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Published byAbigail Gilbert Modified over 11 years ago
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2012
Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) Baseline review of the Implementation of ISPM6 IPPC Secretariat International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2012
Background Foundation activity
Provides countries with the basis for pest listing, determination of status and categorization ISPM No. 6 Guidelines for Surveillance approved 1997 Implementation Review and Support System initiated 2011 focuses on ISPM6 as requested by Standards Committee Developed in consultation with the Steward, Expert Working Group on Capacity Development and the APPPC Pest surveillance is a foundation activity of National Plant Protection Organizations (NPPO’s) Output of a pest surveillance activity provide countries with the basis for listing regulated pests, determination of pest status in an area and pest categorization all of which enable the conduct of pest risk analysis In 1997 IPPC approves ISPM No. 6 Guidelines for Surveillance as a basis to guide NPPOs in implementing pest surveillance and in 2011 the IPPC initiates the Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) focusing on ISPM6 as requested by Standards Committee and is also flagged the standard for review under the standard setting work programme The ISPM6 survey was developed in consultation with the Steward, Expert Working Group on Capacity Development and the APPPC
Background cont’d ISPM6 survey administered to 177 contact points in the 7 FAO regions 60% response rate - feedback received from 107 countries to-date Questionnaire also sent to Regional Plant Protection Organizations and shared with staff of FAO The report doesn’t stop here – global baseline analysis feeds into future capacity building activities Serves as baseline input for upcoming APPPC ISPM 6 symposium The ISPM6 survey was administered to 177 contact points in the 7 FAO regions, and feedbackwas received from 107 countries to-date There was a 60% response rate with substantial participation weighted relatively evenly across all seven regions The Questionnaire also sent to Regional Plant Protection Organizations and shared with staff of FAO The report doesn’t stop here – this global baseline analysis will feed into the programme of work for future capacity building activities, as well as serve as preliminary baseline input for upcoming A triple P C ISPM6 symposium
Overview Report presents global analysis of data captured by IRSS ISPM6 survey – includes regional analysis Questionnaire derived from 8 major sections of the text of ISPM6 Respondents presented priority areas countries wish to see added to revised ISPM6 Survey consists of primarily yes/no, multiple choice and open-ended feedback questions Further to the global analysis, report includes discussions from regional IRSS workshops held in January and February 2012 The report presents global information from data captured by the IRSS ISPM6 survey. The consolidated report also includes a regional analysis which will not be presented now, but whose results will be provided to RPPOs The questionnaire was derived primarily from 8 sections of the text of ISPM6 on resources and activities that are part of pest surveillance programmes envisaged by the standard. the 8 major sections of questionnaire cover the policy and legislative environment, organizational structure, competencies and culture, documented procedures, general surveillance, specific surveys, pest diagnostics and resources. the survey itself consisted of primarily yes/no questions, multiple choice questions as well as open-ended feedback questions. Further to the global analysis, the report includes discussions from the regional IRSS workshops that were held in January and February of this year
Methodology Qualitative survey administered covering main sections of ISPM6 Survey data received from 107 countries Raw data cleaned -> sorted by section and region -> transformed/coded where possible into numerical representations Open ended data responses grouped into meaningful patterns/recurrent answers – to maintain individuality/complexity of answers Dichotomous (Yes/No) and Multiple Choice questions throughout survey I will briefly go over the methodology used for the analysis Firstly, it was a qualititative survey covering the main sections of the text of ISPM6 The data was received from 107 countries The raw data was cleaned, sorted by section and region for future analysis and was then coded where possible into numerical representations for ease of analysis All of those open-ended data responses were grouped into any meaningful patterns and recurrent answers so as to maintain the individuality and complexity of many of the answers For the most part, the survey consisted of dichotomous (Yes or No) questions and multiple choice questions throughout the survey
Methodology 8 sections of survey cover:
policy and legislative environment organizational structure competencies and culture documented procedures general surveillance specific surveys pest diagnostics resources To recall the 8 sections of the survey covered: Policies and legislative environment, organizational structure, competencies and culture, documented procedures, general surveillance, specific surveys, pest diagnostics and Available or existing resources
Results Policy and Legislative Environment
Salient features NPPOs are primarily responsible for pest surveillance in the 97% of countries Surveillance responsibilities of NPPOs not limited to regulated pests but also cover non-regulated pests and regulated pests of national concern in more than 80% of countries 65% of countries report that besides NPPOs, other agencies (public or private) are also mandated to perform pest surveillance I will briefly go over some of the salient features of the global results under the section titled Policy and Legislative Environment So, according to the results, NPPOs are primarily responsible for pest surveillance in the 97% of countries The surveillance responsibilities of NPPOs are not only limited to regulated pests but also cover non-regulated pests and regulated pests of national concern in more than 80% of countries 65% of countries report that besides NPPOs, other agencies (public or private) are also mandated to perform pest surveillance As you can see from the pie chart, 59% of respondents indicated that there are written documents in place that establish mandates, functions and responsibilities of those public/private organizations towards to the conduct of pest surveillance
Results Organizational Structure, competences and culture
Salient features Organizational structure and competency to conduct pest surveillance exist in most countries to provide for engagement of relevant stakeholders 50% of countries - pest surveillance programs have well developed and compatible data systems to collect, store and report pest information In regards to the results under Section 2 – Organizational structure, competences and culture While results reveal that organizational structure and competency to conduct surveillance exist in most countries to engage relevant stakeholders, responses also indicated that in 50% of countries, well developed and compatible data systems to collect, store and report pest information exist. When asked if pest surveillance programs or services have procedures to review their performance, 47% of respondents responded positively
Results Documented Procedures
Salient Features Computerized retrieval system for surveillance information used by NPPOs in 51% of countries 45% of countries indicated that their NPPOs have an operational manual for general pest surveillance Overall disparity exists among countries in the systems for information management Under the section 3 titled Documented Procedures Some salient features show that NPPOs in 51% of countries are using computerized retrieval systems for surveillance information NPPOs in 45% of countries indicated that there is an operational manual in place for general pest surveillance 58% of country NPPOs are using GIS coordinates to specify the location of pests detected during pest surveys The global analysis under documented procedures indicates that overall disparity exists among countries in systems for information management
Results General Surveillance
Countries compile pest records from more or less the same kinds of sources (NPPO reports, research organizations, international databases etc.) While 63% of countries indicated that they have national databases of plant pest records, 42% responded that databases are not easily accessible. In regards to the results under the section titled General Surveillance According to results, countries are compiling their pest records from more or less the same kind of resources – including NPPO reports, research organizations, international databases etc) Though, while 63% of countries indicated that they have national databases of plant pest records, 42% of respondents indicated that these databases are not easily accessible by NPPOs.
Results Specific Surveys
Countries generally have more than one organization with authority to decide which crops should be surveyed In many countries (62%), manuals are indicated to be in existence for specific surveys The review of performance of surveys conducted according to existing manuals is uncommon as there is limited public-public and public-private partnerships in specific surveys Under the section titled Specific Surveys Responses indicated that countries generally have more than one organization with the authority to decide which crops should be surveyed In 62% of countries, manuals are indicated to be in place for specific surveys The review of performance surveys conducted according to existing manuals in uncommon as there is limited public-public and public-private partnerships in conducting specific surveys In terms of expenditure coverage, 79% of respondents indicated that there are no agreements in place between NPPOs and industry (or private institutions) to cover expenditures
Results Pest Diagnostics
51% of the countries reported that pest diagnostic services are provided by entities other than the NPPO laboratories Documented procedures for sampling, sample delivery, intermediate storage and disposal are available in 50% of countries Verification of performance or results from NPPO laboratories with other diagnostic laboratories (inside or outside the country) is carried out in 57% of countries Under the Section titled Pest Diagnostics 51% of the countries reported that pest diagnostic services are provided by entities other than NPPO laboratories Results showed that documented procedures for sampling, sample delivery, intermediate storage and disposal are available in 50% of countries The verification of performance or results from NPPO laboratories with other diagnostic laboratories (both inside or outside the country) is carried out in 57% of countries
Results Resources Highly varying scenarios are presented by countries and regions concerning resources Results show that pest surveillance is under-funded and not adequately resourced in terms of personnel, and equipment in most countries Under funding is apparent both within the NPPO budgeting process as well as the lack of support from other public and private agencies, leaving the government as the main sponsor of surveillance activities in the majority of countries Under the section titled Resources There are highly varying scenarios that are presented by countries and regions concerning resources Results do show that pest surveillance is under-funded and not adequately resourced in terms of personnel, and equipment in most countries This under-funding is apparent both within the NPPO budgeting process as well as the lack of support from other public and private agencies, leaving the government as the main sponsor of surveillance activiities in the majority of countries
Results Resources cont’d
When asked what the total annual investment being made by NPPOs to conduct pest surveillance, 45% indicated the investment was under 499,000USD When asked to estimate the total annual investment being made by other public or private organizations, agencies or departments (non NPPO), to conduct pest surveillance in the country, 48% of respondents were not in a position to respond to the question while 42% indicated the investment was under 499,000USD.
Results Resources cont’d
Continuing further with some Resources statistics When asked about human resource sufficiency to carry out activities 42% of countries indicated that resources were insufficient When asked how frequent training programmes were for staff involved in pest surveillance 40% of respondents indicated At least once per year and 34% indicated no programmed training was in place
Conclusions Country feedback generally indicates an un-coordinated approach to surveillance despite the existence of organizational structures, documented mandates and strategic plans for surveillance Little by way of a clear framework for formal liaising between NPPOs and other organizations involved in pest surveillance in regards to surveillance results A common feature in many countries includes inadequate resource allocation and a lack of appropriate technical resources for surveillance The overall situation weakened in most countries by policies, laws and regulations that are not aligned with contemporary global phytosanitary requirements, not explicit on essential actions to support surveillance To conclude Country feedback generally indicated an un-coordinated approach to surveillance despite the existence of organizational structures, documented mandates and strategic plans for survellance As well, there seems to be little by way of a clear framework for formal liassing betweeeen NPPOs and other entities involved in pest surveillance on surveillance results A common feature in many countries includes inadequate resource allocation and a lack of appropriate technical resources for surveillance Finally, the overall situation is weakened for a number of countries by policies, laws and regulations that are not aligned with contemporary global phytosanitary requirements nor aligned on essential actions to support surveillance THAT Concludes the presentation. Thank you.
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