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By: Thuan, Norris, Clarissa, Janet, Jose Drug Addiction “Every DRUG can get you addicted. No matter the amount and form of it. What matters is the POISON.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Thuan, Norris, Clarissa, Janet, Jose Drug Addiction “Every DRUG can get you addicted. No matter the amount and form of it. What matters is the POISON."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Thuan, Norris, Clarissa, Janet, Jose Drug Addiction “Every DRUG can get you addicted. No matter the amount and form of it. What matters is the POISON behind it.“

2 Slogan Explanation This slogan explains that drugs are a very powerful substance. Once the drug enters the body, the person will get hooked into the drug and will lose control of themselves. That’s why drugs are bad ! Be smart, and don’t start! P URPOSE The purpose of this campaign is to announce & inform the public that drugs is not a solution to their problems.In fact drugs is an open door that leads in more problems in their lives.The public will be know about the type of ways avoid drugs.We also want to inform the public about the causes and effects of abusing these dangerous substances.

3 We’re trying to get the attention of children, teenagers and men & women that regularly abuse a substance.It has been stated that females and males between the ages of 12 to 17 and 18 to 25 have shown the largest increase of drug abuse over the past two decades (NIDA).. We chose this audience because we want to warn the public that drugs do not respect age and can end people’s life at any moment and at any age. Target Audience

4 Goals Of Campaign We want to motivate the public to stay away from drugs for following reasons: To keep themselves healthy To reduce number people using drugs To prevent people from losing their job, homes and family due to drugs. To inform them that drugs is not a solution to problems, and they are other ways to deal with problems. With our campaign people of all ages will be educated about the dangers of drugs.The public will be more motivated to maintain a healthy life and practice healthy activities that will maintain them away from drugs.

5 Description of drug addiction Addiction to any drug may include these general characteristics. People who are addicted to or who abuse drugs often won't seek medical treatment on their own. People that are addicted to drugs usually suffer from : A heightened sense of visual, auditory and taste perception Poor memory Increased blood pressure and heart rate Paranoid thinking Changing sleep patterns

6 Campaign Method For our campaign method we will host workshops in our community that will provide the public with information about drugs.We will also have a session for parents that will advise them about the different types of ways to talk to their children about drugs. In our workshops we plan to collect funds through selling goods and setting activities for children and adults that will educate them about healthy activities that they can practice everyday.The majority of the activities will involve the whole family to work together. The money collected from the events will be donated to local. rehab centers ! An advertising page will be created on Facebook and Twitter in order to draw the public to support our campaign.Our page will contain pictures of our workshops. A daily newspaper will be publish.The newspaper will contain stories about people that were helped and are being helped by our campaign.

7 Budgeting Salary for members : Leader of organization 75 X 10 = $750 Financial manager 56 X 10 = $560 workers(5 months) = $460 Renting location of workshops: $ 123,051 Advertising: (newspaper, volunteer services )=$ 124,349 Materials for test(paper, computers, ink) : $ 830

8 Reflection What lesson did you learn from the project? People that are addicted to drugs or alcohol can harm themselves physically and mentally.Drug addiction causes a higher chance of getting cancer, cirrhosis, heart, kidney and circulatory problems. How did you solves any issues or conflicts? In our group we didn’t really have any conflict, every single member in group did their part that they were assign. The only conflict was that members can’t meet together to finish the project, as a result we’re using Skype and email in order to communicate with each other to complete this project. What was the most difficult part of this project? The most difficult part of doing this project was trying to research 100% accurate information, because most website are like business you have to pay an amount of budget of get information.

9 Drug Addiction Research. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 13, from Drug addiction: Treatments and drugs - (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 13, from Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved from Statistics of Prescription Drug Abuse, Overdosing, Emergency Room Visits: Foundation for a Drug Free World. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 13, from statistics.html Temple Center for Substance Abuse Research (CSAR). (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 13, from Trends & Statistics | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (n.d.). Retrieved from

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