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The Cardiovascular System

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1 The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 11 The Cardiovascular System

2 Heart (Cardiac Muscle)
General continuous, rhythmic beating delivers: to cells thru blood oxygen nutrients hormones electrolytes pump to lungs exchange CO2 for O2

3 Heart Anatomy of the Heart lies in the mediastinum pericardium
medial cavity of the chest big as fist 2nd rib and 5th rib pericardium sac around heart film of serous fluid friction free Pericarditis - inflammation heart wall epicardium - visceral pericardium myocardium - thick cardiac muscle and connective tissue endocardium endothelial lining of heart chambers





8 Chambers of the Heart right atrium right ventricle left atrium
recieves blood “deoxygenated” superior & inferior vena cava tricuspid valve right ventricle pumps blood to lungs pulmonary artery semilunar valve “pulmonary” left atrium recieves blood “oxygenated” pulmonary veins bicupsid(mitral) valve left ventricle pumps blood to body aorta semilunar valve “aortic”

9 Septum Auricles Valves divides chambers (wall)
wrinkled flap like appendages on atria musculi pectinati muscle bundles in atria Valves prevent backflow atrioventricular valves tricupsid valve mitral valve “bicuspid” chordae tendinae white cords anchor flaps of valves attached to papillary muscles semilunar valves pulmonary aortic

10 Cardiac Circulation coronary arteries - O2 and nutrients arise from aorta coronary veins take CO2 & wastes coronary sinus ---> right atrium

11 Cardiac Function General Conduction 70 beats/min
its own conduction system contracts independently Conduction sinoatrial (SA) node “pacemaker” in right atrium ---> depolarization atrical contract internodal fiber bundles depolarization node to node atrioventricular (AV) node junction of atria & ventricle ventricular contraction

12 Atrioventricular Bundle
purkinje fibers rapid impulses failed pacemakers slow h.r. – bradycardia < 60 beats/min rapid h.r. -tachycardia > 100 beats/min fibrillation rapid uncoordinated heart beat

13 Cardiac Cycle Heart Sounds initiated by the SA node Cycle
Systole -contraction ventricles Diastole -relaxed atria fill Heart Sounds auscultation ‘lubb dubb’ Lubb AV valves close Dubb semilunar valves close murmurs abnormal heart sound incompetent valve swishing sound Stenosed- narrow valves


15 Stroke Volume Regulation
Cardiac Output stroke volume volume of blood pumped w/ each beat cardiac output 4900 ml/min ---> 4.9 l/min SV x VR ml/ beat x 70 beats/ min exercise increase SV increase venous return cardiac reserve ability of heart to increase cardiac output Stroke Volume Regulation healthy heart increase SV Starling’s Law of the Heart more cardiac muscle stretches greater stroke volume


17 Regulation of Heart Rate
autonomic nervous system parasympathetic innervation vagus nerve ---> ACH slows h.r. sympathetic innervation speeds h.r. stimulate SA node norepinephrine AV cardiac muscle hormones and ions epinephrine speeds up h.r. Ca++ levels down - h.r. down thyroxine levels up -h.r. up K + levels drop causes abnormal heart rate

18 temperature, gender, exercise, & age
fetus heat h.r. goes up congestive heart failure hypertension worn out and weak age & coronary atherosclerosis

19 Electrocardiogram three basic features of ECG atria P wave- depolarization of atria- atria contract ventricle QRS complex depolarization of ventricles T wave repolarization of ventricles shapes of the waves and the time intervals


21 Disturbances in Heart Rate & Rhythm
myocardial infarction- heart attack Ischemia- lack of oxygen Fibrillation- irregular heart beat Atherosclerosis- narrowing of arteries Artherosclerosis- scar tissue Ca build up

22 Systemic & Pulmonary Circulation
Capillaries ----> cells ----> capillaries ---->venuoles ---> veins ---> superior or inferior vena cava ---> right atrium ---> tricuspid valve --> right ventricle ---> pulmonary valve ---> pulmonary artery ---> lungs ---> pulmonary veins ---> left atrium ---> bicuspid valve --> left ventricle ---> aortic valve ---> aorta --->arteries ---> arterioles ----

23 Blood Vessels General closed system principal types of blood vessels
blood in vessels principal types of blood vessels arteries blood away from heart arterioles capillaries exchange materials w/ cells capillary beds veins venuoles blood toward heart

24 Blood Vessel Wall Major Arteries tunica interna ~ simple squamos
tunica media ~ smooth muscle tunica adventitia ( externa) ~ connective Major Arteries aorta ~ largest artery head and neck carotid, brachiocephalic, subclavian upper limbs and thorax brachial, radial, ulnar abdomen hepatic pelvis and lower limbs renal - kidneys


26 Major Veins Capillaries superior vena cava inferior vena cava
head and neck jugular & subclavian upper limbs and thorax brachial & radial inferior vena cava abdomen hepatic and mesentaric pelvis and lower limbs renal and femoral saphenous (LONGEST VEIN) Capillaries wall only one layer thick exchange between blood & tissues nutrients, oxygen, CO2, & wastes


28 Special Circulation brain hepatic mesenteric Circle of Willis
brain blood barrier hepatic digestive organs liver mesenteric intestine

29 Physiology of Circulation
Pulse expansion and recoiling of artery carotid, brachial, and radial Blood Pressure general systolic / diastolic pressure against walls of artery Gradient auscultatory method 120 mm Hg / 80 mm Hg brachial artery Measuring Ventricular pressure Systolic- contraction Diastolic- relaxation

30 Factors Effecting Blood Pressure
resistance directly related to cardiac output vasoconstriction ~ sympathetic chemicals , temperature, diet Kidneys- blood volume autonomic nervous system Blood viscosity- > resistance variations in pressure hypotension systolic < 100 mm Hg diet hypertension > 140 / 90 sustained myocardium enlarged


32 Cardiovascular Disease
Developmental con genital heart defects Aging atherosclerosis ~ narrowing of veins cholesterol “LDL’s” ~ form plaque ischemic heart disease ~ lack of oxygen angina pectoris ~ heart pains myocardinal infarction ~ heart attack varicose veins ~ venous valves weaken thrombophlebitis

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