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Ashley Comer Amy Doerfler Lyssa Fisher-Rogers Travis Morris Gloria Pagan EDFN 508 July 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Comer Amy Doerfler Lyssa Fisher-Rogers Travis Morris Gloria Pagan EDFN 508 July 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Comer Amy Doerfler Lyssa Fisher-Rogers Travis Morris Gloria Pagan EDFN 508 July 8, 2009

2  Prior to analyzing the Seattle school data, our hypothesis is directional.  Based on current research and personal observations as educators, we are curious to discover whether or not a relationship exists between transience and the academic achievement of students, based on GPA and ITBS math scores.  The null hypothesis states that relocating homes does not affect student achievement, nor does the length of time spent living with a specific area.

3 In order to discover a correlation we analyzed the following variables form the Seattle middle school data set for sixth grade students relevant to school years 2000 and 2001:  Second Semester GPA for 2000- 2001  Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) for Mathematics, Reading, and Language Arts  Living in the same home as the previous year  Length of time living in Seattle  Gender

4  Merriam Webster defines transience as “passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn.”  Our definition refers to the movement of any students in and out of the given school district.  This same term also applies to students who are living within the same Seattle district but may have changed schools prior or during their sixth grade academic school year.

5  Numeric Variable  Mean Score: 41.23  Median Score: 42  Mode: 42  Range: 98  Inter-quartile Range: 25  Standard Deviation: 19.78  Standard Error of Mean:.906  95% Confidence Interval: 41.23-43.042

6  Numeric Variable  Mean Score: 39.19  Median Score: 39  Bi-Modal, 1 and 38  Range: 89  Inter-quartile Range: 27  Standard Deviation: 18.632  Standard Error of Mean:.85  95% Confidence Interval: 37.49-40.89

7  Numeric Variable  Mean: 39.7  Median: 40  Mode: 41  Range: 98  Standard Deviation: 19.3  Standard Error of Mean:.89  Inter-quartile Range: 25  95% Confidence Interval: 37.95 to 41.51

8  Numeric Varible  Mean: 2.6  Median: 2.64  Mode: 4  Range: 4  Standard Error of Mean:.036  Standard Deviation:.85  Inter-quartile Range: 1.18  95% Confidence Interval: 2.53-2.68

9  Ordinal Variable  Median: 4 (11-20 Years)  Mode: 4  Range: 4  Inter-quartile Range: 2 1=2 Years or Less 2=3 to 5 Years 3=6 to 10 Years 4=11 to 20 Years 5=More than 20 Years

10  Nominal variable  Mode: 1.24  Standard Error of Proportion:.02  95% Confidence Interval:.72 to.80

11  We found that concurrent research shows that by and large transient pupils are underperforming compared to non-transient students by as much as 50%. (Demie, 2002)  The sample consisted of 2,403 students, which is considerably larger than the sample we examined from the Seattle Middle School data set.  The researchers studied measures of student background such as name, date of birth, sex, meals status (free/reduced), ethnic background, date of admission or mobility and levels of fluency in English.

12  We were interested in the “Pupil Mobility” research table that showed the comparative performance of mobile and non-mobile, or “stable”, students.  This table shows a positive correlation between achievement and the length of time a student spent in the same school. We found similar correlations in the Seattle-based data as stated in the current research.

13 Correlations GPA 2nd semester 00-01 6th grade math ITBS score GPA 2nd semester 00-01Pearson Correlation 1.000.400 ** Sig. (2-tailed).000 N 552.000432 6th grade math ITBS scorePearson Correlation.400 ** 1.000 Sig. (2-tailed).000 N 432472.000 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

14 Dependent Variable:6th grade math ITBS score Source Type III Sum of Squaresdf Mean SquareFSig. Corrected Model 2275.205 a 3758.4022.130.096 Intercept 365473.7961 1026.68 1.000 hmsame 1965.7111 5.522.019 gender2 75.5991.212.645 hmsame * gender2 213.5721.600.439 Error 128507.326361355.976 Total 762853.000365 Corrected Total 130782.532364 a. R Squared =.017 (Adjusted R Squared =.009) 3. 7. Do you live in the same home as last school year? * gender2 Dependent Variable:6th grade math ITBS score Living in the Same home as Last Yeargender2MeanStd. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound YesMale 43.1861.56740.10546.267 Female 42.4051.55139.35645.455 NoMale 35.4103.02129.46941.352 Female38.4853.28432.02644.944


16 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: GPA 2nd semester 00-01 Source Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Corrected Model 14.070 a 34.6908.167.000 Intercept 2087.3771 3634.860.000 hmsame 2.0271 3.530.061 gender2 4.7811 8.325.004 hmsame * gender2 1.3091 2.279.132 Error 237.746414.574 Total 3260.977418 Corrected Total 251.816417 a. R Squared =.056 (Adjusted R Squared =.049) 3. 7. Do you live in the same home as last school year? * gender2 Dependent Variable: GPA 2nd semester 00-01 Living in Same Home as Last Yeargender2MeanStd. Error 95% Confidence Interval Lower BoundUpper Bound YesMale 2.916.0602.7973.035 Female 2.531.0592.4142.648 NoMale 2.619.1052.4132.826 Female2.499.1122.2792.718


18 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: GPA 2nd semester 00-01 Source Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Corrected Model 10.526 a 91.1701.983.040 Intercept 2345.9611 3978.141.000 famsea 1.6644.416.705.589 gender2 8.1131 13.758.000 famsea * gender2 1.2364.309.524.718 Error 230.578391.590 Total 3111.713401 Corrected Total 241.103400 a. R Squared =.044 (Adjusted R Squared =.022) Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: GPA 2nd semester 00-01 How long has your family lived in Seattle?gender2MeanStd. DeviationN 2 years of lessMale 3.0630.8916120 Female 2.4700.7431817 Total 2.7905.8687937 3 to 5 yearsMale 2.8939.7312423 Female 2.5881.7298227 Total 2.7288.7391850 6 to 10 yearsMale 2.6490.8916142 Female 2.4880.7044240 Total 2.5705.8049082 11 to 20 yearsMale 2.8295.7970062 Female 2.5852.6962862 Total 2.7073.75532124 More than 20 yearsMale 2.7849.7699657 Female 2.5094.7424151 Total 2.6548.76610108 TotalMale 2.8100.81246204 Female 2.5363.71284197 Total2.6756.77638401


20 Dependent Variable:6th grade math ITBS score Source Type III Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig. Corrected Model 6776.526 a 9752.9472.273.018 Intercept 381954.2171 1152.820.000 famsea 5806.53941451.6354.381.002 gender2 53.4431.161.688 famsea * gender2 867.8794216.970.655.624 Error 112649.328340331.322 Total 724207.000350 Corrected Total 119425.854349 a. R Squared =.057 (Adjusted R Squared =.032) Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:6th grade math ITBS score How long has your family lived in Seattle?gender2MeanStd. DeviationN 2 years of lessMale 43.555612.923929 Female 46.500020.2882010 Total 45.105316.8024319 3 to 5 yearsMale 33.809520.0290321 Female 27.578917.6361919 Total 30.850018.9527840 6 to 10 yearsMale 42.974416.3086839 Female 46.000016.5747537 Total 44.447416.3995176 11 to 20 yearsMale 42.563613.4972755 Female 43.322020.2735159 Total 42.956117.26749114 More than 20 yearsMale 39.436419.6400655 Female 43.782620.8080346 Total 41.415820.19568101 TotalMale 40.715117.04002179 Female 42.462019.92257171 Total 41.568618.49850350


22  The Seattle Middle School data identifies that a strong relationship exists between the transience of student populations and their academic achievement.  However, utilizing two-way variance analyses, the data indicates that mobility within a school district has a greater main effect than mobility among districts.  In fact, transferring among districts tends to have a converse effect on student population  In-migrant populations perform better both on ITBS math assessments and on the second semester GPA than students whose families have resided longer within the district.

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