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Published byRandolf Simon Modified over 9 years ago
Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Access Project 5 Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 2 Objectives Use date, memo, OLE, and hyperlink fields Use the Input Mask wizard Update fields and enter data Change row and column size
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 3 Objectives Create a form with a subform using the Form wizard Modify a subform design Modify a form design Move and resize fields and labels
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 4 Objectives Change label alignment and size Change the size mode of a picture Change special effects and colors of labels Add a form title and fine-tune the form
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 5 Objectives Change tab stops and tab order Use the form to view data and Web pages Use Date and Memo fields in a query View object dependencies
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 6 Opening a Database Start Microsoft Office Access and open the Ashton James College database, which should be stored in the Data folder on your C: drive
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 7 Adding Fields to a Table If necessary, click Tables on the Objects bar Right-click Trainer Click Design View on the shortcut menu, and then maximize the Microsoft Access – [Trainer : Table] window by double-clicking its title bar Click the position for the new field Type Start Date as the field name, press the TAB key, select Date/Time as the data type, press the TAB key, type Start Date as the description, and then press the TAB key to move to the next field
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 8 Adding Fields to a Table Type Comment as the field name, press the TAB key, select Memo as the data type, press the TAB key, type Comment Concerning Trainer as the description, and then press the TAB key to move to the next field Type Picture as the field name, press the TAB key, select OLE Object as the data type, press the TAB key, type Picture of Trainer as the description, and then press the TAB key to move to the next field Type Web Page as the field name, press the TAB key, select Hyperlink as the data type, press the TAB key, and then type Address of Trainer’s Web Page as the description
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 9 Adding Fields to a Table
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 10 Using the Input Mask Wizard Click the row selector for the Hourly Rate field, and then press the INSERT key to insert a blank row Click the Field Name column for the new field Type Phone Number as the field name and then press the TAB key Select the Text data type by pressing the TAB key Type Phone Number as the description
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 11 Using the Input Mask Wizard Click the Input Mask property box Click the Build button If a dialog box appears asking you to save the table, click the Yes button Ensure that Phone Number is selected Click the Next button You are then given the opportunity to change the input mask
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 12 Using the Input Mask Wizard Because you do not need to change the mask, click the Next button a second time Click the “With the symbols in the mask, like this” option button, click the Next button, and then click the Finish button Click the Close Window button on the Trainer : Table window title bar to close the window When the Microsoft Office Access dialog box appears, click the Yes button to save your changes
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 13 Using the Input Mask Wizard
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 14 Entering Data Using an Input Mask If necessary, click the Tables object on the Objects bar, right-click Trainer, and then click Open on the shortcut menu Make sure the window is maximized Tab to the Phone Number field on the first record Type 5125552512 as the telephone number Use the same technique to enter the remaining telephone numbers as shown on the following slide
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 15 Entering Data Using an Input Mask
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 16 Changing the Row and Column Size Drag the line between the column headings for the Comment and Picture columns to the right to resize the Comment column to the appropriate size Drag the lower edge of the record selector to approximately the position shown on the following slide
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 17 Changing the Row and Column Size
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 18 Creating a Form with a Subform Using the Form Wizard Click the Trainer table, and then click the New Object button arrow on the Database toolbar Click Form Click Form Wizard and then click the OK button With the Trainer Number field selected in the Available Fields box, click the Add Field button Select the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Hourly Rate, YTD Earnings, Start Date, Web Page, Comment, and Picture fields by clicking the field and then clicking the Add Field button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 19 Creating a Form with a Subform Using the Form Wizard Click the Table/Queries box arrow Click Table: Client and then select the Client Number, Name, Amount Paid, and Current Due fields Click the Next button Be sure Datasheet is selected and then click the Next button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 20 Creating a Form with a Subform Using the Form Wizard Ensure Standard style is selected and click the Next button Type Trainer Master Form as the title of the form Click the Subform text box, erase the current entry, and then type Clients as the name of the subform Click the Finish button Close the form by clicking its Close Window button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 21 Creating a Form with a Subform Using the Form Wizard
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 22 Modifying the Subform Design With the Forms object selected, right-click Clients Click Design View on the shortcut menu If the field list appears, click its Close button Click the View button arrow on the Form Design toolbar
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 23 Modifying the Subform Design Click Datasheet View to display the subform in Datasheet view Resize each of the columns by pointing to the right edge of the field selector and double-clicking Close the subform by clicking its Close Window button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 24 Modifying the Subform Design
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 25 Modifying the Form Design Right-click Trainer Master Form Click Design View on the shortcut menu Be sure the window is maximized If the toolbox does not appear, click the Toolbox button on the toolbar Make sure the toolbox is docked at the bottom of the screen. If it is not, drag its title bar to the bottom of the screen to dock it there
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 26 Modifying the Form Design
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 27 Moving and Resizing Fields Click the Picture control and then move the mouse pointer until the shape changes to a hand Drag the Picture control to approximately the position shown on the following slide Drag the lower-sizing handle to approximately the position shown on the following slide Move and resize the Comment control to the approximate position and size shown on the following slide
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 28 Moving and Resizing Fields
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 29 Moving a Label Be sure the Comment field is selected, and then drag the move handle for its label to the position shown
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 30 Changing Label Alignment Click the label for the Trainer Number field to select it Select the labels for the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Hourly Rate, YTD Earnings, Start Date, and Web Page fields by clicking them while holding down the SHIFT key Right-click any of the selected labels
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 31 Changing Label Alignment Click Properties, click the All tab if it is not selected already, and then click the down scroll arrow to display the Text Align property Click Text Align and then click the Text Align property box arrow Click Right to select right alignment for the labels Close the Multiple selection property sheet by clicking its Close button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 32 Changing Label Alignment
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 33 Resizing a Label With all the labels selected, point to the handle on the left edge of the Trainer Number label Double-click the middle-sizing handle on the left edge of the Trainer Number label to resize all the labels
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 34 Changing the Size Mode Right-click the Picture control to produce its shortcut menu, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu Click the Size Mode property, and then click the Size Mode property box arrow Click Zoom and then close the property sheet by clicking its Close button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 35 Changing Special Effects and Colors of Labels Click the Trainer Number label to select it Select each of the remaining labels by holding down the SHIFT key while clicking the label. Be sure to include the Clients label for the subform Right-click one of the selected labels Click Properties on the shortcut menu Click the Special Effect property, and then click the Special Effect property box arrow
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 36 Changing Special Effects and Colors of Labels Click Chiseled If necessary, click the down scroll arrow until the Fore Color property appears, and then click the Fore Color property Click the Build button Click the color blue and then click the OK button Close the Multiple selection property sheet by clicking its Close button, then click the View button to view the form
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 37 Changing Special Effects and Colors of Labels
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 38 Adding a Form Title Click the View button to return to Design view Resize the Form Header section by dragging down the line separating the Form Header section from the Detail section to the approximate position shown in Figure 5-59 on page AC 291 Click the Label tool in the toolbox, and then position the mouse pointer as shown in Figure 5-60 on page AC 291. The shape of the mouse pointer has changed, indicating you are placing a label Click the position, and then type Trainer Master Form as the title Click outside the label to deselect it, and then click the label to select it a second time
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 39 Adding a Form Title Drag the handle in the lower-right corner to the approximate position shown in Figure 5-61 on page AC 292 Right-click the label and then click Properties on the shortcut menu Click the Special Effect property, and then click the Special Effect property box arrow Click Chiseled Click the down scroll arrow to display the Font Size property
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 40 Adding a Form Title Select the 12 pt Font Size Scroll down to display the Font Weight property Click the Font Weight property, click the Font Weight property box arrow, and then click Bold Close the property sheet by clicking its Close button Resize the label to fit the title, and then move the label so it is centered over the form
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 41 Adding a Form Title
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 42 Fine-Tuning the Form Click the Phone Number control, and then drag the right sizing handle to the right to expand the control Click the View button to display the form, examine the Phone Number control to see if it is the size you want, and then click the View button to return to the form design If the Phone Number control is not the desired size, repeat the first two steps until it is Use the previous three steps to resize the Web Page control to the size you want
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 43 Changing a Tab Stop Right-click the Picture control Click Properties on the shortcut menu. Make sure the All tab is selected, click the down scroll arrow until the Tab Stop property appears, click the Tab Stop property, click the Tab Stop property box arrow, and then click No Close the property sheet With this change, tabbing through the controls on the form will bypass the picture
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 44 Changing a Tab Stop
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 45 Changing the Tab Order Click View on the menu bar, click Tab Order on the View menu, and then click the Comment row to select it Drag the Comment field above the Web Page field Click OK Close the window containing the form When asked if you want to save the changes to the design of the form, click Yes
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 46 Changing the Tab Order
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 47 Using the Form to View Data and Web Pages If necessary, click Forms on the Objects bar Right-click Trainer Master Form and then click Open on the shortcut menu Be sure the window containing the form is maximized Click the Next Record button to move to the second trainer Click the subform’s Next Record button twice
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 48 Using the Form to View Data and Web Pages Click the Web Page control If Access displays a dialog box in either this step or the next, follow the directions given in the dialog box When you have finished viewing the trainer’s Web page, click the Close button for the Microsoft Internet Explorer window to return to the form Click the Close Window button to close the form
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 49 Using the Form to View Data and Web Pages
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 50 Viewing Object Dependencies If necessary, click Forms on the Objects bar and then click the Trainer Master Form Click View on the menu bar and then click Object Dependencies When the Microsoft Access dialog box appears stating that Access must update dependency information, click OK Click the “Objects that I depend on” option button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 51 Using Date and Memo Fields in a Query In the Database window, click Tables on the Objects bar, and then, if necessary, select the Trainer table Click the New Object button arrow on the Database toolbar Click Query Be sure Design View is highlighted, and then click the OK button Be sure the Microsoft Access [Query1 : Select Query] window is maximized
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 52 Using Date and Memo Fields in a Query Resize the upper and lower panes and the Trainer field list so all fields in the Trainer table appear Double-click the Trainer Number, First Name, Last Name, Start Date, and Comment fields to include them in the query Click the Criteria row under the Comment field and then type *database* as the criterion Click the Run button on the Query Design toolbar to run toe query Click the View button to return to the Select Query window
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 53 Using Date and Memo Fields in a Query Click the Criteria row under the Start Date field, and then type <1/1/2003 as the criterion Click the Run button to run the query Close the Select Query window by clicking its Close Window button When asked if you want to save the query, click the No button
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 54 Using Date and Memo Fields in a Query
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 55 Summary Use date, memo, OLE, and hyperlink fields Use the Input Mask wizard Update fields and enter data Change row and column size
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 56 Summary Create a form with a subform using the Form wizard Modify a subform design Modify a form design Move and resize fields and labels
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 57 Summary Change label alignment and size Change the size mode of a picture Change special effects and colors of labels Add a form title and fine-tune the form
Access Project 5: Enhancing Forms with OLE Fields, Hyperlinks, and Subforms 58 Summary Change tab stops and tab order Use the form to view data and Web pages Use Date and Memo fields in a query View object dependencies
Office 2003 Advanced Concepts and Techniques M i c r o s o f t Access Project 5 Complete
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