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Finance Miscellany Bill Pearce Ventura County CCD.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance Miscellany Bill Pearce Ventura County CCD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance Miscellany Bill Pearce Ventura County CCD

2 2 Topics Finance Transaction Summary – Beyond Summarized Posting Web-based Cashiering Miscellaneous AR Enhancements JV Upload via Microsoft Access

3 3 What you’re about to see…

4 4 What is a “Bolt-On” Enhancement to Banner that has no impact on baseline (well, minimal impact…) Can be “bolted on” to future releases easily. Rule-driven (GTVSDAX) Mods required only if baseline table changes.

5 5 Finance Transaction Summary – Beyond Summarized Posting VCCCD used baseline summarized posting since going live in 1998: Summarizes selected G/L accounts by posting run Hard to determine out-of-balances Needed local mod to avoid creating OOB’s (document time stamp, collector table) Because of short posting interval, summary was only effective for large feeds

6 6 Finance Transaction Summary – Beyond Summarized Posting Local Summarization Process Baseline summarized posting turned off Summarizes the same as baseline, but for the entire month Process will not run if: –Already run for the fiscal year/period –Chart, Cash, or Funds are OOB (FGRCTRL, FGRCASH, FGRTBEX logic) –Period is not Closed

7 7 Finance Transaction Summary – Beyond Summarized Posting Local Summarization Process (continued) Detail transactions are deleted Saves original transactions for one period Creates Summary document TSUMyypp in FGBTRNH, FGBTRND Updates/replaces sum_post_doc_code in FGBTRNH, FGBTRND Produces control report with hash totals Uses FTMSDAT to define accounts

8 8 Finance Transaction Summary – Beyond Summarized Posting Baseline = FGRACTG Baseline = FGRACTG

9 9 FYSTSUM.sql 6.0 Testing DB - 11/14/04 November17,2004 PEARCE Transaction Summary Process 16:18 Page 1 Chart: 1 Fisc Yr: 05 Period: 05 Document: TSUM0505 *** REPORT CONTROL INFORMATION *** SEQUENCE NUMBER: 1325688 Chart Code 1 Fiscal Year (YY) 05 Fiscal Period (PP) 05 COUNT/HASH TOTAL OF WORK TABLE TRANSACTIONS: 37132/33623174.61 COUNT/HASH TOTAL OF SUMMARIZED TRANSACTIONS: 1189/33623174.61 ALL HASH TOTALS SHOULD EQUAL Possible Errors: PROCESS NOT RUN - ALREADY RUN FOR THIS FY/PERD PROCESS NOT RUN - FGRCTRL, FGRCASH, FGRTBEX OOB PROCESS NOT RUN - PERIOD NOT CLOSED

10 10 Fisc Year TRNH Before TRNH After Count Diff Percent Diff TRND Before TRND After Count Diff Percent Diff 99489472-17-3.481,377758-619-44.95 00961,301776,734-184,567-19.201,157,229971,721-185,508-16.03 011,140,358873,989-266,369-23.361,405,9271,138,410-267,517-19.03 021,219,396946,218-273,178-22.401,394,7531,118,035-276,718-19.84 031,190,779937,658-253,121-21.261,339,8541,086,729-253,125-18.89 041,079,318835,043-244,275-22.631,221,710977,435-244,275-19.99 05 (perd 01-03)264,017204,886-59,131-22.40346,885273,949-72,936-21.03 05 (perd 04)68,35850,890-17,468-25.55112,07778,310-33,767-30.13 05 (perd 05)42,61444,2221,6083.77177,94957,570-120,379-67.65 05 (perd 06)49,49850,9871,4893.01189,67456,739-132,935-70.09 Total6,016,1284,721,099-1,295,029-21.537,347,4355,759,656-1,587,779-21.61

11 11 Web-based Cashiering Purpose: Original idea was to replace separate card-swipers, emulate Student payment After original demo, SBO’s suggested adding optional fees Evolved into almost total replacement for TSAAREV

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31 31 A Couple of Handy Database Triggers Automatic release of holds when payment is made Calculate Student Center Fee based on Academic Year

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40 40 JV Upload via Microsoft Access Loads third-party transactions from external systems to journal voucher documents in Banner Transactions are extracted in a comma- delimited flat file (.csv) CSV file is uploaded by Microsoft Access via an ODBC connection to a locally-defined table, and are processed into the GURFEED table with a sql*plus script Processed by FURFEED and FGRTRNI

41 41 CSV Layout

42 42 CSV File Conditions Doc Code should be 6 characters or less, and can be blank. If entered, will be prefixed with Z1. If blank, will use "J" sequence number Doc Ref should be 8 characters or less, and can be blank Amount can be signed, include 2 decimal places, no commas Debit or Credit Indicator - D or C Description – max 35 characters Account Index - can be blank

43 43 CSV File Conditions (continued) Fund - can be blank. Can default either from Account Index or Org Org - can be blank. Can default either from Account Index or Fund Acct - can be blank. Can default from Account Index Prog - can be blank. Can default from Account Index, Fund if non-blank, or Org if non-blank Actv - can be blank Locn - can be blank Baseline or local rule class

44 44 MS Access Macro 1… Loads the CSV transactions using a macro, which: Clears a local MS Access table (IFTR) Imports the transactions from the.csv file into the MS Access table IFTR Displays the following summary report of the transactions loaded. This should be checked against the control report from the file extract on the external system before continuing.

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46 46 MS Access Macro 2… Loads the MS Access local table to a Banner table Requires sql*plus on the PC Appends the transactions to the Oracle table FZRIFTR. Creates GURFEED rows from any interfaced transactions that have been loaded in Step 1. The system ID that is used for the feed is IFTR in FTMSDAT.

47 47 Run the Banner processes… FURFEED FGRTRNI FGRTRNR AND YOU’RE DONE!

48 48 Questions?

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