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Contribute to WHS Processes HLTWHS300A

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1 Contribute to WHS Processes HLTWHS300A
#4 Communicating about WHS in the workplace. This session has two activities which will take in total 2 hours.

2 Topics to be discussed Share information on safe work practices and work procedures : What should be shared? Normal workplace WHS consultation Safe work practices & procedures How to supervise, monitor & coach less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely Accurately recording incidents & completing associated workplace documentation How you can contribute to WHS participation processes

3 Share information on safe work practices & procedures
What should be shared to make sure your workplace is safe? Hazard, incident and investigation reports Workplace inspection reports Incident investigation reports Minutes of meetings Job Safety Analyses (JSAs) and risk assessments Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and registers Employees handbooks Manufacturers' manuals and specifications Information from OHS representatives Reports from OHS committee Information from external sources on hazards/risk relevant to work group

4 Share information on safe work practices & procedures
Organisations usually undertake consultation regarding WHS issues such as: changes to policies, work practices and procedures changes to premises, plant or substances used at work conducting workplace risk assessments incorporating new health and safety requirements for compliance purposes making decisions about the adequacy of workplace facilities making decisions about the organisation’s consultative procedures reviews of policies, procedures and work practices risk control.

5 Safe work practices & procedures
Safe work practices & procedures include: Standard operating procedures Following product specifications Operator or manufacturer manuals Procedures for selecting, fitting, using and maintaining personal protective equipment (PPE) Storage and maintenance

6 Supervision & monitoring
Supervision and monitoring of less experienced members of the workgroup involves: supervision in the practice environment student placements working with stakeholders & external people (unfamiliar with work area)

7 Guiding & coaching less experienced staff
Providing guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely involves: Providing guidance and explanation on implementation of work and organisation procedures Providing feedback Providing encouragement Assisting with problem solving Tell your partner a time when you were responsible for explaining a safety policy or teaching someone else a safety routine or procedure . What was the benefit of what you did?

8 Recording Accurately recording incidents and completing associated workplace documentation will involve: incident reports, hazard reports, grievance/ complaints reports Job checklists, schedules, workplace inspection checklists

9 Contribute to WHS participative processes
How can you contribute to WHS participative processes? Raise / report / identify WHS issues Participate in workplace meetings (join workplace WHS committee, groups, become a WHS rep) Conduct workplace inspections or other consultative activities to improve safety Provide assistance to contribute to workplace safety (assist workplace WHS committee, rep, contribute to workplace safety activities) Watch DVDs: 1. Workplace Safety video – a story of a bucket 2. Workplace ads – Bakery Discuss how better workplace WHS communication could have prevented these incidents

10 Practical WHS activity
Group hazard assessment: Walk into the local area(the street, set of shops, train station) somewhere close & off campus. Make a note of any WHS issues you see. Fill in a WHS hazard assessment form. Come back to the class & organise a WHS meeting to discuss any issues that were found and prioritise risk. Write recommendations on the issues found. Take minutes of the meeting & present your findings to the class

11 Work safely!

12 References Archer R, Borthwick K, Travers M & Ruschena L 2012 WHS: A management guide, 3rd edn., Cengage Learning: Australia Business, web finance incorporated, 2012, accessed 26 July, 2012 Child Care Safety: Manual handling and slips, trips and falls - Family Day Care, online video, accessed 26 July, 2012 Creighton B and Rozen P 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Law in Victoria, 3rd edn., Australia: Federation Press Corey G, Corey MS & Callanan P 2011 Issues and ethics in the helping professions, 8th edn., Cengage Learning: Brookes/Cole , United States Dept of Justice & Attorney General, Working Safely in People’s homes, 2011, Queensland Geldard D & Geldard K 2011 Basic Personal Counselling: A Training Manual for Counsellors, 7th edn., Australia: Pearson education

13 References It only takes a second safety video, online video, accessed 26 July, McDonald C, Craik C, Hawkins L & Williams J 2011 Professional practice in human services organisations, Allen & Unwin, Australia O’Hara A & Pockett R (eds) 2011 Skills For Human Service Practice: Working with Individuals, Groups and Communities, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press, Australia/ New Zealand Quinlan M, Bohle P & Lamm F 2010 Managing occupational health and safety in Australia. A multidisciplinary approach, 2nd edn., South Melbourne Victoria: Palgrave Macmillan Working on a Safer Queensland, online video, Workplace Health & safety Qld, accessed 26 July, Workplace Health & Safety Queensland, The five Steps, 2012 accessed 26 July, 2012, Workplace Safety Australia, National Safety Handbook, 9th edn., Australia & New Zealand

14 Student Resources Websites: General Articles/Journals:
– theory of counselling supervision – Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors – Australian Association of Social Work – source of law materials and legislation – promotes OHS in Australia - Vic Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 - Vic Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007f General Articles/Journals: Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand. CCH Australia Limited Sample Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Psychologists and Counsellors – a guide to practice.

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