergreen Hall Available in increments of $100, $250, and $500 Sales tax

8 Cougar Privilege Meal Plan Incentive meal plan Minimum deposit of $100.00 Receive an additional 10% bonus Use at all food venues and vending machines Subjest to sales tax

9 Cougar Bucks – Deposit Options Service Center – Minimum of $10.00 CSVT (Card System Value Terminals) Machines – Located in Library and Residence Halls – Minimum of $1.00 Mail the form to Service Center Up and Coming – Web Payments

10 Cougar Bucks Voluntary Debit Plan All Food Venues Vending Machines Textbook Service Bookstore Bowling & Billiards Prints & Design Campus Copiers Computer Printing Lab Pharmacy Parking Service Laundry Machines Art & Design Store

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